Ex-Girlfriend Broke up with me


New Member
Jul 3, 2016
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Hello Fellow Don Juans,

Well I decided to register myself today and share my story with you all (if you care to read). The title gives you 99% of the story anyways.

So, am 27, dated a girl (25 years old) for 3+ years, only to be dumped by her a month ago.

It all started 3.5 years ago, I met her at work, she was engaged with someone. 2 weeks later, she broke it off to be with me. I had none of to do. I was interested, stayed alpha, calm and composed as ****. I told her, if you want to be with me, then make sure you are single first. And she did...

We always had fights at the start because I couldn't care 2 cents about her. I only wanted to ****. I did, it was good. Within 1 month, she told me she loved me. I only started saying that after 1 year. As the days, months, years went by, we broke up, got back together, begged/cried 2 times, on the phone and in front of her. Then, fights became less, love became more. I started to feel something for her. I really did...i took my pen, wrote down her pros and cons, and 50%+ of her pros relate to what I wanted in a woman.

Then, we had more sex, more unprotected sex. She got pregnant twice and lost the babies quite early on, because she has that redblood cell problem,hmmm "anemic" , thats how its called. (Bear in mind, I don't know if she said the truth, but i did *** in her a few times because both wanted a child. Pretty serious huh? Well thats what I thought.

2 years passed, i introduced her to my family. Happy times, but here is the ****ed up part. She NEVER, and I mean NEVER introduced me formally to her parents. Apparently, her parents hate me for being from a "rich" family (thats what she said). I just guess they hate me because they think i broke their daughter's engagement in the first place with that other guy.

So kept my calm, kept my cool and slowly problems started to surface. She never had time for me. I only met her for a maximum of 2/3 times a week and that is only when SHE was free. When I wanted to meet up, always the same excuse "i got work....blah blah...my parents give me **** loads of problems when we meet..blah blah blah"

So fights were always about spending time with me. I kept myself busy, I hit the gym pretty hard, I got a good job. But during the weekend, when I wanted to spend time with her, it was never instantaneous, it was always on a pre-planned schedule and for a set time. She had to be home by that specific time or her parents goes wild and we don't meet the next week.

So, that being said, we had mini-breakups 2/3 times for the past year, but she always came crawling back. I always got down with her and told her, if its going to be like last time, then she can piss off. I had my part of the issue too, i became more dependent on her....i was always available for her...i became the beta ****er...I accepted every little whiny ass disrespectful scenarios from her.

Then, nearing our 3 years together, I asked her to marry me. She said "yes". Happy after, had awesome sex, passionate sex...raw sex....dirty sex...all of it. I was a happy man. I had "great" girlfriend, she was caring, kind, passionate, always calling/texting me. Yet, she never ever gave me any concrete "commitment". So 2 months earlier, I asked her when are we going to get engaged and stuff....***** flapped her mouth faster than an F1, going ape **** crazy because I was pressuring her. I only asked, I want it..yes..but its not like I wanted to get married RIGHT NOW! NO!!!

So here we are today, a month ago, we got into a fight (right after her birthday) because the same stupid thing, "MEET UP FOR 5 HOURS" only. I went ape **** this time, told her a lot of things, bad things...didn't swear but indirectly told her she was *****. Right after, I went on NC, and in 2 weeks, she contacted me...started talking and i fell right back in that well like a rock. Balls deep.

When we started talking, she started off by saying, i said mean things blah blah blah...never cared about her because I don't make the effort to initiate contact with her when we fight..you know the drill..So, we agreed to give it ONE last chance, i didn't plead for it (well i think i didn't, but now, I think I did). So that Friday 03/06/2016, we got back together, she started saying I love you, and i said it back...happy Friday/Saturday/Sunday...then BAAAAAMMMMMM!!!

On Monday 06/06/2016, she said she can't continue, because of the things that was said. I said ok, no worries, I understood...told her to return my ring, she told me to get rid of her stuff at my place. I did. She said sorry for being the wrong one and she knew most problems came from her.

I didn't say ****. I asked once more, return my ring, gave her my mailing address!! She said no, she'll give it back like I gave it to her...that is in person. Right after she said that, I went into NC.

Totally wiped all my phone of her phone numbers, deleted/blocked her on Whatsapp/Facebook. All photos of us together has been wiped to an unknown folder....and here I am now.

