Master Don Juan
You're Jim. You're unfortunately, slightly above avg. You're kinda cute but you aren't hot. You are smart enough to do your job and you understand that to get ahead you have to work at it, but it doesn't come easy for you. You have a good family that cares about you but they aren't really able to help you in any way. People respect you.
You one day meet a guy at work named James. James is taller than you are, his family was able to pay for him to go to a better college than you so unfortunately, James while only 2 years older than you, is your boss. James family gave him the down payment to buy his first house so he's the same age as you, with a house, a sweet car and becuase he's not at work busting his ass trying to get a raise, he has alot of free time that you don't have to go chase girls and girls like him. What's not to like about James? he's tall, good looking, good job, good family
I'll be honest with you sosuave brothers. This was my biggest flaw I had personally. It took me a LOOOOONG time to not be bitter and hate James.
I'm Textbook Jim. I'm good looking but I'm not "hot". I don't roll out of bed "hot> I have to work at being "hot". I'm smart but I don't break the bank IQ wise, I'm about 130 or so. There are people, probably people that will post in this thread, that are smarter than I am. I have to work at it. I'm short lol. Because I have all of these shortcomings that I have to overcome, it cuts into my leisure time, which makes me despise the 6'2 good family guy even more becuase he doesn't have to work as hard as I do.
There was this girl I was crushin on when I first got clean, and I knew a guy like James. I was crushin hard lol. I was just getting into shape. The guy picks me up so we can go to the gym (I could not use my car at the time) and I notice that she's on the phone talking to him and she's flirting with him. I wanted to cry I was so hurt. I got so pissed off I never talked to the dude again. Nothing was wrong with him he didn't do anything to me. I was just that jelly. I hated James (not his real name) not because he got the girl I wanted, HE WASN'T EVEN TRYING to get the girl I wanted.
I make really good money but I have to work my ass off for it. I used to be extremely envious who had comfortable life styles who didn't have to slave at work like I did. I used to get really really peeved at guys who had families who were able to help them with their first house. Why this in particular I don't know. That's one of the reasons I bought my house outright when I moved here.
This is not a healthy mindset to say the least. What I had to learn how to do was to be grateful for the things that I don't have.
If you made me white, 6'2 and gave me a father that gave 2 ****s about me lol, I'd be a generic ho hum systems engineer making 60k living in little rock with a hb7 wife who thought her **** could cure ebola, 2 kids and i'd be dreading going to work tomorrow. I would not be the person I am today if I were born with those advantages because I wouldn't' have been given the drive to work for the things I have.
Now that's easier said than done. It's hard to be grateful when life is ****ting on you. But I've always learned 10x more from failures and setbacks than I have from successes.
Yeah so the **** what you're a short bastard lol. But guess what, if you were 6'3 instead of 5'7, you would probably still be an AFC because you never would have had to learn game to get women. You'd get girls easier, but they would abusive you and treat you like ****, and you'd probably end up in a **** marriage. So be thankful that you have to get the chair to close the vents lol
When I lived in little rock I used to get really.. agitated that white dudes had these kick ass social circles and were shacking up with these girls and I was hing to try 2-3x as hard to have a relevant social life. But you know what good came out of that? Because I could not find a suitable LTR girl down there I had NO REASON TO STAY lol. I just got up one day and moved lol. Kick ass social circle guy can't do that.
I challenge everyone here to find the **** in their live and be grateful for it.
I actually have to do this just about every morning. If I don't I develop a negative mindset where I'm not thankful for anything. I take 20-30 mins while I'm eating breakfast and write out a list of everything I'm thankful for. Then I add the bad things that are happening to me and I write out why I'm grateful[/LIST] for those things as well. It really does help with my mindset. Perfect example, I had a client, yesterday that basically stole $1,100 dollars form me. Not the end of the word, but still. It's $1,100 dollars. Instead of getting all pissed off I was able to put together something in my head that showed me something about the client to keep in mind of the future, there were traits about the client that I now notice that I will never deal with again because I was able to realize past clients that were bad that had similar traits, then I took out my laptop and charged the last year and realized that for every 15 clients with this trait, only ONE of them are good clients. Verses 11 good clients for every 15 for people who don't have this trait. So this guy stealing money has 1. saved me time dealing wiht **** clients in the future 2. will allow me to expand where I get my work from because now i have more time to deal with good clients. So I'm literally thankful this guy stole $1,100 dollars from me. Thanks David lol. AND i can write it off on my taxes lol so it's really a wash.
