afc001 said:
Well guys the thing is I'm normally a rather strong guy but occasionally I have these episodes of extreme weakness. Like when I could usually without much effort do 30x4 reps of pushups (I'm not training regularly, just experimenting occasionally..) , somehow there are days when I am having difficulty with just 30x1 ! Is this normal. Any comments/ideas?
30x4? 120 reps? Could be a good thing, could be a bad thing. How heavy are you? If you are thin, than you should bulk up first if you want weightlifting to do anything for you. Read the "for skinny guys" thread and you'll understand. If you are large, and you just have underdeveloped muscles than you should focus on working your muscles for strength instead of endurance. Having weak muscles and overexrting yourself to lift your own body weight shouldn't be an issue, and if it is you may injure yourself.
What are you doing on your weak days? Is it your mental state, are you so depressed that lifting makes you want to cry, or are you just lifting and going "unnn, but its too heavyyyyy"? Get your head set on lifting if you're going to start pumping you put your entire head into it, don't let yourself get distracted by the rest of your life unless its going to get you to push even harder.
You sound like you're underdeveloped. Either atrophy of your muscles under the fat, or just a lack of nutrients. So you need to begin with the basics. Some curls, and aerobics should be your main workout. Get some blood flowing to your muscles. Come back in a week and choose a regimen that sounds good to you and stick with it, its better to have a good mental state so you continue your progress, rather than choosing a gruelling regimen that'll make you want to quit early.