Thanks for the videos. Unfortunately, I do not know their personal situation which would have been more helpful rather than before and after.comparisons. These people require a massive time commitment to get to where they are.
Here are a few before and after video shorts of men that chose to move beyond their perceived limitations and excuses.
@corrector …
Take a look to see what is possible. The videos are only about a minute long.
Perhaps they’ll help you realize that you too are at choice. You too can choose to change. It is a choice. Only you can make it.
They did it. So can you!!
Tell me what I can do to change my life investing 15 mim per day? These changes require a huge amount of effort and an even larger amount of time. You are probably looking at at least a few hours per day during working time.Oke. Good you are looking after your parents.
But who is looking after YOU?? You don't even have the luxury of having children who will look after you in 20, 30 years from now.
You try to tell me you don't have 15 minutes spare time to work on yourself? Remember, you "just" need a few months to get to a acceptable level( aka a tshirt fits decently). After that you can tone it down, but you won't because after 6 months you also changed your whole attitude and mindset.
Success is addictive AF.
Having a job or having income is the most important thing over your other suggestions. Having kids means you go to jail on child support if you dont have a job or stable income. If you cant take care of kids now you better not have them!
Also there is no guarantees in life even with kids. I am one case where I still live with my folks. Other cases they may move on to their new family, or end up dead or in jail or kidnapped, depending on how their life goes, etc... Everyone has this ideal concept of life and while it may work with allot of people, it is never 100% foolproof.
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