That chick who was all giddy over James couldn't hold my wife's jock strap today.
You one day meet a guy at work named James. James is taller than you are, his family was able to pay for him to go to a better college than you so unfortunately, James while only 2 years older than you, is your boss. James family gave him the down payment to buy his first house so he's the same age as you, with a house, a sweet car and becuase he's not at work busting his ass trying to get a raise, he has alot of free time that you don't have to go chase girls and girls like him. What's not to like about James? he's tall, good looking, good job, good family
I'll be honest with you sosuave brothers. This was my biggest flaw I had personally. It took me a LOOOOONG time to not be bitter and hate James.
I'm Textbook Jim. I'm good looking but I'm not "hot". I don't roll out of bed "hot> I have to work at being "hot". I'm smart but I don't break the bank IQ wise, I'm about 130 or so. There are people, probably people that will post in this thread, that are smarter than I am. I have to work at it. I'm short lol. Because I have all of these shortcomings that I have to overcome, it cuts into my leisure time, which makes me despise the 6'2 good family guy even more becuase he doesn't have to work as hard as I do.
There was this girl I was crushin on when I first got clean, and I knew a guy like James. I was crushin hard lol. I was just getting into shape. The guy picks me up so we can go to the gym (I could not use my car at the time) and I notice that she's on the phone talking to him and she's flirting with him. I wanted to cry I was so hurt. I got so pissed off I never talked to the dude again. Nothing was wrong with him he didn't do anything to me. I was just that jelly. I hated James (not his real name) not because he got the girl I wanted, HE WASN'T EVEN TRYING to get the girl I wanted.
I make really good money but I have to work my ass off for it. I used to be extremely envious who had comfortable life styles who didn't have to slave at work like I did. I used to get really really peeved at guys who had families who were able to help them with their first house. Why this in particular I don't know. That's one of the reasons I bought my house outright when I moved here.
This is not a healthy mindset to say the least. What I had to learn how to do was to be grateful for the things that I don't have.
If you made me white, 6'2 and gave me a father that gave 2 ****s about me lol, I'd be a generic ho hum systems engineer making 60k living in little rock with a hb7 wife who thought her **** could cure ebola, 2 kids and i'd be dreading going to work tomorrow. I would not be the person I am today if I were born with those advantages because I wouldn't' have been given the drive to work for the things I have.
Now that's easier said than done. It's hard to be grateful when life is ****ting on you. But I've always learned 10x more from failures and setbacks than I have from successes.
Yeah so the **** what you're a short bastard lol. But guess what, if you were 6'3 instead of 5'7, you would probably still be an AFC because you never would have had to learn game to get women. You'd get girls easier, but they would abusive you and treat you like ****, and you'd probably end up in a **** marriage. So be thankful that you have to get the chair to close the vents lol
When I lived in little rock I used to get really.. agitated that white dudes had these kick ass social circles and were shacking up with these girls and I was hing to try 2-3x as hard to have a relevant social life. But you know what good came out of that? Because I could not find a suitable LTR girl down there I had NO REASON TO STAY lol. I just got up one day and moved lol. Kick ass social circle guy can't do that.
I challenge everyone here to find the **** in their live and be grateful for it.
I actually have to do this just about every morning. If I don't I develop a negative mindset where I'm not thankful for anything. I take 20-30 mins while I'm eating breakfast and write out a list of everything I'm thankful for. Then I add the bad things that are happening to me and I write out why I'm grateful[/LIST] for those things as well. It really does help with my mindset. Perfect example, I had a client, yesterday that basically stole $1,100 dollars form me. Not the end of the word, but still. It's $1,100 dollars. Instead of getting all pissed off I was able to put together something in my head that showed me something about the client to keep in mind of the future, there were traits about the client that I now notice that I will never deal with again because I was able to realize past clients that were bad that had similar traits, then I took out my laptop and charged the last year and realized that for every 15 clients with this trait, only ONE of them are good clients. Verses 11 good clients for every 15 for people who don't have this trait. So this guy stealing money has 1. saved me time dealing wiht **** clients in the future 2. will allow me to expand where I get my work from because now i have more time to deal with good clients. So I'm literally thankful this guy stole $1,100 dollars from me. Thanks David lol. AND i can write it off on my taxes lol so it's really a wash.
That chick who was all giddy over James couldn't hold my wife's jock strap today.