ElStud, this is your last hope, so read, and learn!

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The Motivator

Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
I posted this in reply to one of your threads, but this deserves its own thread....pay careful attention because I am trying to help you change your life around:

you are currently experiencing the typical dilemma of a creepy, nerdy, inwardly focused little kid (you are 18, you are a little kid)

you will get pushed around by guys bigger than you
you will get rejected by girls 100% of the time and thus die a virgin
you will get kicked out of Abercrombie and Fitch and get told by the lunch lady to leave girls alone (this happened to you)

what do you ultimately get out of this? nothing at all

it only counts as experience if its POSITIVE experience, but getting blown out of sets 1000 times in a row has taught you nothing (look back at all of your FR's and you'll see the end result is always the same)

Also, you said before that you could get laid if you wanted to, well friend, a virgin does not talk like that, a virgin will get laid right away if he can get laid

you are too inwardly focused and because you only care about YOURSELF, it will make most people literally hate you.......you have no concern for others, so why do you think they should care about you?

The guy that pushed you away saw that you were creeping a couple of poor girls out, and he wanted to use that as his opener (he probably ended up getting their #s too if he actually was trying to approach them)

id save girls from a creepy guy too, in fact I have before, at clubs, its a very good approach to Amog a creep and gain instant comfort with a girl over it

what should you do you ask???

BUILD MUSCLE AND WORK ON YOUR LOOK......not looks, but your LOOK, your haircut, your clothes, your style

its not very hard to guess that you are on the unattractive side, cold approach game is only for good looking guys........you need to make yourself good looking before you expect success


if there are even 5 girls in your school that think you are creepy, then trust me, YOUR WHOLE SCHOOL THINKS YOU ARE CREEPY, in high school word spreads faster than a freshman girl's legs

you think you get interest? no, you just get girls being polite to you, this is the ONLY thing you get.......most people are not evil enough to just say "dude your ugly, go away!!"

real interest is kissing, dating, sex, getting girls to want to be your gf, cuddling, going to the movies together, her buying you things - THAT IS INTEREST

you live in a delusional world and unless you listen to my advice, you're doomed


The Motivator

Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
ElStud, READ THIS AND REPLY to let me know you've seen it, i didnt wanna waste my time typing if u cant even give me the time to read it


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
he didn't respond in the other thread either....he's a lost cause man, but i comend you for caring enuff to help


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
You know he's just going to say that he has successfully pulled numbers in the past.

The Motivator said:
if there are even 5 girls in your school that think you are creepy, then trust me, YOUR WHOLE SCHOOL THINKS YOU ARE CREEPY, in high school word spreads faster than a freshman girl's legs
This is so true. Scary.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
true dat


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
He's all talk when he can pick holes in something but whenever it's spot on (like this) he never has the balls to reply. We'll see.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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brett012 said:
Yes, you people are tools, just say that. Obviously ElStud won't respond to a thread when there is absolutely nothing he can say that will prevent the people from talking more sh!t. Just because he loses a debate against 100 people doesn't mean he is wrong you ignorant fvucks. ElStud is in the perfect situation. He's in high school, and has every chance to improve, and you people are jealous of him for that. Hence the reason I noticed a large amount of the people who respond to his threads hide their age, because they are afraid to admit they fvucked up their life so bad and it's much harder to improve their game because of it.

I don't see some thing wrong with someone who has never kissed a girl and is improving talking to girls, and I regret having gotten the action that I have. The less action someone has gotten, the easier it is to not think about sex, and that is exactly what ElStud is doing, not thinking about sex. His goal is to gather interest, and from my viewpoint, the girls don't seem to be creeped out by him, but see him as another guy who is practicing talking to girls, excluding the situation with the freshmen girls. Hopefully he has the common sense to realize that, once he has the chance to kiss a girl, since he has gotten there, he can do the same thing to another girl, and continue on that path.

As long as ElStud ignores every thing anybody says on this forum, he will succeed. I might go as far to say that the only thing he needs to work on is kino. The best advice is not to change, and since ElStud is in high school and hasn't had any serious signs that he needs to stop what he's doing, I agree with it in his case.

The owner of this thread is trying to be funny by hurling in a few insults, but my mind automatically translates it to jealousy. If the thread creator is really trying to help, he would not be insulting at all. Yes, I know I used a few insults in my post, but only because most of the people responding to this thread won't understand a language without them.
This is one of the most truest post in this thread dude.

I think this "The Motivator" guy is probably just a joke account made by one of the many haters on this board. Come on, the dude signs up just for the sake of "helping" me? Come on, BS. And then this guy frankensteins a post from almost A YEAR ago and expects me to reply. It's really rather funny.

The Motivator

Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
ElStud said:
This is one of the most truest post in this thread dude.

I think this "The Motivator" guy is probably just a joke account made by one of the many haters on this board. Come on, the dude signs up just for the sake of "helping" me? Come on, BS. And then this guy frankensteins a post from almost A YEAR ago and expects me to reply. It's really rather funny.

so you are that thickheaded that you do not even see the advice that i am offering?

i didnt say one bad thing to you, all of my words were for you to READ and to LEARN

how can someone be so ignorant as to not see exactly what is in front of them??


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Elstud let me tell you a story which may help you.

I was on a school camp as a leader with a friend. At the end of the camp, we had to evaluate ourselves. I was thinking hard about what I should give myself, and then wrote down some stuff. Then my friend looked at my evaluation and was like 'hey dude don't be so hard on yourself'. I looked across at his, and he had given himself 'excellent' for almost everything. He told me that his philosophy was basically to keep his head held high in a world full of people trying to shoot you down. When we got our objective evaluations, he scored a bit higher than me, but I had evaluated myself alot better. He didn't score a single excellent.

