What I didn’t get is why hang around the guy for a month and then dump him when that month is up. Are they ever expecting to find anyone that way? This was just our first date and when she brought up the waiting a month stuff and let it slip she made the last guy wait, I knew this would be my only date with her. Just seems very common with the 30’s women crowd. This is a failing strategy for sure, I just didn’t understand why they would dump the guy after the month.These women in their 30s that make you wait a month to have sex with them and/or ask for exclusivity as a condition of sex are doing so because of past failed interactions, mainly pump and dumps. That goes against one of the Iron Rules of Tomassi.
The Iron Rules of Tomassi
One of the most influential books in my life has been The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi. It’s a book I wish every man could read, and I…medium.com
Iron Rule of Tomassi #3
Any woman who makes you wait for sex, or by her actions implies she is making you wait for sex; the sex is NEVER worth the wait.
I have not seen women in their 20s enforce such a rule.