They predict this will. Pole shift REVERSAL, north will turn south, south turn north. Climate weather change, earthquakes and volcanoes occur, solar radiation, ect. NASA has also confirmed about this prediction. It was on the history channel some days ago too. The MAYANS AND EGYPTIANS also end their calendar in the year 2012(just saying). Type in Pole reversal 2012 in google to see more links. I am scared, five years to live. What would you guys want to accomplish in 5 years?
They predict this will. Pole shift REVERSAL, north will turn south, south turn north. Climate weather change, earthquakes and volcanoes occur, solar radiation, ect. NASA has also confirmed about this prediction. It was on the history channel some days ago too. The MAYANS AND EGYPTIANS also end their calendar in the year 2012(just saying). Type in Pole reversal 2012 in google to see more links. I am scared, five years to live. What would you guys want to accomplish in 5 years?