Everyone Is Shallow

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, this might sound generalized as fcuk, but its been something ive been meaning to let out so mind me.

Im pretty sure alot of you have heard that girls eventually look for nice guys(around ages 25-27) right? Well, ive been thinking of reasons as to why that happens. Alot of people say that girls eventually grow up and realize that jerks are abusive and that nice guys have been there for them the whole time and thats why they become appealing. I personally think thats bullsh!t. As most of us know, by nature chicks look for guys with money and status(it can go hand in hand). What was the nice guy doing back in the day that the jerk wasnt? The jerk was out there doing his bad boy things(drugs, starting fights, picking on people etc). Meanwhile the nice guy was the nerd that did his homework, went to college, got his degree and is now something in life. At around the ages of 25 to 27 most people would like to have at least moved out of their parents house and become financially secure in life and weird enough, thats when chicks start looking for the nice guys they once overlooked.

Theres a little more to this but im getting sleepy as fcuk...what do you guys think so far?


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
I think very insecure and emotionally wrecked girls go for jerks. I think jerks are little boys...aggressive little boys. And nice guys are just coward little boys. When you are 25 and more you should have your shyt together. Chicks dont change they just shift priorities. When you are responsible but boring wussy....youll get divorce.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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PlasticSurgeon said:
I'm deeply superficial.
Ahhh, now that im fully awake I just realized that I forgot to mention how guys are shallow...Chicks are attracted to what guys have(or their personality traits and money), Guys like what they see. Being an rAFC, I can totally say that I fell in love with pretty faces that I hardly even knew. Then I would go and b!tch about it when I don't get the girl. I would later find out that this chick also had the personality of a brick but thanks to my AFCness, I wouldnt care. And I also know some guys that get oneitis off a girls ass and tits and not once did they realize that she was a total butterface. So yea, nice guys(guys) are in the shallow category too.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
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Rebound Material said:
Ok, this might sound generalized as fcuk, but its been something ive been meaning to let out so mind me.

Im pretty sure alot of you have heard that girls eventually look for nice guys(around ages 25-27) right? Well, ive been thinking of reasons as to why that happens. Alot of people say that girls eventually grow up and realize that jerks are abusive and that nice guys have been there for them the whole time and thats why they become appealing. I personally think thats bullsh!t. As most of us know, by nature chicks look for guys with money and status(it can go hand in hand). What was the nice guy doing back in the day that the jerk wasnt? The jerk was out there doing his bad boy things(drugs, starting fights, picking on people etc). Meanwhile the nice guy was the nerd that did his homework, went to college, got his degree and is now something in life. At around the ages of 25 to 27 most people would like to have at least moved out of their parents house and become financially secure in life and weird enough, thats when chicks start looking for the nice guys they once overlooked.

Theres a little more to this but im getting sleepy as fcuk...what do you guys think so far?
people may stop looking for jerks and start looking for nice guys, but they still look for the confidence a jerk has in abundance. a nice guy who's meek will have the same problems till the day he dies.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Anyone ever notice that while a person can have preferences about who they are attracted to are considered to be superficial or shallow by some people? What if we all had to settle to be attracted to anyone we meet? :nervous:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles baby!
im not shallow, there just alot of ugly chicks bro


Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
snorida44x said:
Attractive women don't choose to be attracted to jerks. They are attracted to them because of the amount of confidence, unpredictability, ****iness, and even humor they show. These are all traits that attractive women love. Then when these guys are abusive and are *******s to the girl, she lets them get away with it because she is so attracted to him.
Not everyone who has confidence, is unpredictability, ****y, and even funny is a jerk.
A Jerk is a Jerk and nothing more and if a woman chooses to stay with one and get slapped around why should anyone care:rolleyes: ?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
LA_Chico said:
im not shallow, there just alot of ugly chicks bro
That's what I'm saying, there are some people that you just aren't attracted to and it doesn't necessarily make you shallow. Interestingly, it's usually the other person (the one who is not receiving the attraction) who mostly throws the label of being superficial.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
You guys are right about how these days anyone who has "standards" is considered "shallow"


in my recent experience... I've been asked out by a couple of girls that weren't all that hot physically but I thought were fun to be around. As I was around them more, I became more attracted to them physically because mentally and "spiritually" they were attractive.

To this day there's one girl that was skinny and had short hair (NOT my usual type)... but she was so "cute" and had great energy and was sarcastically funny... I still wish I'd screwed the hell out of her. Oh well...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I think because of all the hyped up posts about looks in the forum guys are forgetting that there's several things that make a person attractive beyond looks. Nowadays anyone with a small amount of money can do something to enhance their looks.

The thing that's more difficult to change is their personality. There are people who will forgo a person's personality for looks alone only to be disappointed some time in the future most of the time.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
I think because of all the hyped up posts about looks in the forum guys are forgetting that there's several things that make a person attractive beyond looks. Nowadays anyone with a small amount of money can do something to enhance their looks.

The thing that's more difficult to change is their personality. There are people who will forgo a person's personality for looks alone only to be disappointed some time in the future most of the time.
This is true. Last week I helped a friend of mine who was a WBAFC shop for a new outfit(It cost him a little over 300 dollars). I asked chick friends we have in common what they would rate him 1-10...his average so far was a 7 which in my opinion is not bad at all. But to him, he felt that he was below average because in his opinion, me and a few other doods i hang out with are 8's...Anyways, even though he got a decent rating on looks, he was still the same person inside.