Email translation help + ideas


Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Well for starters, I've been a long time lurker, and now, first time poster. Now that is out of the way...

I met a HB7.5/8 on myspace about a week ago and ever since we've been exchanging random fluff messages. I suggested we meet up and we ended up talking about some new waterpark (she brought it up).

Here's how our messages have went. (first two lines are paraphrased cuz I don't have them anymore)

her: what if I'm some internet predator or something?
me: Then I'll kick your ass.
her: I'm actually the sweetest thing ever! If you beat me up then I wont buy you icecream.
me: Sweetest thing ever, eh? I'll believe it when I see it. Icecream is a good start, I'll give you props. But you will have to do better than that to make me happy. :p
her: What? I'm keeping YOU happy? No, no. You must be confused. You're here to make ME happy. Lol
me: Yes, you are keeping me happy. But, I'll make you a sweet deal, YOU make ME happy first, and then I'll make you happy. This way, we're both happy people! :)
her: Hmpphh!! I'll think about it.
me: What's there to think about? Imagine yourself running around having fun, eating ice cream and having the time of your life! How can one say no to that??
her: Well when you put it that way.. lol

I don't know if that last line is positive/negative/neutral. and I'm not quite sure how to respond to it. Suggestions? My idea was "So give me your phone number and I'll call you when I am free to go."

And last thing, my buddies were all gonna go to this park in about 2 weeks (after school is out for them). Another idea I had was to invite her out to coffee or something a week or so before that and then invite her to tag along to the waterpark. Yay/nay?


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2005
Reaction score
Just give her two options: the waterpark or meet for coffee first & see where it goes.

I don't think going to the waterpark w/ her & your friends is a good idea. You want to isolate her first & bring in the friends later. :rockon:


Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
The more I think about it, the more I don't want to do either. Coffee seems a bit too cliche and the waterpark seems way too "big" of an event for a chick I haven't even met irl.

I'm starting to lean towards having her be my personal shopping assistant for a couple of hours and help me knock off a few things on the to-get list for my summer wardrobe. I get to interact with her + get some shopping done. And if all goes well, maybe do the waterpark next time. Anything wrong with inviting her to shop with me?


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
where you do not expect me :)
i only invite girl "friends" to do shopping with me .
in my opinion , it's not realy a good idea .why not just stick to coffee, seems a reasonable idea.
one more thing , i think that i ur last lines , it seemed like u were convincing her ( which in my opinion shift the power to her side :( ) = bad thing.