Thank you guys. Glad you enjoyed the show! It was a lot of fun.
Sneaker - I never emailed her cause I knew it would be a lot of work to keep it up and make something happen, and I live in San Diego...Hotties everywhere! I can go out and meet a better looking girl anytime I want.
th answer your question about the flowers and champagne, those were "For TV Only" moves. Good on the show, but not in real life, at least not until date # 10. Romance is a great but you have to use it in moderation, and never too soon.
oskiano -You're right. Her agenda was definitely unattractive. When the camera's were off we weren't allowed to talk to each other and they kept us seperated.
Cesare - Great questions. I'll answer them one at a time...
1. What has been the most important influence on your development as a seductionist/DJ?
Where should I start?
I have been reading these boards for years, but the main thing that helped me to succeed was getting off of the computer and going out and trying EVERYTHING to find out what worked. I was lucky in the fact that I had some friends who were really good at this stuff, and I was able to watch and learn so to speak.
I have really worked hard to get this down and I think that one of the reasons that I did figure it out is because I am ALWAYS looking for things to improve my game. I get new lines from people and movies all the time and I always ask my girl friends (not girlfriends) about guys that they meet and date and what they do wrong and right.
One thing a lot of people overlook is that you need to take control of all parts of you life to really attract women. I go to the gym, pay my bills on time, have a nice clean house, hobbies, nice shoes, etc etc.
I think too many people think that they just need one more piece of information, like one day they are gonna find "the magic post" and everything will come together for them. I'll tell everyone right now that this is BS. While there are some great posts on here, you can't get a complete picture how this stuff works by reading scattered posts, especially when most of them are junk.
What I suggest to everyone is to take what you know and run with it for a few months, and see what kind of progress that you make. Anyone who's been here more than 2 weeks knows that the same stuff gets posted over and over, and that's not gonna change. (Ive been reading this forum for 4 YEARS, way before you had to register
2. What would you recommend that guys on this board focus on in order to achieve greater results with women?
I recommend to everyone that they take what they KNOW works and use it, and never stop looking for ways to improve your game.
I've been doing this for five years, and it took me about 3 to get really good and really comfortable with my skills. I've seen and read every product and book out there, and while some are better than others, the only one I really recommend is Double Your Dating, especially the Advanced Series.
The reason I recommend David D's stuff so highly is because he explains absolutely everything you need to know to understand how attraction works and how to make it work for you. It's the only product that covers details that may seem small, but have a major affect on your game. I'll get into this more later.
Most guys are always looking for the next line or routine, and they think if they know all the right lines then they will get the women they want. Women see right through these guys because women are looking for something very different.
Ive had girl friends tell me that when they meet one of these guys they think to themselves, "Well, he talks a good game, but let's see if he can back it up".
In most cases they don't, because they don't understand women, and more importantly, don't understand what parts of their own personalities they need to develop in order to attract them and keep the attraction alive.
For example, the Advanced Series is the only product out there that really addresses the topic of insecurity, and how this repels women like a skunk. Every product says stresses that you have to be confident, but the DYD stuff tells you WHY you need to be confindent and HOW to get the RIGHT KIND of confidence that will attract women like crazy. It also explains to you SPECIFICLY how to demonstrate to women that you are the guy they are looking for, without looking like an arrogant show-off.
Little things like this are what sets his products above the rest. He really paints a complete picture of the game, and that's why I feel it is the only product anyone should need to get this down FOR GOOD. Most of the guys I know who have gotten the series AND learned and PRACTICED the techniques have gotten good much faster than I did. If it was around when I was starting out I would probably have an STD by now
Get this product and take a break from reading and posting. Focus on applying and practicing what you learn. STICK WITH IT until it starts working for you. And it will.
I am living proof that you can go from kissing only 2 girls in high school to having TONS of success with women.
BELIEVE in yourself and everyone else will follow!
PS I would love to go to Montreal sometime. My good friend Cliff lives there and I need to go visit him. Send me a private email and I'll put you in touch with him. He's a great guy.