Ex GF got the POLICE onto me.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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Danger said:
The first one to resort to insults is the loser of any debate.

Hint: That would be you cupcake. Come back when you have seen and experienced life a bit more, enough to know that if a woman is sending cops to your door, you had best setup as much protection as you can.

There was NO incident that happened for them to be accused, that is the point. There was no evidence, no crime, nothing. Just a full press railroading that derailed ENTIRE LIVES.

Why? Based on the accusation of one woman.

This is the point. All it takes is a lie from a woman to get the police at your door. That is it. And the woman in this case has already demonstrated she will do just that.

He does necessarily have to get strictly an AVO, but he needs to put paperwork in place to show that he is fearful of her and what she may do to him.
If there is no incident then there would be no need for the police. All he did was post about a nameless person to his friends. That does not warrant any contact from the law or for him to get an AVO. You are only going on the word of an internet poster who might not even be telling the truth. You sound more paranoid than the poster haha


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
Danger said:
And now I get called names by you.....

Once again from the top.

What was the Duke Rape incident? THERE WAS NONE.


Christ, what is so hard to understand about that? If he is lying then the whole thread is moot, but we have no reason to believe he is lying. Based on what is posted, it would be unbelievable naïve to not setup a plausible defense.

You just don't get it. This is just flying over you head, isn't it? I didn't call you any names. I said you sound paranoid, which you certainly do sound for wanting to get an AVO for no reason.

If I remember correctly, the Duke players had an interaction with the chick who accused them. The OP was just posting on facebook. 2 completely different things.

What is her accusation? The OP posting a nameless facebook status to his friends inferring that it is her. He didn't even mention her by name. She has no grounds to accuse him of anything. That's why this whole thing doesn't make sense.

How would that warrant the police coming to his door? She can make any accusation she wants, as long as the OP can prove he had no interaction with her physically or threatening her over the internet or phone, then her accusations don't mean sh1t. What can she accuse him of? Bad mouthing her in a facebook status? Who is going to take that seriously?

PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
What does that have to do with anything? She is accusing him of a facebook status post, nothing else.

PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
You said "if there is no incident, there would be no need for the police." Guess what, people get convicted without ANY incident, as that story shows. The girl obviously claimed stalking or harassment, both crimes, or else the police would not have even shown up.
You're missing the point as well. This has nothing to do with what the OP claims the law showing up at his door for. He claims it was for a facebook status not mentioning his ex by name. There would be no reason for them to come for that. There would have to be an interaction with his ex for it to be legitimate. Also, there would have be proof of him sending her a bunch of messages that would be a cause for concern. There would be no grounds to contact him for one facebook post not even mentioning her by name.

By incident, I mean interaction as well. If you met up with somebody alone, they could accuse you of anything. That is the interaction that took place. If you were with somebody else or have an alibi, then that accusation won't mean sh1t. He claims he was posting on facebook and had nothing to do with her. Therefore, she has nothing to accuse him on except a status post that nobody would take serioiusly unless he threatend her in that post.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
goldengoose said:
You just don't get it. This is just flying over you head, isn't it? I didn't call you any names. I said you sound paranoid, which you certainly do sound for wanting to get an AVO for no reason.

If I remember correctly, the Duke players had an interaction with the chick who accused them. The OP was just posting on facebook. 2 completely different things.

What is her accusation? The OP posting a nameless facebook status to his friends inferring that it is her. He didn't even mention her by name. She has no grounds to accuse him of anything. That's why this whole thing doesn't make sense.

How would that warrant the police coming to his door? She can make any accusation she wants, as long as the OP can prove he had no interaction with her physically or threatening her over the internet or phone, then her accusations don't mean sh1t. What can she accuse him of? Bad mouthing her in a facebook status? Who is going to take that seriously?

What does that have to do with anything? She is accusing him of a facebook status post, nothing else.
You point is clear as day goose.....but save your breath. Danger and PairPlusRoyalFlush are two of the biggest drones on this forum. Theyve followed advice from PHM too much that they have adopted his ability to have clear facts and valid points wiz right past their head. They think women are the enemy. They are NOT for personal responsibility....they are for excuses.

