Embarrassed because of penis size


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2012
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These girls dont even care if its average they still think its small :(, yesterday my two female friends and two male friend were coincidently talking about penis size.One of the girls was talking about how ****s under 7 are small and i wa slike but 5.5 is the average. They laughed and said if i guy pulled out his c0ck and was 5.5 they would clown him forever :(

Theres this HB7 thats wants to give me a BJ but i keep hestitating because im afraid shes gonna clown my size :(


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2012
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
I've been doing it for 40 hears now and I need to coil it up like a fire hose. You've got to know when to quit.

And are you forreal? i mean i know your not talking literally but did u really make big gains?

I started the JP 90 beginners routine over at pegym like the guys reccommended a couple days ago

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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I was having a good laugh, Atom Smasher, but the boy's credulous response cut it off.

The rule is one inch for every foot of height. If you're 6' 6", a seven-inch member would be on the long side of the normal range. If you're 5' 5", a five-incher would be on the short side of normal range. Your ancestry may add or subtract a half inch or so.

Hardly any men vary more than about one-and-a-half inches from the rule. These are the men who are remarkably small or large. A woman would have to fvck hundreds of men to find any truly remarkably smaller or larger d1cks. She'd have to constantly throw herself at the tallest or shortest men she could find. Such a slvt would know for sure that a 5-1/2" member is well within the range of ordinary on whites and blacks, and a 5" d1ck is ordinary on foreign-born yellows.

So any woman who calls a 5-1/2" member "small" is totally and completely full of bvll sh1t. More likely, she's so stretched out inside that she can't "have and hold" a normal man. She's projecting her low self-esteem onto you. Don't accept it. It's her problem -- not yours.

You're the end result of millions of years of primate evolution. The normal length delivers semen to the cervix most efficiently. This length results in the highest number of fertilized eggs. When the d1ck is substantially longer than the vag, it hits the back so much and so hard that women keep crawfishing away during intercourse -- which makes it more likely that it will ejaculate only halfway in, or that it will slip out during ejaculation. IOW, a d1ck that's too long has exactly the same orgasm problems for a man as does one that's too short. To avoid a size mismatch, select the youngest possible women of your own ancestral background.

(Most women have such difficulty achieving orgasm even on their best days, that you're going to have to spend a lot of effort to get her in the mood and use a lot of foreplay. Even then, you're more likely to get her off when you're going after seconds -- which is a much longer fvck -- so why worry about her orgasm anyway?)

So many men watch p0rn and think that enormous d1cks are common, and that normal men are embarrassingly small. Don't believe it for a minute. P0rn is designed to fill you with self-doubt, so that you won't approach women, but instead will go back and buy more p0rn.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Can you make a girl come with your fingers?

If so what does that tell about the penis size?
Jun 22, 2009
Reaction score
Capt...I'm a whopping six inches and I've gotten zero complaints.

the only drawbacks I've found:

- there are some positions I just can't get into, and I have to stick to my usual 3 or 4.
- I fall out sometimes. You re-mount her and pretend it never happened.
- The woman has to be in great shape in order to keep up with all of the position-switching. That's not much of a problem, it keeps my standards high.

TLDR; As long as they're getting jackhammered as I whisper dirty things in their ears, it's all good.

Jelquing (if you choose to go that route) is something you should do for you and only you. Why exercise your tool and waste all that time for a bunch of skirts? Do it because you want it to look good...same motivation for the gym.