As with anything the answer is, it depends. The truth is that you are making someone else rich. If you aren't married and don't have children, you have the opportunity to spend less and save more with the job you have now to put toward investments like real estate, starting your own business, stocks and bonds etc.. Concentrate on monthly income both passive and active and reinvest profits till it meets or exceeds your income as an engineer. Then quit or keep working. But all of a sudden you have options other than relying on someone else's agenda. If you are relying on your employer and your retirement account to make you wealthy, you will probably become wealthy about the time your getting too old to see and do the things you really want to do. I don't have a college degree, but I hire people with college degrees like lawyers and accountants to keep my real estate investments growing and producing. If you want to increase your earning power while working for someone, the investment banking side can be good. You'll network with and have contact with high net worth persons however nothing will be handed to you. You have to go out and kill something, then drag it home to eat. It's very unlike an engineer where you can punch the clock and regardless of how motivated you were, a paycheck still shows up. You need to take calculated risks and have some skin in the game. It's not for the timid. Good luck. Remember the 2 types of pain. The pain of discipline or the pain of regret & disappointment. Pick discipline. (spend less, save more and invest)