Originally posted by FGarcia1:
Oh, yes, one question for you, Adonis:
On average, in your normal daily routines (going to work, going to school, buying a loaf of bread at store, etc.), how often are you approached by women (read: NOT homosexuals)? Do you find it's more natural if you approach them, or vice versa?
That depends, where I work now, all the damn women you'll ever see is 50 year old seniors whose more concerned about what they'll have for lunch or what they'll cook for dinner. In school, it's very subtle - chicks will say things, like: I like you hair style, I like your shoes, I like your pants, where'd you get those pants, shoes, shirt, etc., - hey I don't take it as an approach, but why waste their time making a comment and sporting that fake little grin on their face.
At the clubs (Raves) it's different, girls will actually go up to me and start a conversation, but it's typical for girls to walk up to guys and strike up a convo (in S.F. CA) - but then they'll tell me I'm good looking - that's when I think they're coming on to me. It's a curse sometimes because these women aren't really interested in what I have to say, they'll stare but it doesn't seem like their listening - I see where their interest level are at. It's like, they'd rather be talking to somebody else important but their hanging around and listening to my B.S. anways - get their numbers, they want to exchange with mine but I always give excuses not to give my number (a good thing).
I'ts more natural for me to approach women, that way I know where I stand right off - if they give excuses or act disinterested then I know it's not it. I prefer approaching women at school than at clubs (too easy). Just before the semester was over I approached this gorgeous chick at my class whose been givin' me the eye, but her excuse was: "I would love to, but I have a boyfriend" --> argh!!!
See, it's not that I don't get rejected I often do (but I only approach if they keep staring), it's better to approach who you want and get rejected than to reject someone you don't want in some cases...
It's very rare for someone I'm attracted to, to approach me. Yeah, they'll give subtle clues but in the end I'm the one doing the work - all for the better cause I'm the supposed to be the man. -- I hate this old stereotype that men are the one supposed to be doing the approaching.
Oh, I don't buy loaf of breads at stores because I never go grocery shopping (any of you guys actuall do this?!?) I always eat out, I'm too lazy to cook.. At the mall, I flirt with the cute honeys (usually just to show off to friends who don't have the guts to do it).
**I still can't believe somebody dug up this old crap of a post - har har. I always change my style every season, go with the flow but keep yourself unique from the rest, try out different styles mix em' up and make yourself look good - don't be afraid to sport yourself. It's all about making yourself look good for "YOU" first and then from there everyone will be attracted to your strong presence. Who cares?!? All that will happen is women will start giving you comments, it's a huge leap from where you started.
Sometimes I wonder what's the point of it all nowadays. What's the point? Gettin' tired of chasing, banging - it does'nt seem all too fun anymore and Hell I just wanna have fun...
[This message has been edited by Adonis (edited 06-06-2001).]