ex left - same old song and dance


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
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ok here's the deal without getting into too much detail because i have already seen many folks with pretty much the same exact issue.

i was with this girl for 5 years and she flaked once before and i chased and it didnt work then 6 months later i met someone new and she was back within 2 days of finding out.

we moved in together a few months later. i found a sick job i started getting paid BANK. at the end of 2005 she started getting a little fed up with me being kinda messy but wtf the apartment was too small and where was i supposed to put my stuff.. i got a file cabinet and organized my papers but apparently she was at her wits end and had started losing interest. instead of talking to me about how she was feeling she started talking to this dumb hairdresser friend of hers who was telling her to just break up, of course.

so my ex comes home one day and tells me to move out, like right now. i explained that it takes time to find a new place and save up for 1st last security and if we could try to sort things out, but she wasnt having it. so i took 2 days off from work trying to figure out wtf to do while also trying to clean up and address the things that had been bothering her, but she never came home, she stayed at the girlfriends house.

i was unable to find a place in 2 days so she finally comes back with her family and moves all of her $hit out (the lease is in her name mind you). we agreed that i would stay and the lease would get transfered to me and that we would be in touch about financial stuff if need be.

next day i text her asking how it went at the rental office, no answer. a week passes and i was onthe way out to go skiing and theres a flipping eviction letter taped to the door. i call her but she doesnt answer. i call her folks and they had her call me. but she didnt have anything to say about the lease but instead said i would pay 4k to her credit card balance within a month, and she would pay the remianing 2k, and then she rushed off the phone.

i got a little crazy over the next week, senther a couple more long winded texts (no begging or anything), but of course, no flipping reply. finally i stopped trying to contact her altogether.

come to find out this girl took her damn lease with her and moved into another complex owned by the same rental office across town without even telling me what the deal was, thus the eviction letter i got. $%&*

now this is where it gets humorous. my exs best friend has been checking up on me on AIM so i have been putting up funny away messages that arent too obviously fake, pretending i am just perfectly happy and stuff about another girl. i even put a tracker link with her picture and i see the exs friend checked the link like 10 times over a couple weeks. they want gossip, give it to them. i talk about gong out to eat and the movies and museums, etc. i am always busy and up to something FUN.

now, come to find out my ex got about 15 overdraft fees in her bank starting from the time we broke up right before valentines day to march 1. unreal. it appears as though she is trying to maintain the lifestyle i provided for her for so long, and unfortunately for her it isnt working. her parents already paid off her 6k credit card balance and so they are kind of miffed at her and they arent really talking. my ex also had to borow 1500 from someone to pay off her negative bank. NOW she is back in the hole, account negative again and dropping fast. it looks like miss ice queen is having a tough time standing on her own 2 feet. too bad her car that i was paying off is now linked to her bank instead of mine (290/month payment). this girl makes about 550 a week after taxes and has a new apartment (1100/month) and a variety of other bills that total another 750/month including the car.

my ex was very selfish and immature for handling the breakup the way she did, and now she is paying for it literally. of course i am still grieving and somewhere in my demented mind i still want her back, but i know she is not any good for me. i also know that she has ben talking to and maybe even seeing her ex. $%&*

has anyone seen this variation of the "ex left me boo hoo" story with any sort of insight on wtf this crazy broad might do next (in regards to trying to contact me) considering she is more than broke all over again and wont be able to pay even small bills after having already borrowed 7500 from people!?

oh and dont worry, i am NOT contacting her and in the off chance she does call, i wont be answering the phone. :) it would be nice to have her stalk me a little though or try to come back crawling. i am getting too old for this crap, strictly DJ from here on out.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Be careful, she may try and get you back for the money.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Women are notorious for being predictable in being unpredictable in their actions; however their underlying reason for doing so remains predictable. You've been through this song and dance before so you shouldn't be surprised at why she'll do whatever she does next. Don't waste energy worrying about exactly what she will do, just be ready to understand why.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
I LOVE hearing shyt like this! Girl gets hers. Be prepared for her to try to pawn financial responsibility on you. I had a girl break my heart, force me out of MY house, try to steal MY deposit, and send forged veterenary bills in my name for her new BF's dog! They are ridiculous.