And for dear lord do not call them things such as "paranoid"....they love to call you out for being "mean" and give you the dreaded "NEG REP"!!!! LOL. Do not hurt anyone's feelings or you will never be able to get as many little green bars as them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
Danger said:
You still don't get it.


Do you get it yet? People are charged with murder every month that have not committed murder.

Men get hit with child support with women they haven't even fvked.

Husbands and boyfriends are automatically taken out in handcuffs when any dispute takes place in the home. BECAUSE IT IS POLICE POLICY.

You do not have to have an interaction to be accused. You only need her paper trail and accusation. The Duke Rape case is a perfect example.

This is going right over your head because you think we live in the Pollyanna world where he has nothing to worry about as long as he doesn't see her. Nothing could be further from the truth. All she has to do is make a phone call and an accusation. God forbid they run into a bar at some point and she decides to fvk with him.

What do you suggest? Act paranoid everyday of his life because he might run into her at some point? Do you worry about the little old lady down the street from you who might hit you over the head with her cane and accuse you of something?

You lost this argument and are trying to reach for anything to justify your feeble point. Everything you mention above had a interaction. A dispute is an interaction. someone hit with child support had an interaction with the woman at some point.

The fact is, which you refuse to accept, is that he was posting on facebook. She has nothing to accuse him of except for that. That would not require the law speaking to him. Then you throw out all these other examples doesn't even equate to his example.

She can accuse him all she wants if she sees him at a bar. As long as he has witnesses and alibis that he has no interacton with her then her accusation doesn't mean sh1t.

yeah, people can be accused of anything. But what happened with him is nothing for the law to get involved over a facebook status post. Unless he isn't forthcoming with anythng else he might not be telling us. Either that or this whole story is made up. You are being paranoid and jumping to conclusions over nothing.

Danger said:
  • A little old lady down the street is a not a risk.
  • A scorned ex who managed to get the police at your door IS A RISK.

Let me ask another way, what makes you think he even needs to interact with her to get arrested for something? What is to stop her from claiming he threatened her or assaulted her?

The fact you are missing is, THE POLICE STILL VISITED HIM. Why did they visit him over a facebook post?

Your default assumption is that he is not telling the full story because you have fully discounted what policy is regarding men/women violations.

Do yourself a favor and look up VAWA to better understand the mandatory arrest portion. And yes that means the man gets arrested.


This right here is where you are missing things. It absolutely means something because he WILL be arrested and his name WILL get plastered all over the papers and the public WILL judge him guilty, ALL BEFORE A TRIAL.

Again, you are young so you are at a disadvantage here, but familiarize yourself with the VAWA act and better understand that it has a mandatory arrest policy, regardless of evidence.
Why wouldn't the little old lady be a risk? According to you, the VAWA would apply to the old lady as well. All you had to do was speak to her once and she could accuse you of something.

She can claim anything she wants. As long as he has witnesses and alibis that prove otherwise, then she would be accused of stating a false crime and accusations.

This is what you are missing here and refuse to understand

1. He could be making this whole story up

2. He could not be telling us the whole truth. He claims he was visited because of a status post. The only way the law would visit him is if he threatened her in that facebook post. They wouldn't knock on his door if he only said "my ex is a slut and a wh0re" nobody would give a sh1t about that. That's what you refuse to understand and are arguing and beng paranoid over nothing.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Danger said:
Well, why don't you cry about it?

I have a longstanding personal policy that I neg rep anyone who begins engaging in insults.
Thank god someone finally decided to be the morale police around here...
So if you are going to cry over a neg rep (which you are), learn to read the reason I gave it to you. For engaging in personal attacks to my clearly articulated responses.

Clearly articulated? Now you sound like a typical liberal who wants to make themselves and their arguments sound like some grandiose spectacle for everyone to be amazed with. You're a drone who is advising the OP to file an AVO,which is for violent crimes based upon what??? Oh....here ill quote OP again since you...."articulately" skipped over that part before:

im thinking about getting an AVO put out on her tomorrow? Seriously, if her last resort is to try to get me charged then maybe i should show her whos in control?
Because she keeps trying to get at me
She spreading rumors, turning friends against me, all that stuff. Deep down, i know she wants me and she will come running back. And that's why i want the AVO. To have the last word
I even bolded and underlined it for you so can....."articulately" respond.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2013
Reaction score
When I read the status thing, I remember when I did this to my ex and put a public status saying she is now dating a tool. lol. This is something I did in high school, but now I learned better. Even if she shot you in the foot and blew it off - quit blaming her. It takes up more time than it takes for you to find another potential partner. I'm glad I don't act like this anymore. You give her the power, and because of your behavior, you have fueled her thoughts with "Good job, this kid was crazy, verbally abusive and narcissistic."
Good job!

