emberrasing experience while almost having sex


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
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Hi, I have not posted a lot but I have read the DJ Bible and some other things, and I have been working on meeting women and trying to lose my virginity. Last weekend I almost did but I had a horrible emberrasing experience. We were on the couch making out and I thought I was finally going to get some, we get to the point where we are naked making out on my bed.

Unfortunately I had a little to drink and my bladder was feeling it. I had to stop to go use the restroom before I could continue, even thouth I was horny as hell. I really needed to go. After I stop to do that the girl seemed to lose interest, and decided she had to go home because it was getting late. Is it a no-no to use the restroom in a heavy makeout session when you are about to have sex? My bladder would have burst if I had tried to hold it in, and never having had sex before I imagine it would have been uncomfortable trying to continue while needing to use the facilities.

Is it unromantic to need to use the restroom in the middle of a makeout session? Is that why she became cold and left? What should I do to avoid having this happen in the future? Do you guys plan on not drinking too much before you do the deed? It is really emberrasing for me to admit this, but I obviously did something wrong, she has not returned my calls and I am so frustrated that I came so close and nothing:(


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2008
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Haha that sucks man, but keep it up and it won't be too long till your in :)

My bladder sucks, it can't hold much water at all and I'm always peeing. So this is a problem for me also. I try not to drink a lot of water if I'm going out / meeting people / possible fvck. Of course during the day I drink heaps of water (3+ litres), and usually its all out by the time I'm ready to go. Does anyone know why some people have to pee more than others? Other people noticeably point this out to me haha. I'll do some research later.

But yeah, if she's really aroused (Bit of foreplay/fingering), and you tell her to wait for one second usually it will be all good. This chick just sounded like she wasn't ready and was being flakey.

Good luck dude.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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In the future, just say "Hold up, I'm going to get something to make things more interesting..."

Something to that effect


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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It happens. Dont beat yourself up. I will say that you could have turned her back around (or back ON) if you would have played your cards right, though. She should have been a little more understanding about it though. That sux she's not returning your calls. I'd bet it has to do with more than you having to pee, though. If you have to go, you have to go.

Chicks are notorious for doing that same shyt, btw. I've had chicks get up in the middle of sex to go pee, and come back and expect me to still be hard in the one condom I had in my wallet, while they dissappear for five minutes. The moment is gone. Game over.

Now you know that next time, before shyt gets too hot and heavy, make your preparations. Go pee, if you need to. If you havent showered or are sweaty and nasty, go ahead and wash your coknballs in the sink, In case she decides to be teabagged. Its polite to do that.

Get used to the world of sex. Sometimes, the slightest thing goes wrong, and the sex stops, and the girl loses interest altogether. There's also buyers remorse. Even if you do go through with it, or get half way there, like you did, if she wasnt ready, and was only in the heat of the moment, or drunk, sometimes she will regret her decision and ljbf you. Its quite common.

Another thing that happens is if you dont cvm, for whatever reason, sometimes it really weirds the chick out, and they will next you. This happens to me, because I have trouble cvmming my first time with a chick. (Of course, Im usually drunk) This actually works in the chicks favor obviously, but they feel disconnected, and self conscious if they cant get you off. Its wierd. You can give the chick the best sex of her life, and she can walk away from it like its nothing, if the sexual connection wasnt fully there.

Girls will bail out, if your first time together doesnt go smoothly, get used to it, and keep plugging away.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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Portland, OR
She either wasn't that into it to begin with, or you had her in the heat of the moment and the little break you took allowed her to reevaluate what she was doing. She was probably going along with the hookup until you put it on pause, then she had the time to think "wait, what am I doing here?"

How long did you know her before the clothes started coming off?


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
I know her through a party I went to from some people at my school. We have been hanging out for a little while, I have taken her out to eat, took her to a movie, we have had a couple of make out sessions, she agreed to come back to my place, in fact it seemed she wanted to. I thought she was really into me, this is a real bummer. I don't get how they can change their minds just like that about a guy they have been out with a few times already. I didn't tell her I was a virgin, I am to emberrassed to admit it to people I know in real life. Maybe she could tell when I did something wrong. I got as far as fondling and even kissing her breasts and touching her pu$$y.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
Whatever, big f ing deal. Proper spelling is not a measure of true genius, it is just something for pseudo-intellectual wannabees to be an insecure ass about.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2008
Reaction score
It's a part of sexual experience I guess.
Sometimes it doesnt matter at all. And sometimes it does.
At least you know what to look out for. Pee earlier when you are with a girl and time it better. Dont wait until you explode.
It's also the way you bring it. "I have to take a pee pee. I'm so sorry. Please wait, I'll be back in a minute. Is that ok?" etc etc, and you run of meekishly with an erection flapping at your tummy. Or: "I have to take a dump. You can get yourself off in the meantime."
Not sexy. Make it a smooth transition.

But that's probably not the only thing. You're still a virgin so you're probably doing more things wrong then the average bloke. She wasn't really up to it. You'll do better next time.
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Hey bro shyt happens. Don't sweat it. That has happened to me numerous times. Only I don't drink that much. But I have had the swollen bladder.

For your first time YOU deserve to have it special anyways. Not in a drunken fruck fest that you won't enjoy or recall.
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
thomasM said:
Whatever, big f ing deal. Proper spelling is not a measure of true genius, it is just something for pseudo-intellectual wannabees to be an insecure ass about.

lol...I agree. This site is already packed full of super left brained nerds who's minds can't stand the imperfection of improperly spelled words or grammar.

It must drive them fruit loops to see a mizpelledz word.

The site is about getting laid not winning a spelling B contest like some good little emo femmed out Jonny at school.