dude, if she didn't even finish high school what does that say about her level of responsibility and her intelligence?
It doesn't say much. You can tell her level of intelligence and responsibility after about 10 minutes of conversation.
You remind me of a guy I met at a party a few years back. He had an AA degree, and was working for $8 an hour as a technician. He was telling anyone who would listen what losers they were for not having a degree. I think he was driving an '87 toyota.
I don't have a college degree, and I will put my achievements up against most anyone with a masters, doctorate, whatever degree any day of the week.
Same here. It's great listening to successful people's advice. Successful people will tell you that anything is possible if you have the desire and the motivation to see it though.
Most people with a degree will tell you that you need a degree, and to spend your whole life climbing the ladder. Maybe you'll pay off your mortgage before you die.
I work for a small, 10 person consulting company in so. cal., and I telecommute from home in my pajamas from spokane. Does my boss care that I don't have a degree? Hell no, he'd give my 11 year old the same salary if he could do the job.
That's the blessing and the curse of the pay-for-performance society we live in. A star quarterback is only as good as his last touchdown, and anyone that can throw that ball gets his chance.
It's not the degreed folks that keep me up late working, no siree, it's that kid half my age that wants it more than I do. He has nowhere to go but up.
I believe that a lot of people just aren't school material, but that doesn't necessarily make them a bad partner.
Same with me and the wife, although she did get her GED. When I dropped out of HS, I went to a community college, challenged my way into the hardest classes they offered, got straight A's, and then lost interest. Classrooms aren't my thing. I can stand in front of a white board all day, I just lose interest sitting on the other side.
My father only has a GED, but he's also the best mechanic I know and he brings home close to 50K a year.
One of my (HS dropout) friends owns his own auto shop, and brings home 50k a
month. Another one of my (HS dropout) friends, who no lie used to live in a cave, brings in about 30k a month writing modem drivers for big financial institutions.
So to those amazingly attractive and highly educated (don't forget cultered) members of the upper echelons of society in this thread, post a picture of where you live so that us uneducated losers have something to strive for