ever taken a dance class?


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
I would say go for it.

Don't do the same mistake that I did though: inviting a girl to join together with you.
There's a couple of reasons to why you should avoid this:
a) it limits your options to get to know more girls
b) if she quits you'll be standing there as the "guy that only had one option"

I would really reccomend doing salsa, it will give you some work on the "guy's taking charge" mentality that is important. And besides, girls seems to love to dance with someone that knows how to show them some hot latino moves. Good female salsa dancers are also hot :)


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
What you need is to be willing to experiment with ALL the dance moves you learn during class. If you only stick to what the instructor shows you it will take ages to get up to a satisfying level.

Instead combine some moves with your dancing partner, don't think about how foolish it may seem, you're both there to become good dancers so use her! Get feedback.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by diablo
Which is worse - someone at a club who doesn't know how to dance, sticking to the corners of the club alone with only his drink for company... or the 'homo' guy who took a dance class bumping and grinding with 2-3 girls in the middle of the stage?

Learn to dance, don't take that shyt people throw while you're learning. I haven't taken a hip hop class or none of that, but I was in a singing/dance org when I was little and I can do more than drool over females while I bend my knees off-beat... like most of those losers do. There are some fine hunnies in dance classes, let me tell you.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Good question
Definitely do the dance class, give it a go anyway and see if you like it. Salsa and jive are two good dance styles that require a strong male lead. The good thing is, in these partner dancers you are the lead, you have to be strong, directing the woman were you want her.

Women love a man who has rhythmn and is in charge, there is no better way than showing that than dancing with her with confidence fuelled by knowledge rather than 6 pints of beer which most guys need to gain some kind of courage to go on the floor.

Don't give a crap what any of the 'stand by the bar because I don't do dancing' guys spout out their mouth or the guys that dont do it because they think it is gay for some reason. Normally this rhetoric comes from the young who still have some learning to do yet :). Dancing is only for men who are fearless of women and learning how to do it well is a lot of fun.

Men and women have been dancing together since they were put on this earth, be it in tribal dances, 1920's dance halls or a bit of twenty-first century bump-and-grind R&B.

It is a skill, one you can work on and something that will always benefit you with any woman you meet. Once you have mastered it, however, you do have to be careful how and when you use it - you can come off as a bit of an arrogant, flashy git if the circumstances are wrong.

As with life, when you go to a dance class, the women will come and they will go, in the end you have to do it because you enjoy it not just to meet women. Seen way to many hearts broken at dance classes when couples break up, it will certainly toughen up your mindset for your inner game.

As for clubs, yep it is all bump and grind, not to much room for moves but what you will learn from the classes are the subtle dance moves that will make you more memorable than the half-beat average guy.

I am no DJ or AFC but I will tell you this from my own experiences - strive to be better than the average guy on the dance floor. It has its own personal rewards of which women are just an added bonus.
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New Member
Apr 10, 2005
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what dance is best?

i'm reading through this, and I see a few people favoring hip hop, a few say salsa is the way to go, and modern dance is another option. I, myself am too signing up for dance classes for the beginning of July, and am still debating on which style I wanna take....I am doing it to dance at clubs, be active, meet girls, create a new interest for myself, and mainly to have CONFIDENCE on the dance floor!!!! salsa looks fun.... so after reading this post which should I take????
btw.... to the dude who started the post,,,,, you got the right idea.....!!!!! If you don't meet girls in the class (which is rare) you'll meet them everywhere there is a dance floor....(so I heard.).....


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
i think ill take a dance class too, its like you cant get no girls in clubs without dancing .... well you can but,, it quite tuff..
the guys who stand by the wall get no play... no matter how handsome you are.. or alpha male you think you are.. some migget will get the girls over you ...lol thats the harsh..................... truth im dealing with.


New Member
Jun 21, 2005
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Los Angeles
I started salsa lessons last month and I gotta say I'm loving every minute of it. I'm 49, paunchy, balding, and just don't attract young women anymore. The place where I take classes allows students from the intermediate class, which immediately follows beginner's, to take the beginners class for free to warm up and help us beginners. I just love having young babes put their arms around me and tell me what it is I'm doing wrong and then showing me how to do it. Sometimes I screw up on purpose for the extra attention! lol Not only do I enjoy being around all the friendly people, especially the girls, but I'm surprised by how much I enjoy learning salsa. I've never been much of a dancer, so the whole experience has been a real eye-opener for me. No one cares if you look dorky as long as you keep trying. The only real challenge is not getting a chubby when some hottie accidently rubs her boobs against me.