Warning: Altough you may think that my post is written in a confusing manner, maybe with spelling errors, and I do apologize for that, (will fix in future posts promised) but I think if you read it from the beggining to the end, you'll understand what I meant. Quite frankly it's not the best time for me to be posting now, but I just really want to say this anyways, plus, Fingz post, yeeah!
BBbardot said:
sounds like those pathetic guy that we keep asking to go away but that never get the hint, always trying to find an imaginary sign of the fact they are welcomed to stay and hold on to it ( ex: you thinking the blond girl wasn't just making fun of you), and eventually walk away convinced they are cool...Pretty pathetic and so annoying. Always thought they were just trying to put on a brave face but here I see some of them actually manage to convince themselves they are cool.
I have 5 guys a day trying to talk to me on the street and that instantly become bitter and insultant when i ignore them...Weirdos...
the fact you're all loving this, admiring him show me that it's not even that you've a long way to go, but that you're far on the wrong way, the dorky, annoying guy way. The only game you have is inside your head.
srs, you all need to get out more. Socialize more. meet new poeple. You have no clue...
Good post!! Thanks! ****y funny sometimes fails, you know. "Probably the most interresting person you ever met!" HA HA HA HA HA HA. While that is one of the funniest things I have EVER READ IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, it still fails this time, because the girl didn't know Mr. Fingers. Who is awesome as hell, may I add. I think he was just joking around, and wasn't even being serious. If she knew that, she would have been cool. I know I would have found it highly amusing. But she tought: "What if she is some creep or some looser with a huge ego?". She doesn't know. So she tought it was kind of wierd. But it wasn't! If I saw some random guy saying this in real life, I too would wonder. If I saw Mr Fingers do it, I would think it's funny.
Because there are many guys who only say ****y and funny things just to get girls attracted to them which is creppy and guys with low self esteem who need womans approvals do it. Not saying these guys aren't cool, they may be, and I'd be friends and I basiclly like everyone, but these guys have some problems and that can be lame sometimes, espeically to women, it's no wonder they get "scared", the guy can even make a scene and embarass her, who knows?
Then there are guys who say these things from the heart, just to make everyone have fun and all. Guys, we gotta to show we're one of these guys for girls to understand us, then they'll lower their defences. You can think about it, why does ****y and funny sometimes work so good and fail so bad? It must be congruent. It is awkward if the other person has no idea if you are a cool guy wanting to have fun or just a creep, it can be interpreted in both ways, all this is reflected through your body languege and tone of voice, and whatnot. Neediness shows on the way you act, talk, even stand and move. Body language! Think about it if you don't agree! I hope this gives you and idea why do girls sometimes respond like this.
That post was ages ago, fingz has surley changed much by now, altough I personally don't know him. These things change when you socialize more, as you said Bbbardot. I think that Fingz is genuinley cool and all. I want to read more posts of him, new ones, anyone know where did he go, what happened to him? It's so lame when ppl just dissapear, but who knows, maybe something happened to him, idk, I'm not saying anything.
About the "you all need to get out more" I don't browse this forums so often... But there are obviously people here who just really know so much about life in general, in no other forum have I seen this much wisdom at once, really!
If you ment "most of you need to get out more", on that I have no comment!