Take it from a K9 handler -- yes, she could still call the police and have them go to the guy and tell him to stop contacting her. IT does not need to be a direct method of contact. What he did was indirect communication and STILL stands for a type and method of communication, still liable for his actions. It is public harassment, and twice as bad as direct formal communication harassment.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
The frick is your brother doing banging your GF. Sounds like he needs some redpill.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
lover4721 said:
Take it from a K9 handler -- yes, she could still call the police and have them go to the guy and tell him to stop contacting her. IT does not need to be a direct method of contact. What he did was indirect communication and STILL stands for a type and method of communication, still liable for his actions. It is public harassment, and twice as bad as direct formal communication harassment.

This is not true at all. He said he didn't mention her name in the status, so there is no name to go on. If that was the case then millions of people would be held liable for harassment. Unless he was posting several threatening messages about her, nobody is going to waste their time with that. Look at how people attack other people on twitter and in blogs. Nothng happens to them. Freedom of speech my friends. Unless he was threatening her, then there would be no reason for a visit. What's the purpose of having a facebook if you can't post anything on it? Give me a break.

This is what you are missing here and refuse to understand

1. He could be making this whole story up

2. He could not be telling us the whole truth. He claims he was visited because of a status post. The only way the law would visit him is if he threatened her in that facebook post. They wouldn't knock on his door if he only said "my ex is a slut and a wh0re" nobody would give a sh1t about that. They wouldn't even know which ex it was. She is only assuming that it's her. That is not evidence or proof. That's what you refuse to understand and are arguing and beng paranoid over nothing.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Just leave and move away, go no contact and that's all.

Issue is finished, screen your next girl and choose a better quality woman next time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Danger said:
So while he was originally looking for revenge, the thread has evolved (as stated a page ago) why he needs to file paperwork to protect himself.
Well thats the cutest way of avoiding a question I've ever seen....saying the situation has "evolved"......man so articulate I cant keep up.

Look pal, bottom line is OP wanted to file a court order for violence...where no violence existed as a way to "show her whose in control". And you advised him to.....that makes you just as lame as he is. Period.

Dont forget to neg rep me for calling you lame.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
serious anyone who is saying for the dude not protect himself because he will look like he is seeking revenge is fools,

you guys forgot the most basic thing for any cop show at your door, she just need to lie, that is all, she LIED, and guess what? PEOPLE LIE.

so the question here is should he protect himself down the road to prevent anything to happen to him, he should, hell if it was me in his case I would cut the "best friend" any contact the brother I would hit him in the face (news guys its your brother you can hit him nice and square) and never talk with him again, I don't care about the blood thing if it was really important he won't sleep with her. then restriction order on her, and if her still talk lies sue her for defamation.

be ruthless with people who want to screw with you guys, they sure won't hold back, so do your best to protect yourself, no one else will, and remember only fools let people screw with then because they are afraid of conflict


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
serious anyone who is saying for the dude not protect himself because he will look like he is seeking revenge is fools,
Agreed. I have to side with Danger on this one as well. The chick has already proven to be out to get him if she went through the effort to call the cops on him. The fact that OP could be lying or not telling the whole story is irrelevant. Anyone reading this thread needs to know that when a chick starts calling the police on you then you need to do the sensible thing and protect yourself. OP has nothing to lose by going to the cops and a potential to get his entire life fvcked up should this chick decide to attack him more aggressively.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Alvafe said:
serious anyone who is saying for the dude not protect himself because he will look like he is seeking revenge is fools
OP said it himself pal. Hes trying to "show her up".


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
The Exception gets it. Why can't the rest of you? Some of you are missing the point and adding your own paranoia about women to the thread.

