Master Don Juan
Happened to me
This happened to me - but my relationship was 4.5 yrs.
you have to figure one thing out - do you want her or not. If you want to try and keep her here is what I suggest:
- she away for 2 weeks right? take this time and upgrade yourself. Get a haircut, change your pad - some new furniture, new fixtures - whatever. Clean the place up, clean your vehicle up. When you pick her up from the airport, make sure your looking good - sporting the new you - give her a huge hug, and bring her a gift. Not flowers, but something meanigfull to her. DJ her - tell her how good it is to see her and that you've really missed her. Let her do the talking about the trip and listen. Be cool. Take her back to your place, she will see what you've done there - and tell her, you think things in your life were going stale so you took the time to self improve. From here on your on your own - but you could run her a bath, light some candels, and take a bath with her.... be smooth.
At the very least, if she's done with you, you've at least started on the track to updating yourself.
If you don't want to see her anymore - then break it off quickly - lose contact with her and get out of her life.
This happened to me - but my relationship was 4.5 yrs.
you have to figure one thing out - do you want her or not. If you want to try and keep her here is what I suggest:
- she away for 2 weeks right? take this time and upgrade yourself. Get a haircut, change your pad - some new furniture, new fixtures - whatever. Clean the place up, clean your vehicle up. When you pick her up from the airport, make sure your looking good - sporting the new you - give her a huge hug, and bring her a gift. Not flowers, but something meanigfull to her. DJ her - tell her how good it is to see her and that you've really missed her. Let her do the talking about the trip and listen. Be cool. Take her back to your place, she will see what you've done there - and tell her, you think things in your life were going stale so you took the time to self improve. From here on your on your own - but you could run her a bath, light some candels, and take a bath with her.... be smooth.
At the very least, if she's done with you, you've at least started on the track to updating yourself.
If you don't want to see her anymore - then break it off quickly - lose contact with her and get out of her life.