Ex GF got the POLICE onto me.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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Lol. So i broke up with my EX because she ****ed my brother, and was also seeing my "best mate" during our 3 year relationship. I basically wrote a Facebook status letting everyone know the truth, because she spread rumors saying i was the bad person. Anyway, the status got over 200 likes and everyone realised that in fact she was the bad person and it felt really good to let the truth be known.

Then the police rock up to my house saying i have to stop contacting her, writing stuff about her etc. Keep in mind she's the one messaging me, contacting me, and i never mentioned her name in my FB status, just said my ex.

Anyway, im thinking about getting an AVO put out on her tomorrow? Seriously, if her last resort is to try to get me charged then maybe i should show her whos in control? What do you think?

I have no feelings for her whatsoever and because she knows that she had to try to get my in trouble with the law, because nothing else will affect me.

Thoughts pls.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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nousername said:
Anyway, im thinking about getting an AVO put out on her tomorrow?
Unless she has physically harmed you in the past to the point that you actually worry about your security why would you get an AVO?

Its pathetic to get one just because you want to
show her whos in control?


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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Because she keeps trying to get at me.

She spreading rumors, turning friends against me, all that stuff. Deep down, i know she wants me and she will come running back. And that's why i want the AVO. To have the last word, i want it against her mum also. Because i will constantly run into both of them shopping, we live 2 streets from each other.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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nousername said:
Because she keeps trying to get at me.
Still not a reason for an AVO pal....
She spreading rumors, turning friends against me, all that stuff. Deep down, i know she wants me and she will come running back. And that's why i want the AVO. To have the last word, i want it against her mum also. Because i will constantly run into both of them shopping, we live 2 streets from each other.
Are you an adult or a high school kid?

Look....who gives a sh1t if you run into her. Shes apparently a s1ut and shouldnt even be worth a thought in your head. If you run into her...say "whats up" and keep walking....you have better sh1t to do. Forget about all the rumors and gossip grade school stuff. You should be out getting after life right now. Own the gym...own your career...etc.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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I don't understand how i can be in trouble for letting people know the truth of what happened. The status i wrote was TRUTHFUL and she knows it.

She's just angry because people are seeing my side of the story for once, and because i i'm over the fact that she slept with both my brother and best friend, she has no other option than to get me in trouble with the law.

She will come running back to me, begging me back, but to make her go through the heartbreak i went through, I'd like to get the AVO not only for protection on my part, but also for when she does feel like running back to me, she can't because of the legal repercussions.

I never thought she was like this, just goes to show me how heartless woman can be, if you give away your power.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Danger said:

He wants an AVO as part of the documentation process.
im thinking about getting an AVO put out on her tomorrow? Seriously, if her last resort is to try to get me charged then maybe i should show her whos in control?
Because she keeps trying to get at me
She spreading rumors, turning friends against me, all that stuff. Deep down, i know she wants me and she will come running back. And that's why i want the AVO. To have the last word
I cant speak to the "paper trail" bit because I have never ventured down that path......but it doesnt look like thats the case here to me. Hes doing it for "revenge" and because hes trying to get back at her. Just read quotes above my man.

Its just my two cents. So much unnecessary drama over a piece of sh1t woman who should have been out of OP's life some time ago. Id forgo all the legal sh1t and just move on and get back to being productive.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
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I say get the order, just to cap off things. Think of it as insurance against what is definitely one crazy birch.

Second, I'd have some tough questions for both your brother and friend. Like why you should have their back in the future.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Judging by this story and the way you write, I'm guessing you're very young. But this situation is an opportunity to grow up and I hope you'll make the most of it.

Crying because she's spreading rumors? An uncontrollable urge to air your dirty laundry on Facebook. I really hope you're still in high school, but however old you are it's time to stop fuelling the drama and learning to just cut toxic people out of your life cold turkey. No need to get the last word in or get revenge, just cut the bad people out.

Speaking of bad people and growing up, you need to have a chat with your brother.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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that's too bad about your brother. your best friend you can get rid of but your own flesh and blood? cain and abel territory.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Danger said:
That is why he originally stated it, but again, what matters is what CAN HAPPEN to him if he does not do it.
Fear based reaction. According to this logic every man should take "precautionary measures" against an ex because you never know what "can happen".
Never EVER forgo "legal $hit". When push comes to shove that is the one thing that will save your @ss, especially when dealing with an irate woman who has the misandric system at her disposal to wield against you.
There is a big difference between being aware of "the system" when it comes to things that it actually affects like divorce compared to breaking up with a cheating ex. What about this specific scenario warrants an AVO? This is for domestic violence....not for stopping drama.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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That sucks OP, it really does. Was thinking about if this happened to me....

I'd probably move, get away. Fvck everything else, go start a new life somewhere else, start fresh, leave all that crap behind me.