Here are the facts:

This girl didn't accuse him of anything. This is over a facebok status. So he actually wrote something.

He says he was reported over a facebook status. He also said he never mentioned her name in the status. He said he called her his "ex". He could have more than one ex. So nobody would really know who he meant. That is not harassment when a person isn't mentioned by name. Cops aren't going to come to his door over a nameless person. They aren't going to waste their time over petty ex drama in a facebook status. If that was the case, millions of people would have the law at their door and facebook would have to shut down.

Either the OP is lying or he was doing more than what he said. The only way he would receive a visit, is if he was threatening her in private messages or in the status. He would be at fault and then the contact would be justified. The ex would be in the right to call. If it was how he said it was, he wouldn't get no visit because he did nothing wrong. There would be no reason to visit him. So, he is either lying or not telling the truth. If they actually did come, he was actualy harassing her because there would be proof of what he did. They aren't going to come on just her word alone.

There is no reason for him to get an AVO. He would be denied his request. The ex never did anything to him except report him for harassment. The only way he could get one is if there was an altercation where she attacked him.

Yes, men can be accused of anything. We aren't talking about that. We are talking about this situation here that doesn't make sense. Unless he said something in a threat, then there would be no visit. If he said something bad, then he should be held respoinsible. This is what you guys are missing.

We have the freedom of speech. Bloggers, talk show hosts, tv hosts all say things about other people and call people names. They can't threaten another person though. That's how they can get in trouble. The OP wouldn't get in trouble for saying his ex is a slut or a wh0re. Nobody would care unless he said something else that caused concern.

Hopefully the OP can add more to this. Anyway I'm done with this. You can argue your paranioa all day haha

nousername said:
I basically wrote a Facebook status letting everyone know the truth, because she spread rumors saying i was the bad person. Anyway, the status got over 200 likes and everyone realised that in fact she was the bad person and it felt really good to let the truth be known.
Isn't that what facebook is for?

nousername said:
Then the police rock up to my house saying i have to stop contacting her, writing stuff about her etc. Keep in mind she's the one messaging me, contacting me, and i never mentioned her name in my FB status, just said my ex.
If you were contacting her privately then you can get in trouble. Not over a single facebook status.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score

The police knocked on my door telling me to quit writing posts about her, contacting her, and basically anything to do with her.

They knew the status was about her from some of the comments that other people posted. I also tagged her new boyfriend in the comments, wishing them the best of luck together. Thats how they knew.

It doesn't matter now anyway, because she is crawling back to me as i thought she would, and i am laughing at her texts, while i bang her best friends.

Relax, the ball is finally back in my court, and I am having the last laugh.



Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
nousername said:

The police knocked on my door telling me to quit writing posts about her, contacting her, and basically anything to do with her.

They knew the status was about her from some of the comments that other people posted. I also tagged her new boyfriend in the comments, wishing them the best of luck together. Thats how they knew.

It doesn't matter now anyway, because she is crawling back to me as i thought she would, and i am laughing at her texts, while i bang her best friends.

Relax, the ball is finally back in my court, and I am having the last laugh.

and that is the dangerous part, she is now trying to talk with you, I sure hope you don't answers to give her more ammunition,

doing what danger just said is nice, and like he said all cop visits on anyone is documented with hour, reason and anything did happen there, if the cops did enter your home anything they see can also be used if they find it suspicious.

guys you just forget the main reason to not protect himself, thinking on it I remember on that series of HOUSE when a police men harassed him trying everything to make him go to jail, and since house never protect himself, even when his friend said him do so, he almost was jailed for traffic of illegal drugs, and that is just a fictional story, and we know pretty sure any guy can go to jail for the simple reason of the woman lied to the police, and it don't matter they find out the truth later, you as already marked as ex-con or criminal, most people will not ask why, they will just presumious you did something bad.

its pretty much what everyone here is doing, one side is presuming she will not try to go any futher in trying to make him sorry for kicking her lieing ass out, when me and otehrs think you should save yourself for any possible problems down the road, also only reason I can think of you not wanting to make any try of her to contact you a crime is you want her back somehow.

in any case its your life dude, choose well, because you only have one chance, not extra lifes or saves to fix it later