Nearly one month in NC and she hasn't called/message ONCE. Not a word. I actually thought, here we go again, but this time, she hasn't called or message me like she would have normally done.

I feel better, I don't look at my phone continuously. I talk to other girls that I might **** or not. I already kissed one of them.

But deep down, I want this girl to come back to me. I work out, even before being with her, and I started hitting that gym everyday during the week to keep me busy. I practice soccer, so that's another hobby...Started shopping for new clothes...increasing my style knowledge...hitting my work with a passion to succeed....

Yet, here I am, thinking of her. Talking about her...asking myself why hasn't she called? Is she with someone else....all these questions.

But one thing for sure, I ain't contacting her. Period. After no contact, if she calls/text...which I don't think will happen...

What do you all think? Will she come back? Worth it? or just move on....
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Senior Don Juan
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
She is gone. You wouldn't want her back even if it were possible. Trust me on this. It sucks, but will get better. Move on. It is history. Learn and be awesome. Welcome to the club. Good luck.

searching solace

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Even if she did contact you again over the next couple of months and you ended up getting back together, either you would find that you actually don't want her anymore (i.e - you only wanted to her back because you couldn't have her anymore) and/or the same problems would re-emerge and intensify, leading to an even more painful breakup further down the road.

I wish I had realised this a couple years back.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
Did you ever get your ring back? You are on the right track man, forget about her. Focus on your self. Find some bar sloots to pratice on. Surge on brother you are a free man, celebrate!


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
I'd say she had a screwed up family life, something there she didn't want you to see. So you didn't. That screwed up family life held her back from committment. I mean, MOST women would pull a pregnancy on you to GET married. SHE was avoiding it. Not sure what it was, but you dodged a bullet aimed at your head....


New Member
Jul 3, 2016
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Did you ever get your ring back? You are on the right track man, forget about her. Focus on your self. Find some bar sloots to pratice on. Surge on brother you are a free man, celebrate!

Heyy, nope never got the ring back. Lol...


New Member
Jul 3, 2016
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I'd say she had a screwed up family life, something there she didn't want you to see. So you didn't. That screwed up family life held her back from committment. I mean, MOST women would pull a pregnancy on you to GET married. SHE was avoiding it. Not sure what it was, but you dodged a bullet aimed at your head....
You are spot on. She comes from kind of dysfunctional family..her dad is a drinker..mom hated her..then started loving her..her sister cant stand her...

There is so much sense in what you said. I completely forgot about that...thanks :)

-3 days till 1 whole month of NC..feeling good..powered up

Thank you all for your feedback n support. Feel refreshed.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Hello Fellow Don Juans,

Well I decided to register myself today and share my story with you all (if you care to read). The title gives you 99% of the story anyways.

So, am 27, dated a girl (25 years old) for 3+ years, only to be dumped by her a month ago.

It all started 3.5 years ago, I met her at work, she was engaged with someone. 2 weeks later, she broke it off to be with me. I had none of to do. I was interested, stayed alpha, calm and composed as ****. I told her, if you want to be with me, then make sure you are single first. And she did...

We always had fights at the start because I couldn't care 2 cents about her. I only wanted to ****. I did, it was good. Within 1 month, she told me she loved me. I only started saying that after 1 year. As the days, months, years went by, we broke up, got back together, begged/cried 2 times, on the phone and in front of her. Then, fights became less, love became more. I started to feel something for her. I really did...i took my pen, wrote down her pros and cons, and 50%+ of her pros relate to what I wanted in a woman.

Then, we had more sex, more unprotected sex. She got pregnant twice and lost the babies quite early on, because she has that redblood cell problem,hmmm "anemic" , thats how its called. (Bear in mind, I don't know if she said the truth, but i did *** in her a few times because both wanted a child. Pretty serious huh? Well thats what I thought.

2 years passed, i introduced her to my family. Happy times, but here is the ****ed up part. She NEVER, and I mean NEVER introduced me formally to her parents. Apparently, her parents hate me for being from a "rich" family (thats what she said). I just guess they hate me because they think i broke their daughter's engagement in the first place with that other guy.

