Even the Bible warned us, Proverb 31

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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Time can't be relative? That's your best argument? Einstein would disagree.
Sorry BB but that is completely disingenuous to say that Einstein's work proves the literal story of Genesis. See how these religious nuts take a statement they don't understand and say "voilla! God did it!"


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I'm just laughing at the idea of thinking time is static. The rate that time passes can change like the wind. That's a basic premise of the theory of relativity. If you're going to act like Mr Science, you could at least understand it at a minimal level. I'm sure there are much better scientific arguments against the Bible than arguing in favor of a Newtonian universe.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I'm just laughing at the idea of thinking time is static. The rate that time passes can change like the wind. That's a basic premise of the theory of relativity. If you're going to act like Mr Science, you could at least understand it at a minimal level. I'm sure there are much better scientific arguments against the Bible than arguing in favor of a Newtonian universe.
You think that arguing that expressing the creation of the universe in terms of the revolutions of a very insignificant planetbeing foolish is tantamount to rejecting Einstein? Whilst you believe in Genesis?

For fvcks sake man.

Why don't you explain how it works instead of picking non-existent holes in arguments. Let's hear about what you believe, or to be more precise, what you've been told, and the arguments you were told to make when you get buttfvcked by reality.

MASSIVE strawman by the way, moving this to implicating I believe in Newtonian physics. This is genuinely pathetic.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Jesus said, thou shalt turn the other cheek to homophobic micro-agressions.... :D

I like particle physics, string theory, at least until the point I have to do math. Then it stops being fun. I'm a fan of Einstein's writings about relativity. The farther you go in that study, the wackier the theories get. I've seen fairly recent papers theorizing the Universe is a hologram, and also one that the Universe itself has a consciousness. That's pretty far out there. I don't see it as any less believable than the Bible, which by the way, even if you discard everything supernatural in it, is still the best history book in existence for much of ancient humanity. Maybe that's because it has hardly any competition, but it still has value as a historical record.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Jesus said, thou shalt turn the other cheek to homophobic micro-agressions.... :D

I like particle physics, string theory, at least until the point I have to do math. Then it stops being fun. I'm a fan of Einstein's writings about relativity. The farther you go in that study, the wackier the theories get. I've seen fairly recent papers theorizing the Universe is a hologram, and also one that the Universe itself has a consciousness. That's pretty far out there. I don't see it as any less believable than the Bible, which by the way, even if you discard everything supernatural in it, is still the best history book in existence for much of ancient humanity. Maybe that's because it has hardly any competition, but it still has value as a historical record.
I like those things too. I also can tear peoples heads off a bit.

I read this....would recommend, https://www.amazon.com/Amazing-Story-Quantum-Mechanics-Exploration/dp/1592406726

All the best.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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Please substitute "faith" with "irrational belief in the supernatural"

Faith is a human concept from a human mind and has no basis in reality.
No, scientific theory is a human concept from a human mind. Faith transcends concepts.

You might like to read a bit of Kant, and Thomas Kuhn's 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.'


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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No, scientific theory is a human concept from a human mind. Faith transcends concepts.

You might like to read a bit of Kant, and Thomas Kuhn's 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.'
How does faith transcends concepts? Faith cannot be anything but a concept. The Bible has faith defines as "the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen". That is clearly a concept, if you want to dress it up as something more, fine. It's also a concept which is demonstrably irrational.

Look, all the prose on planet earth would not convert me to thinking anything other than it's an overhang from a less developed world where religion gave way to science, because it was well and truly a busted flush when Darwin came along. You have schools teaching creationism ALONGSIDE evolution which is where the origin of this discussion lies. I am afraid if "faith" is believed as something logical, or rational, or anything other than a crutch to deal with the inevietable collapse of self, I cannot help you, and all the hocus-pocus and theorising of bishops and philosophers will not convince me. All we have are the 5 senses, rational thought and observation, and faith is only present as a concept where others have implanted this as an idea, which is pallatable, again, because we are afraid of the dark. There is no bias or method with my viewpoint. This is what you call a viewpoint without religious intervention.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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I see art and the aesthetic experience as a middle ground for these kind of arguments.