What did I learn from this? There is a difference between self-delusion and self confidence. If your not able to keep your mind open to even the most scathing and insulting criticism then you can never know where you are actually at, and will suffer for it. You keep your head held high, not by refuting everyone who says your not what you think you are, but by having the COURAGE to see yourself as you truly are right now, no matter WHAT that means. Once you know where you are, you know what you have to do to get where you want to be. This is hard to do, I'm not going to say I've done it, but the first step is being prepared to accept whatever may be the truth. The criticism that people give you, no matter what the intent of the person giving it too you, can be an incredibly valuable to yourself if you use it as a way to greater self awareness, rather than instantly thinking, 'thats wrong' in your head when you hear it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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This will probably be my last reply to this thread, because I know what you're trying to do and that is, cause a huge 3 page flame war, not happening. I can get pull numbers, I can get interest from most sets and I can honestly say, that not ONE piece of advice I've gotten has ever helped me, except for the occassional "good" advice people give. Hating on me and making assumptions aint gonna help me nor is arguing with the likes of you people.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
I read this once, from an E-Book, I currently have:

It is easier to help people by praising them, which makes them try to work harder, than it is to criticize them, and de-motivate them.

So, lay off him. You haven't got anything nice, or productive to say, shut yer fecking traps.

The Motivator

Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
id like to see where I flamed ElStud

The only thing I see in my initial post is me pointing out ElStud's shortcomings, telling him what he is doing wrong and why he has failed to even kiss a girl

when I tell him that he is inwardly focused and insensitive to other people's feelings, am i wrong? I have read each of his Field Reports, I see the 0 progress he has made

Progress would be learning to talk to girls
then getting numbers
then getting dates
then kissing
then gf's
then sex
then more sex, more dating, more gf's, and more numbers, to infinity

ElStud, you need to make progress from cold approaching every single girl insensitively and getting blown out every time - you are past that, you need to do MORE now........you need to call these girls who's #s you have, and if you cant get them to a point where you are kissing, then go get more #s

with all that said, the ONLY progress you have made is that you have made everyone in your school see you as a creep, where before they saw you as a quiet shy kid

like i said, listen to my advice about improving yourself, it can be found in my initial post

The Motivator

Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
Lishy said:
Talking to Elstud is like talking to a brick wall ... Only the brick wall has more common sense!

I wonder what school he goes to, I'd like to hear what his classmates think about him


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
ElStud is one of those people, kids usually, that take any advice as a personal attack. I used to be a bit like this. It's pretty much pointless offering anything until he is willing to listen, but ironically this sheer pig-headedness is not in itself unnattractive to women. I just don't think he's smart or hot enough to carry it off.

Mike, don't bother calling me a hater, a KBJ or that I'm assuming. I really have no reason to offer this advice other than to help you. That made you a little annoyed, didn't it? You don't need any help, not you. Well we all can.

I would advise you work on your social skills and getting people to like you more, just a little bit, and that's achieved by perceiving how you appear to other people and adjusting yourself accordingly. That doesn't mean being a kiss-ass, but we grease the cogs of social dynamics with charm. That's how successful people get what they want. Too many people go wrong in the other direction, and only care about how they are perceived. You need to move slightly in the other direction. It'll really help your game, I promise.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Nighthawk said:
ElStud is one of those people, kids usually, that take any advice as a personal attack. QUOTE]

ding ding ding. I have a buddy like this. He's 29 and wonders why he has no women. It's because he KNOWS everything and if you try to give him any advice he takes it personal and then tries to belittle the person advising him. needless to say he's alienated all of his friends and can't figure out why no one wants to hang out with him. He thinks his behavior is "keeping it real" and hes 'not going to change for anybody', but he's clearly unhappy and what he's doing is not working. I know for a fact that he has resorted to prostitutes because he has ruined his reputation with his behavior. After a while people get tired of dealing with these sorts of people and just ignore them and leave them alone.

Elstud. Try listening to people who are a bit older than you and have had some experience. They aren't telling you these things to attack you, they come from a place of trying to help. I hope you can see that. If you think you know everything and you are doing things right....remember this. Everyone makes mistakes and can use some correction every now and then. That's why people come to sites like this, to learn from each other.

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Basically... Everywhere
I applaud you for doing this The Motivator, but Im afraid it will be 100% fruitless. Like that other guy said; its like talking to a fvcking brick wall. ElStud is the biggest fvcking tool I have met, there is absolutely no fvcking hope for him. As much as we all have tried to help him, he has NEVER even tried taking our advice. He is negative towards EVERYTHING.

The bottom line is that he should be banned, he should be banned for being a complete tool, for NEVER taking others GREAT advice and for flaming and trolling and ignoring peoples questions. Moderators should IP ban him, come to his house and throw his computer of the highest building in whereverthefvckhelives, to ensure he NEVER comes back.

Im sorry for being a bit pissy, but I am just so fvcking tired of him. ElStud, you will die a virgin, without ever having a relationship or a GF if you dont change.

Kaim Argonar

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
How about the OP and some of the posters in this thread stop being so abrasive and conceited if they want someone else to genuinely listen to what they have to say? You guys REALLY do think that you aren't being insulting by making a topic to publically humilate him, posting things like "you will die a virgin, without ever having a relationship or a GF if you dont change" and hammering stuff like "you're doomed/you're an idiot if you don't agree and do everything I say" in this incredibly over the top holier-than-thou attitude? Is it possible to be THIS dense? Come on.
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