Be the better man, do what you need to do legally if you feel it strongly enough, but just get outta dodge. Let those three people go for now. In time, you may be able to repair the relationship with your brother, and maybe even your best friend, but for now I'd be ghost.....

...my suggestion, go somewhere warm :up:


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks for the opinions guys.

To make matters worse about the brother thing, my dad died at the start of our relationship, 2.5 years ago. It really hits home when everyone you thought you trusted is gone.

I have no family left now. And yeah she's dating my "best-mate" now. I've already cut them both out of my life, forgiven my brother, i still talk to him, and im back in the gym in the best shape I've been in, and women are throwing themselves at me now. This all happened within the past two weeks. Muscle memory is a good thing ;)

And to the guy that said i was young, yeah i'm 21. I've learnt a lot from this relationship and i will NEVER let a woman have power over me again. I've spoken to the Police and explained the situation and they actually agreed with me, funny thing is that it was a female police officer. She knew what i meant she could see it in my eyes.

Thanks for the responses anyway guys, I think I'm going to hold back on the AVO and just smile when i see her next, as her jaw drops. Happiness is the best revenge. ;)


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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nousername said:
Thanks for the opinions guys.

To make matters worse about the brother thing, my dad died at the start of our relationship, 2.5 years ago. It really hits home when everyone you thought you trusted is gone.

I have no family left now. And yeah she's dating my "best-mate" now. I've already cut them both out of my life, forgiven my brother, i still talk to him, and im back in the gym in the best shape I've been in, and women are throwing themselves at me now. This all happened within the past two weeks. Muscle memory is a good thing ;)

And to the guy that said i was young, yeah i'm 21. I've learnt a lot from this relationship and i will NEVER let a woman have power over me again. I've spoken to the Police and explained the situation and they actually agreed with me, funny thing is that it was a female police officer. She knew what i meant she could see it in my eyes.

Thanks for the responses anyway guys, I think I'm going to hold back on the AVO and just smile when i see her next. Happiness is the best revenge. ;)
Amen brother.

Cant handle it any better than this. Way to go.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
nousername said:
Lol. So i broke up with my EX because she ****ed my brother, and was also seeing my "best mate" during our 3 year relationship. I basically wrote a Facebook status letting everyone know the truth, because she spread rumors saying i was the bad person. Anyway, the status got over 200 likes and everyone realised that in fact she was the bad person and it felt really good to let the truth be known.

Then the police rock up to my house saying i have to stop contacting her, writing stuff about her etc. Keep in mind she's the one messaging me, contacting me, and i never mentioned her name in my FB status, just said my ex.

Anyway, im thinking about getting an AVO put out on her tomorrow? Seriously, if her last resort is to try to get me charged then maybe i should show her whos in control? What do you think?

I have no feelings for her whatsoever and because she knows that she had to try to get my in trouble with the law, because nothing else will affect me.

Thoughts pls.
What country are you from? Welp, you already have 200 likes on your status so her reputation is damaged, good, she sounds like an evil slore.

Jesus man, your brother and your best friend. That's a rough one.

Now it's time to walk away. Block her and ignore her.

Its a cold world out there. Now you definitely know.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
Next time you see her remember, you got off easy. No kids, no house, no divorce.

Bullet dodged!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
nousername said:
Lol. So i broke up with my EX because she ****ed my brother, and was also seeing my "best mate" during our 3 year relationship. I basically wrote a Facebook status letting everyone know the truth, because she spread rumors saying i was the bad person. Anyway, the status got over 200 likes and everyone realised that in fact she was the bad person and it felt really good to let the truth be known.

Then the police rock up to my house saying i have to stop contacting her, writing stuff about her etc. Keep in mind she's the one messaging me, contacting me, and i never mentioned her name in my FB status, just said my ex.

Anyway, im thinking about getting an AVO put out on her tomorrow? Seriously, if her last resort is to try to get me charged then maybe i should show her whos in control? What do you think?

I have no feelings for her whatsoever and because she knows that she had to try to get my in trouble with the law, because nothing else will affect me.

Thoughts pls.
I don't understand your whole story. Unless you were harassing her over the phone or internet, what would be the point of the police becoming involved? The police don't come to your door over a simple facebook status that doesn't even mention a person's name. If that was the case, millions of people would have police at their door due to trashing their ex in a facebook status. Are you leaving something out? You can't get an AVO unless you have strong evidence of being harmed or a violent physical altercation happened where you feel threatened for your life. They just don't hand these out freely because then everybody would get them for anything. I still don't see how this would happen. Live your life and stop the drama.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Danger said:
Exception, I have mentored you on this subject before. There is a wide margin of difference between "fear" and "stupid".

