A lot of this discussion is taken outside the frame. Put it inside the frame, and it all makes sense.
What do women want? Who cares! What do you want? That’s what’s important. Why? Because women want whatever you want. Except there’s one condition: you have to be a man!
First, your sexual relationship with a woman is a reflection of your relationship outside of the bedroom. Second, a woman is a reflection of you. Everything revolves around you!
What do I mean by a woman being a reflection of you? A woman will feel whatever you feel. So the only important thing is that you are IN TUNE WITH YOUR FEELINGS! That’s all that matters.
For the dumba$$es out there: Of course, you have to be aware of her feelings too! You can tell if she’s following you with her feelings, can’t you? 95 times out of a 100 a woman follows my feelings, so I don’t normally have to consider this, but if she’s isn’t following, you are out of line. So stop!]
In the bedroom, your feelings lead the sex just as outside the bedroom your desires lead the plans.
Sex is about pleasure, to a degree. And all women want to please their man. For a man, he can either choose to, depending on what he feels like:
Please himself through her,
Let her please him, or
Please her. (Or a mixture.) If the relationship is solid, these are all good. Follow your feelings in the moment; They will fall into one of these ‘categories’.
A woman feels pleasure when you please yourself through her. Women are sex objects in the bedroom. Sometimes I’ll treat my girlfriend like a sex object. I’ll hold her arms behind her back and boink her from behind, very aggressively, on the verge of violently. Or whenever she tries to grab my hips, I’ll grab her hands and pin them down and fvck her like she’s a piece of meat.
The very odd time when I’m tired, I’ll get her so turned on and then let her do what she wants to do to me. But that’s my business.
And of course, there are those times when I want to make love to her whole body, and please her. I’ll spend an hour or more covering her whole body with fingers and hands and tongues and lips and cheeks before inserting with a slow, deliberate rhythm.
Other times, I’ll change gears spontaneously midway through.
It all depends on what YOU feel like! If you feel like fvcking her brains out, do it. If you feel like getting a BJ and letting her ride you, turn her on and sit back. If you feel like making love to her, do it! Women enjoy what you enjoy.
Embrace your feelings and urges confidently; she’ll follow! Your feelings set the tempo and the mood. Don’t even think about it. Simply, be aware of what your urges tell you, and follow them.
But before you do any of this, make sure you’re a man. I’m not kidding here either.