Anybody else here heard this one???
(chick broke my heart, for another guy, we were still living together, I was going INSANE)

Her: "can I borrow 50 bucks so I can get my birth control this month?"
I can laugh about it now, but I dont even remeber how I responded, but it wasnt pretty.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
haha you guys are great. this girl is a fool for leaving me. i spoiled her rotten but my only mistakes were not sitting her down and initiating more communication, and also leting myself go (i workd 60 hour weeks in january to get the sick promotion i got literally 2 days after she left).

correct me if i am wrong here but i only see 2 options as far as what to expect from her a$$ next:

1) nothing, she will suck it up, borrow MORE money from God knows who, and continue to move on
2) she will start calling me realizing i am moving on and havent been trying to conact her, she will realize she is flat broke and in the hole and maybe made the wrong decision and try to have the 'talk' i tried to have with her when she left (with the intention of me supporting her and the lifestyle i provided her once again)

whats the track record show? i am new to this arena.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
3) She is going to get completely wierd and do crazy shyt that makes no sense whatsoever, and even if she doesnt want you back, she will fvck with your life just for dramas sake. She will not have it, that you are doing better than her


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
woods i love the insight. this is what i was fearing however. the only thing she still knows about me is my cell phone number since i moved and currently live in a 24/7 gated community. :)

what types of fvcked up shyt would a broad in her shoes do? we dont have many of the same friends, and there is no contact.
(just so i know whether or not i might need to get an RO at some point, change my cell phone number, etc)


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
i'm not sure how much she would do actually to fyck with me since i am doing better than her. her pops called me a few weeks ago asking if i wold be willing to pay for pat of the credit card he paid off, and i said we'll see when my tax refund comes in. so i bet she has been told to be cool so as not to piss me off so i pay some money. hmmm


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
why would you pay for it?

did u contribute to the debt? if not **** her


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
i am beginning to really like you fellas. **** her is right! i did contribute to the debt. her end of the deal was to pay rent, mine was to pay for her car and her credit card (to build her credit so we can buy a condo). we used the frikkin card on everything, parties, vacations, medical bills, gas, food, clothes, etc etc

i was the one holding the card. she broke up with me and moved out and refused to talk about financial $hit with me and instead ignored me! HA! and nows shes flat broke with negative who knows what in the bank. she will have accrued probably 25 OD fees by the time march is over.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
So you had a live-in hor and you were acting as if you were married! Don't be surprised if you get a letter to show up to court!! Buying a condo together? HUH? Is yo azz krazy!!!!

Don't plan your life around a hor - get a wife!!


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
lastmanstanding we were together for 5 years, we were supposed to get married. i already had a ring but didnt give it to her dumb a$$ yet. she left a week before valentines daqy and i had cruise tix i was going to give her lmfao.

i hear you tho -- NEXT!
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Doc, you know when she left you the first time she got plucked like a chicken by other dudes don't you? Then you chased her and were ready to take her as your wife after others injected her with sperm? You are a lucky bastard that she left again! Say "No" to marrying hos!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
You know in your gut that the only reason a broad like this would come back is for financial reasons. Women have that kind of nerve these days. I know you're doing the smart thing right now. But dont let your feelings cloud your judgement. People like her are leeches. Give them nothin to leech on, and they'll die off on their own.:D


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
damn you guys tell it like it mofo is. fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. fool me 3 times and i'm the dang a$$ fool.

cheers fellas.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Yah doc, I'll tell you the same thing I just told Ryan in the other post.

You guys fall in the fvckin matrix, so that's why you get zapped.

Instead, try loving WOMEN, try being with WOMEN, try approaching WOMEN.

You guys hog tie your heart to ONE GIRL, and it doing that shyt that one girl loses interest in your azz.

But there's a problem now, because you have habitual did this shyt for so long, you CAN'T LET GO.

You have formed a bad fvckin habit, and now you have to all of a sudden BREAK IT, and a habit is hard to break in one night.

Don't get in the fvcking matrix. Get laid, DISCOVER relationships, don't build, buy, or search for them.

Relationships (great ones) just don't happen that much more today, because women are sticking and moving like men now.

So whether you guys choose to catch up on this trend or stay in the dark, you will CONTINUE to have pain in this area until you wake the fvck up.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
DJF is right.
Feelings no matter how strong, are not a good enough foundation to build any relationship on. Especially now adays. A woman will love you one day, then for no reason hate you the next. And theres nothin you can do about. I once told a woman I was close to that same statement. I told her thats what I can expect from her. That left her a little speechless.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
its a shame its so difficult to find real women out there to settle down with. the only way to operate is by being a dj. i am trying not to concern myself with what my ex is going to do next now that she found out i am living really well while being loaded and happy and hanging with other girls while she is broke and eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. she checked up on me a couple times yesterday on AIM (i have been making sure to put up happy go lucky away messages and such in my profile). after i saw her log on and off a few times i just blocked her. i woulda thought she would have blocked me if she was truly interested in not having me in her life anymore and not interested in knowing what i am doing. women..


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
docv said:
lastmanstanding we were together for 5 years, we were supposed to get married. !
You were with her for 5 years and had no clue how lousy she is? Please. You knew and ignored it and are now reaping what you sowed.

now this is where it gets humorous. my exs best friend has been checking up on me on AIM so i have been putting up funny away messages that arent too obviously fake, pretending i am just perfectly happy and stuff about another girl.
Are you 14?