I fear losing money in stocks, therefore I do my due diligence before investing. What you suggest is akin to "if I lose my money I will just sell what I have left and invest elsewhere". Wise men do not take risks with their investments to start with.

This woman is already calling the cops on this man. Wise men recognize that such a woman is unstable and begin their own paper trail of protection......with an AVO.
1. You dont know the difference between fear and stupid then.

2. Women and stocks is not a very comparable example. Id do agree that "due dilligence" is a trait which is necessary for life. For instance I wont just go out and buy a new vehicle if I cant really afford one. I will save up money, wait, AND THEN take on a vehicle payment...we just dont see OP scenario the same.

3. Like goldengoose said.....you cant just get an AVO pal. Im with him as well as saying that the OP is likely withholding information. Even though the system is pro feminine.....cops dont just show up for facebook statuses. OP has mentioned no domestic abuse....why would he be granted an AVO? Like I said earlier....OP is being childish and "trying to get back at his ex"....he even said it himself. If you cannot acknowledge that.....then you are droning on for the sake of just droning.
The specific scenario displays what this woman will go through to hurt this man. Defamation of character, calling the police, spreading of lies, etc,...
None of which warrant an AVO.

Furthermore....does any of that really "hurt the man"? I advocate for a mindset where you shouldnt really give two sh1ts about what she is saying to people. OP is not in danger of any legal trouble....unless he has done something to warrant it. She cant get him put in jail for breaking up with her.
Exception, you are a young man at 22, learn something from us older folks who have experienced the world.
Whats up with people trying to guess my age? No one has gotten it correct yet. And really.....what does that matter? I could be 45...I could be 18. My advice is really what people should listen to....not filter my advice through some sort of age prism. If you are an "older" member(and I dont think 40s is even "old") hop off the high horse and quit trying to spin "age" as some sort of divine wisdom. I fully can acknowledge experience.....but that does not mean experience is always correct and someone in their teens with limited experience is always wrong.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Danger said:
Experience matters. Your butthurt at the question of age itself belies how young you are. Hopefully your lack of experience will not cost you
Your right. I admit it.....Id much rather be a 39yr old with over 5k posts on sosuave....and STILL have the poor mindset that you do.

Its clear you are just a drone. You are in the clear minority on this thread and facts zip right past your head. OP is some butthurt guy ( in a real sh1tty situation) who wanted to exact some revenge on his gf.....not get a "papertrail". Thats the point of this thread. Period.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
I just see a bunch of arguing and nobody seems to be looking at the facts. I disagreed with The Exception in the BPD thread, but he is correct here in this one.

In order for the cops to show up at your door there has to be an incident or some evidence that you did something wrong that justifies them contacting you. They just don't show up for no reason over a nameless facebook status. THE OP would have had to threaten his ex in some way for the cops to feel it was serious enough to speak to him about it.

The OP can post whatever he wants on his facebook status. That is his page to post opinions and information to his friends. As long as he doesn't threaten another person's life or post evidence of doing something illegal, then he can tallk sh1t about his ex all day if he wants. It's his page that he is posting on, not her page, or anybody else's.

So, unless he was writing messages to her on facebook privately or harassing her on the phone, the cops would not come to his house. There would be no reason for them to.

His ex did not do anything to try to physically harm him. He can't get an AVO unless she did something to him to warrant that. That would be some guy trying to get one against his neighbor because he might think he could become crazy in 7 months from now and feels he needs to protect himself. It doesn't work that way. I knew a lady who tried to get one against her ex husband. She couldn't get one because he never actually showed up to her house. He was just threatening her over the phone.

Danger brought up the Duke Team. There was an incident that happened that caused them to be accused. The OP mentions no incident, just that he stated that he posted about his ex in a facebook status that doesn't even mention her by name. He could be talking about anybody. If there is no name to go on, why would the cops show up for a nameless person? They wouldn't waste their time with that.

Either the OP is leaving something out or is just making this whole thing up. Hopefully he will shed some light on this and can elaborate further.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
My last 15 TheException debate threads in a Nutshell haha...always comes down to blaming the man over the woman due to lack of experience.
What is so hard about taking some damn responsibility?

You keep trying to nitpick my advice because you are always looking for something to blame. I believe us as men have more ability than you lead on. Does the system favor women? Sure it does.....but that doesnt mean we get to pout and cry foul all day. Quit making excuses you are not a VICTIM. Take some damn responsibility and maybe women wouldnt have power over men so easily. Id go so far as to say that your mindset of "woe is me" is just as much a problem as is being the "nice guy".

If you think thats inaccurate.....then tell me what in the OP's scenario is so out of his control that this one sh1tty wh0re of a woman can do damage to him? Give her the attention she deserves....ZERO.....and get on to bigger and better things.

You are anti-feminine......not pro-masculine.