ElStud on approaching.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud is giving advice on how to get over the fear of approaching; something he has already mastered. He's not trying to advise anybody on how to actually close a woman, so any criticism regarding his technique should be saved for another thread.

Those of you trying to provide constructive criticism should understand that if it isn't applicable to the thread, then it isn't warranted. I'm sure ElStud would appreciate a private message as opposed to you calling him out on a thread that has nothing to do with your subject matter.
Exactly, this is a thread on approaching, however people attack my game? That is nothing but BS hating. Constructive criticism? Nah, it's just looking for a fight.

Smack said:
El Stud, you seem to think you're the sh!t here because you can cold approach and get a phone number.

But in reality, no one cares because you're still a virgin and have never, to my knowledge, got past a quick coffee date with a woman.

For your age, you're extremely unsuccessful with the ladies and whilst you do possess a skill which many don't, you can't utilise it.

People here aren't haters, but would just rather not take advice on girls from someone who is a virgin.
Blah blah blah bloodi blah blah blah blah. When you say something useful I'll reply.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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ElStud said:
Exactly, this is a thread on approaching, however people attack my game? That is nothing but BS hating. Constructive criticism? Nah, it's just looking for a fight.

Blah blah blah bloodi blah blah blah blah. When you say something useful I'll reply.
hes post was one of the best in this whole thread...


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Ohhh man. Elstud threads are HILARIOUS. You guys are great, and i shall rep you for making me giggle. Its funny how this chode thinks hes better than everyone else because he can approach. He doesnt get any further because 1) girls arent attracted to him cause he has no clue how to create attraction and he has a BAD personality
2) he hates girls (another ball busting post)
3) he wouldnt know what to do with a girl god forbide he actually make it remotely that far

Add all of those things together and you get why Elstud has NO GAME or anything of the sort. At the very least you would think he would work on his personality or himself overall, but he wont because his ego is the size of f*ckin jupiter, which explains why he thinks hes hot sh*t cause he can get a fake phone number. This kid is a JOKE. Im pretty sure everyone who knows him personally probably cant stand him because hes an arrogant pretentious little sh*t.


Jan 10, 2009
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ElStud said:
Hey guys this is ElStud and today I'm gonna talk about my views on approaching from what I've experienced. I know right off the bat that not everyone's going to agree with this, but I don't care. This is basically gonna be a guide to help newbies get better at approaching and get over their approach anxiety.

So why are guys afraid to approach girls?

Why are guys afraid to approach girls? I can answer this one word, they fear being rejected by the girl. They fear that the girl won't like them or that they are not good enough for the girl. But let's look deeper into this, why are they afraid of being rejected? Well because they have an insecure mindset and have bad beliefs. They are not "Confident" in their approach. So yes, insecurity and bad beliefs are the two main reasons guys are afraid to approach. And these insecurities and bad beliefs ultimate lead to...

Approach Anxiety

Approach Anxiety is what it is which is when you see a girl and you're afraid to talk to her. This is a common problem that most newbies have and it comes from the fear that you will be rejected by the female. The fear that she will not like you, the fear that you are not good enough for her, the fear that what you say isn't going to work. That's approach anxiety for you.

So how do you get over Approach Anxiety?

Well to be honest at this point, even I still get a little AA but in the end I'll still approach. But how do you weaken your AA and become more comfortable with approaching? Easy, you just keep approaching and approaching until you're comfortable with it. It's kind of like you see a set and even though you are nervous, you eventually just grab your balls and approach the set. That's how I got more comfortable with approaching.

Okay, I get that. But the thing is, I don't know what to say when I finally do approach the girl. Any tips?

You need something to say to the girl after approaching? "Hey, how's it going?" it's simple as that. Don't worry about if the convo doesn't go any further than that and don't worry if she rejects you. Just go up there and say "Hey, how's it going?". Alternatively, if you want to try something different than that, there are a lot of canned openers out there that you can use. Personally they're not my style though. But really don't worry too much about what to say, as it's more body language and subcommunication that matters.

But ElStud what if I get rejected?

So what dude, there are plenty of other women out there, you'll live if one girl rejects you. There'll be other fish in the sea bro don't worry too much about it. Just focus more on actually having the balls to approach and talking to the girl for right now.
finally I see a post that I like. a post that is not all negative and that is not complaining about something.
all of you whiners on this site need to read the post above and start going out and start talking to girls instead of complaining on this forum or any other forums.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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oakraiderz2 said:
Ohhh man. Elstud threads are HILARIOUS. You guys are great, and i shall rep you for making me giggle. Its funny how this chode thinks hes better than everyone else because he can approach. He doesnt get any further because 1) girls arent attracted to him cause he has no clue how to create attraction and he has a BAD personality
2) he hates girls (another ball busting post)
3) he wouldnt know what to do with a girl god forbide he actually make it remotely that far

Add all of those things together and you get why Elstud has NO GAME or anything of the sort. At the very least you would think he would work on his personality or himself overall, but he wont because his ego is the size of f*ckin jupiter, which explains why he thinks hes hot sh*t cause he can get a fake phone number. This kid is a JOKE. Im pretty sure everyone who knows him personally probably cant stand him because hes an arrogant pretentious little sh*t.
Once again you know everything, great!


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Allow me to illustrate the problem while at the same time being on topic.

FR follows

I went to an after BDAY party party recently and we all ended up in a dance club. Out on the floor I saw a couple cute girls dancing together and one of them sort of caught my eye, so I worked my way across the floor and started dancing with her. She smiled.

FR - end

Does anything about that (non-fiction BTW) seem, um, incomplete to anyone? Hell yes it is. I've taken 5 minutes of something that eventually took 7 hours to f-close and made believe it was interesting or worthwhile. I can't wait to tell you about the conversation I had yesterday with the counter chick in Starbucks - it's so hot!


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Obviously the point of approaching is to impress women with your ability to imitate video game characters.