Ex is contacting me


Don Juan
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
Dated her for 8 months. Caught her with another guy, and i dumped her on the spot, and never looked back. I absolutely cut off all contact. Since that time, she has made 2 attempts to contact me.
1 time by phone 8 months after the dumping i did. She called my home phone and just hung up when she got my answering machine. Her name and # popped up on caller id.

2nd attempt was yesterday 4 months after her first attempt. This one was by email, just to say hello and asking how is everything going with me? From the time i dumped her up to the email...the time between is exactly a year

I deleted this email. Just amazes me how women always always always come back, some time down the road. When do they know to give up? Im currently seeing someone at this time, and have no thought to even take into consideration, of placing my x in a friendship zone with me. She is very bitter and catty about the dumping, and it would lead to problems

a-current relationship is not working
b-she didnt realize what she had till, its gone
c-stroke her ego
e-the best sex she ever had

any more?


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Well you said it yourself, you're not interested in this girl.. not even the least bit. So why bother yourself with anything regarding her; continue your noncontact. There's the answer to your problem, if that is what you were looking for that is.

If you were wondering why this old ex is coming back to you.. well you should know better. You handled the situation like a man and that's what she wants right now. That doesn't mean she's changed her ways or anything like that.. she just wants to find the next best thing.

cave dweller

Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
an ex................


Her 'lover boy' didn't work out.
If you don't contact her she will go away.

cave dweller


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
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Ex girlfriends …

Got a situation like this myself. Dated a girl for about 3 months, everything fine. Then the sh!t came up ‘don’t feel it anymore’ ‘you love me more then I love you’ ‘I wanna be friends’ …
The brake up was hard, not emotionally but literally, we had some fights, I acted like a jerk to her (because she was getting a real biatch !!). I cut of contact.

Now after a week or so, she sends me a mail; why did you called on my door this night at 1.30 AM ? (it wasn't me off course), she apologized immediately when I came online on msn ‘sorry it wasn’t you it was someone else I know now who it was” (yeah like I care some looser was ringing her doorbel). She started some drama about one of her friends, I didn’t reply. She said ‘ah you ignore me now eh, that’s easy’ and I guess she blocked me now.

Anyway, you can’t go back. I don’t want to go back! It’s my choice, so no matter what she tries. Its probably to boost her own ego.

Don’t play those games. Cause once she feels like you’re getting interested once again, she will dump you. It will give her an ego boost. It will prove to her that she is better then you. Just don't play and you will win.

I don’t want to badmouth girls, but there ‘s some crazy people living in this world. In my AFC days I would think, ooh I ****ed up but she wants to stay in contact, ooh so sweat, what a nice girl, maybe we can try again …
Now I think, biaatch your loss! Much much much better girls out there! She won’t get to me. It’s over and it will always be. I don’t stay friends with X’s. Nothing but trouble. I guess I attract the wrong types of girls. The AW’s, hot girls, but nothing but trouble. Girls every AFC would give his life for. Guess there aren’t much DJ’s where I live…