Would you not say that there is a kind of reality to aesthetic experience, where something sublime breaks in on the ego if just for a moment? And that experience might lead one to enquire further into the nature of a reality that may be metaphysical... one that lies behind mere appearances?

If you answer negative to the above, you have all the coldness and cast iron logic of a Bolshevik.:D


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
I see art and the aesthetic experience as a middle ground for these kind of arguments.

Would you not say that there is a kind of reality to aesthetic experience, where something sublime breaks in on the ego if just for a moment? And that experience might lead one to enquire further into the nature of a reality that may be metaphysical... one that lies behind mere appearances?

If you answer negative to the above, you have all the coldness and cast iron logic of a Bolshevik.:D
Yes. That's why I am into Zen, but you will find dead ends through stone age cult beliefs. My beef is not with the possibility of exploring this, but with trying to find this in debunked religions like Christianity. Only through observation and experience can this be found, and I tend to find most of these experiences are a form of self-hypnosis rather than true spiritual experience. Again, we must examine the motivations of finding these undefinable experiences. Christianity is wedded to the idea of an eternal soul, which is just taking someone elses word for it. There are 1000s of religions, and many believe they've just been plain lucky enough to be born in to the right one - what luck! There is always the carrot of eternal life and the parent judging ones actions. I will talk metaphysical possibilities all day, but I have no respect whatsoever for Christians, repeating blindly what they have been taught. Eastern religions are enormously more sophisticated and plausible, by a huge factor. Christianity is a joke in comparison, because it's explanations of natural phenomena, and the purpose of life are lowest common denominator - Man is bad, you're off to hell unless you believe. A lot of window dressing on top. The Gnostics were closer to what I consider a more grown-up view - self knowledge - exploring reality and what is, instead of a carefully selected set of texts, created by the Roman empire, and defended with claims of heresy to anyone who dissents. I would suggest modern Christians worship Rome rather than Christ, as they compiled the book, not Christ. The old testament is perhaps the most embarrassing, but the NT is a good handbook for morality. Yet, that's because we were all indoctrinated with these values, Christian or otherwise, and if I had been raised in Indonesia I would not agree, and neither would any other bible basher.

I was raised in a Christian school and upbringing. I rejected it. I explored others. I bet my bollocks to a barn dance few others did this, but carried on with their cultural expectations. Never met an atheist Christian convert who wasn't "got to" following a death - that's key haymaking time for the faith. There are many more Atheist converts, particularly those who studied.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Eternal God Concerned He Might Be On Wrong Side Of History

HEAVEN—The everlasting Creator God admitted through a messenger Tuesday that He has recently been concerned that His unchanging, eternal truths might end up being on the wrong side of history.

The Lord has reportedly been growing increasingly worried in recent years that His objective morals seem to be more and more out of step with the current culture’s ever-changing standards. According to insiders, the Almighty Creator of the entire universe has been struggling with inner turmoil over the outdated nature of His commands centering around human sexuality, marriage, and gender identity for “a while now.”

“The Lord admits that He just isn’t sure anymore,” the heavenly messenger explained to reporters. “What if human history looks back at Him in a negative light in a couple hundred years? He just doesn’t know if He can take that kind of rejection.”


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Eternal God Concerned He Might Be On Wrong Side Of History

HEAVEN—The everlasting Creator God admitted through a messenger Tuesday that He has recently been concerned that His unchanging, eternal truths might end up being on the wrong side of history.

The Lord has reportedly been growing increasingly worried in recent years that His objective morals seem to be more and more out of step with the current culture’s ever-changing standards. According to insiders, the Almighty Creator of the entire universe has been struggling with inner turmoil over the outdated nature of His commands centering around human sexuality, marriage, and gender identity for “a while now.”

“The Lord admits that He just isn’t sure anymore,” the heavenly messenger explained to reporters. “What if human history looks back at Him in a negative light in a couple hundred years? He just doesn’t know if He can take that kind of rejection.”


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
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You're trying too hard.

Your agenda is faith like. ..

Ha. Im kidding. I could give a **** about your soul, not being mean but i just dont care to even tey to influence u. Its not that im a hypocrite i just dont have it in me as i have enough real life to deal woth than to nag a stranger.

I started this thread as an example that thousands of years ago they figured out what TROUBLE women can and will be.
Thats all. Written in history.

