End game tips?


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
I posted over in the discussion section about the last stage of pickup: getting her to your place. Unfortunately, I got mostly joke responses.

There is a lot of information here on the earlier stages, but I haven't found very much on the last step. You can't bed a girl if you can't get her to your place. What are some tips/strategies to get her into your car and to your crib?

I find that very often girls are reluctant to leave their friends and sometimes the friends are outright ****blocks.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Well,what is it you're trying to do man? Are you trying to sleep with a girl after knowing her all of 5 minutes? You have to get outside of yourself and look at things from her point of view. I assume we're talking about women in their right minds,right? Women who are coherent,not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Put yourself in her shoes-some guy approaches you,he seems cool and everything,but you really don't know him. You may like talking to him,but going home with him? If you meet her in a public place,she may feel safe while she's with you,but to be alone with you,some guy who she doesn't know,and at his home,a place she's uncomfortable with and has never seen,no,that ain't gonna happen.

Women are cautious because there are a lot of nuts out there.

You have to take these things into consideration,and not call a woman a b*tch or call her cold just because she won't go to the home of a complete stranger who just started talking to her 5 minutes ago.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
This is a tips section, where you post tips to help others, not for asking for advices. That's what the other forums are for.

Anyway, if it's the first time you have sex with a certain woman and you don't get the vibe that she's completely hot and ready to go wherever, it's best to give her some sense of control & comfort. You can do that by:

1. If she has privacy at her place: drop her home and work your way to come inside. Then she knows that you're gonna drive home regardless of what happens, and she's not stuck somewhere she doesn't want to.

2. Make her the "designated driver" and get her to drop you home, then bring her inside. Again, she knows that she can always drive home.

3. Neutral ground: hotel room or city apartment that you have access to nearby.

Driving her to your place out in whoop-whoop in the middle of the night is a big No-No. Most girls won't follow you and the ones that do... well you really don't want them to know where you live!


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
1. Make sure you've established high comfort level with her around you.
2. Prepare a special 'fruit punch' you've made as a bait for her to 'come' into your place to review it.

That's just one way. There are an abundance more variables to the fruit punch, I just thought of that one on the spot.

It could be a collectible item you discussed about with her during a conversation, an embarrassing photo of you. Whatever.

Hope that helps.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
Lexington said:
I posted over in the discussion section about the last stage of pickup: getting her to your place. Unfortunately, I got mostly joke responses.

There is a lot of information here on the earlier stages, but I haven't found very much on the last step. You can't bed a girl if you can't get her to your place. What are some tips/strategies to get her into your car and to your crib?

I find that very often girls are reluctant to leave their friends and sometimes the friends are outright ****blocks.
yo,yo,yo lex,

$5.00 gets her in ya ride
$20.00 gets her back to ya crib

It all depends on what the chick will do fo ya and what coin do ya have.

Seriously, You have to start thinking and quite wasting your time watching TV because then the brain washing will start to dissapear.

The best advice anyone can give to you is: If you want to make it with the ladies, you have to UNDERSTAND the ladies. GO BACK AND REALLY UNDETRSTAND THE EARLIER STAGES BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU NEED!!!!!!!!!

or: make sure that you keep a fidty handy....and you should be good to go.