In English speaking countries there are movements who consider the Queen's English (received pronunciation) the only correct form of English. They believe that all English speakers should speak this way.
I see a lot of guys like to talk Black American Vernacular English or "Gangsta" as it's less formally known, others talk casually or some groups like skaters use a lot of slang words. The sitcom Friends started a lot of expressions too.
I admit, I find white people talking "gangsta" pretty sad, but I do believe they should have the freedom to do so. But how would you feel if these ways of speaking were forbidden at school and you were only allowed to talk in "proper" English?
Why would you have a problem with it?
Also, to everyone who speaks "gangsta", could you tell me why?
Do you think there is any advantage to us all speaking the Queen's English?
I was involved in a class discussion today and wanted to get some more diverse opinions.
I see a lot of guys like to talk Black American Vernacular English or "Gangsta" as it's less formally known, others talk casually or some groups like skaters use a lot of slang words. The sitcom Friends started a lot of expressions too.
I admit, I find white people talking "gangsta" pretty sad, but I do believe they should have the freedom to do so. But how would you feel if these ways of speaking were forbidden at school and you were only allowed to talk in "proper" English?
Why would you have a problem with it?
Also, to everyone who speaks "gangsta", could you tell me why?
Do you think there is any advantage to us all speaking the Queen's English?
I was involved in a class discussion today and wanted to get some more diverse opinions.