Believe what u want. But maybe give it a fukin rest.

What the fuk do u care if somone is a christian?

I think u have too much work to be done on yourself (from ur bdpd posts) than to try to change anothers faith. I mean u are self diagnosed as ****ed up so who are u to know whats right? No hate just fact.

Im here to get better. To learn. To improve.

You have added nothing but negativity like a bitter woman in this thread.
WHO cares ?

Im challenging you to be better, drop the negative wanting to argue bs.

Dont respond with hate or tough guy bulshiiit.
Be mature. Move on. Improve yourself. Stop trolling. Stop ur hating.
Im challenging u to step up.
Be better.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
You're trying too hard.

Your agenda is faith like. ..

Ha. Im kidding. I could give a **** about your soul, not being mean but i just dont care to even tey to influence u. Its not that im a hypocrite i just dont have it in me as i have enough real life to deal woth than to nag a stranger.

I started this thread as an example that thousands of years ago they figured out what TROUBLE women can and will be.
Thats all. Written in history.

Believe what u want. But maybe give it a fukin rest.

What the fuk do u care if somone is a christian?

I think u have too much work to be done on yourself (from ur bdpd posts) than to try to change anothers faith. I mean u are self diagnosed as ****ed up so who are u to know whats right? No hate just fact.

Im here to get better. To learn. To improve.

You have added nothing but negativity like a bitter woman in this thread.
WHO cares ?

Im challenging you to be better, drop the negative wanting to argue bs.

Dont respond with hate or tough guy bulshiiit.
Be mature. Move on. Improve yourself. Stop trolling. Stop ur hating.
Im challenging u to step up.
Be better.
bible Belt capped off the discussion with a joke.

I continued that, there was no real aggression behind that post, I thought those pictures were quite funny.

They weren't meant as a final "f u". Come on man, the fish/loave one was funny as hell. There's a whole bunch of them on a FB page called "christians against drugs"

I will not accept the challenge as I see no reason to change. The fact you are ad-homming me is just fuel to the fire.

I am trying to help YOU improve. I offer you nothing but reality and truth and I will never stop trying to save your mind.It's what any good, moral person does for people holding delusions :)

Cheer up! This discussion is more spiritual than anything else that happens when you die. THIS is the real deal, make the most of it!

I am kind of in my Atheist honeymoon. I will try not to be provocative, as I have, often when I wake up and I am in a bad mood.
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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We have in Fruitbat an exemplar of the hyper-Protestant mind. The individuated mind has freed itself from all religion, yet still feels the need to edify itself in its core fundamental beliefs. And so we get a militant atheism.

Who ever would have thought such a thing possible. Most irreligious people do their best to ignore religion, but the militant atheist, with all the crusading fervor of a believer, argues dogmatically through to his conclusions.

In the self-crowned sovereignty of his own consciousness, he pronounces to all what must be believed.:)


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
We have in Fruitbat an exemplar of the hyper-Protestant mind. The individuated mind has freed itself from all religion, yet still feels the need to edify itself in its core fundamental beliefs. And so we get a militant atheism.

Who ever would have thought such a thing possible. Most irreligious people do their best to ignore religion, but the militant atheist, with all the crusading fervor of a believer, argues dogmatically through to his conclusions.

In the self-crowned sovereignty of his own consciousness, he pronounces to all what must be believed.:)
No, no no, me old china plate!

I am into Zen, I like the interpretation of the Tao as perhaps even what we might call "God".

I just call BS on Abrahamic religion. I have clearly explained why.

If some of you use Christianity as a function to access what I would call Tao, fine. I just don't believe in articulating it. Whatever "it" is, we are.

The specifics of the Abrahamic religions are what I have an issue with, and the book itself doesn't stand up to scrutiny. I am open minded on what we may prove in the future. I like Jesus, but if he did ascend into the sky, I feel it's more likely he was of alien origin than from God.#

Militant, no. The universe is far too amazing to have no meaning. I just don;t think the meaning is as described in the Bible. Nor in life after death or a separate God. If God is anything, it's beating in you now, not looking down on you. Just opinion. Feel free to shoot me down. However, I don't "believe" in it or have faith in it, it's an idea, not a requirement.
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