So kept my calm, kept my cool and slowly problems started to surface. She never had time for me. I only met her for a maximum of 2/3 times a week and that is only when SHE was free. When I wanted to meet up, always the same excuse "i got work....blah blah...my parents give me **** loads of problems when we meet..blah blah blah"

So fights were always about spending time with me. I kept myself busy, I hit the gym pretty hard, I got a good job. But during the weekend, when I wanted to spend time with her, it was never instantaneous, it was always on a pre-planned schedule and for a set time. She had to be home by that specific time or her parents goes wild and we don't meet the next week.

So, that being said, we had mini-breakups 2/3 times for the past year, but she always came crawling back. I always got down with her and told her, if its going to be like last time, then she can piss off. I had my part of the issue too, i became more dependent on her....i was always available for her...i became the beta ****er...I accepted every little whiny ass disrespectful scenarios from her.

Then, nearing our 3 years together, I asked her to marry me. She said "yes". Happy after, had awesome sex, passionate sex...raw sex....dirty sex...all of it. I was a happy man. I had "great" girlfriend, she was caring, kind, passionate, always calling/texting me. Yet, she never ever gave me any concrete "commitment". So 2 months earlier, I asked her when are we going to get engaged and stuff....***** flapped her mouth faster than an F1, going ape **** crazy because I was pressuring her. I only asked, I want it..yes..but its not like I wanted to get married RIGHT NOW! NO!!!

So here we are today, a month ago, we got into a fight (right after her birthday) because the same stupid thing, "MEET UP FOR 5 HOURS" only. I went ape **** this time, told her a lot of things, bad things...didn't swear but indirectly told her she was *****. Right after, I went on NC, and in 2 weeks, she contacted me...started talking and i fell right back in that well like a rock. Balls deep.

When we started talking, she started off by saying, i said mean things blah blah blah...never cared about her because I don't make the effort to initiate contact with her when we fight..you know the drill..So, we agreed to give it ONE last chance, i didn't plead for it (well i think i didn't, but now, I think I did). So that Friday 03/06/2016, we got back together, she started saying I love you, and i said it back...happy Friday/Saturday/Sunday...then BAAAAAMMMMMM!!!

On Monday 06/06/2016, she said she can't continue, because of the things that was said. I said ok, no worries, I understood...told her to return my ring, she told me to get rid of her stuff at my place. I did. She said sorry for being the wrong one and she knew most problems came from her.

I didn't say ****. I asked once more, return my ring, gave her my mailing address!! She said no, she'll give it back like I gave it to her...that is in person. Right after she said that, I went into NC.

Totally wiped all my phone of her phone numbers, deleted/blocked her on Whatsapp/Facebook. All photos of us together has been wiped to an unknown folder....and here I am now.

Nearly one month in NC and she hasn't called/message ONCE. Not a word. I actually thought, here we go again, but this time, she hasn't called or message me like she would have normally done.

I feel better, I don't look at my phone continuously. I talk to other girls that I might **** or not. I already kissed one of them.

But deep down, I want this girl to come back to me. I work out, even before being with her, and I started hitting that gym everyday during the week to keep me busy. I practice soccer, so that's another hobby...Started shopping for new clothes...increasing my style knowledge...hitting my work with a passion to succeed....

Yet, here I am, thinking of her. Talking about her...asking myself why hasn't she called? Is she with someone else....all these questions.

But one thing for sure, I ain't contacting her. Period. After no contact, if she calls/text...which I don't think will happen...

What do you all think? Will she come back? Worth it? or just move on....
She will come back right after the new relationship she is in fails. The reason she suddenly ended it is because she was setting up a new relationship behind your back. The same thing she did with you when you first got together with her.

When she dumped her fiance, a man she agreed to marry to go after you, that right there told you she was a bad quality woman who should have never been raised above a plate or FB in your books. She was a bad quality woman and you rewarded her with s relationship even to the point of asking to marry her yourself.

Red flags were all over this story and when she would only see you 2 or 3 days a week 10 bucks says she was already seeing another guy or 2. She wouldn't introduced you to her parents because she had already introduced her boyfriend to her parents and it wasn't you.

If by chance she does reach out, do not engage at all with her. Stay 100% ignore. This is one very bad quality woman who deserves to be ignored.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
You did right deleting and blocking her from all platforms. Don't re-engage this bytch. Just keep moving on and aboid her like the plague. You can do better anyway.