****ed Up GF parents

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Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Alright long story short been with my gf for 5months.. Her parents are fvcked up.. They hate me because im with there daughter. And because they think cuz of my race and religion I will treat her bad. I am turk , she is greek.

They don't know I am a nice guy and not going to fvck there daughter up.

So much ****tt has happened we love each other. But what are some things she can do 2 make her parents meet me and give me at least a chance .

Where there is a will theres a way..

Need some desperate advice.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
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Denver, CO
Ask her to invite you to dinner. Then just be really nice in front of her parents....its always worked for me! Talk to her parents and just ask them about their lives, their jobs and hobbies ect.....the father will especially hate you unless you get to know him.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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She isn't allowed to talk too me. Everything she does in secret. They found out about me once.

She once talked to her dad about me and he said if you like him in a year I might give a chance but now no way I want you with him.. She isnt allowed to see me or talk to me .. Last time her mum caught me at d back of her school with her she hit me across the head..

I need 2 find a way though.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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How old is the girl? Do you live in the same city/town? How often do you see each other. I have a problem is this girl is under age and cannot make decisions on her own and you're trying to pursue her. In this case, her parents have every right to protect their child. If the girl is of age on the other hand, let her discuss the issue at stake with her parents. Parently generally don't like their children to "date" or "see" opposite sex, particullarly the female. This is because of the fear of "loosing their child".
Ask the girl what she thinks. If she can't discuss it with her parents, then I'll just let is all go. At times ladies make up flemsy excusses not to see you. Be aware that I'm not saying she does not want to see you. What I am saying is that it is possible that she does not want to. At the age of 19, you have plenty of time to meet her later on in life--thus if you're ment for each other it does not work for you now.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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amoka said:
How old is the girl? Do you live in the same city/town? How often do you see each other. I have a problem is this girl is under age and cannot make decisions on her own and you're trying to pursue her. In this case, her parents have every right to protect their child. If the girl is of age on the other hand, let her discuss the issue at stake with her parents. Parently generally don't like their children to "date" or "see" opposite sex, particullarly the female. This is because of the fear of "loosing their child".
Ask the girl what she thinks. If she can't discuss it with her parents, then I'll just let is all go. At times ladies make up flemsy excusses not to see you. Be aware that I'm not saying she does not want to see you. What I am saying is that it is possible that she does not want to. At the age of 19, you have plenty of time to meet her later on in life--thus if you're ment for each other it does not work for you now.
this girl is 15 nearly age of legal consent to have sexx. Ye we live in same area not a major city either south of sydney place with population nearly 1million spread over big portion of land. Like 3 major malls and **** you know.. She tried discussing this **** with her dad he said shes too young. I have told her countless times look your young maybe we should not be 2gether because its to hard on her. Shes like I love you so much. This girl is a keeper too.. She aint a party girl or nothing a real good girl. I really want to be with her.. She tries her best too see me. But is so scared of getting caught AGAIN!..
I am just thinking surely there is a way to get her dad to accept me and get to know I am not a bad guy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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LegendBoy said:
this girl is 15 nearly age
of legal consent to have sexx. Ye we live in same area not a major city either south of sydney place with population nearly 1million spread over big portion of land. Like 3 major malls and **** you know.. She tried discussing this **** with her dad he said shes too young. I have told her countless times look your young maybe we should not be 2gether because its to hard on her. Shes like I love you so much. This girl is a keeper too.. She aint a party girl or nothing a real good girl. I really want to be with her.. She tries her best too see me. But is so scared of getting caught AGAIN!..
I am just thinking surely there is a way to get her dad to accept me and get to know I am not a bad guy.
First of all it is a bad idea to try to go out with a 15 years old child. It is hard for an 18 years old girl to make a sound decision on her own much less a 15 years old. No wonder her parents don't approave of it. It certainly not because you're of different heritage... it is purely because she is still a child. You're lucky to not be in the USA. Thing as such can land you a good jail time plus be labelled a "child molester" for the rest of your life. FIND SOMEONE IN YOUR AGE GROUP!!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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If you don't **** them no drama in australia..

There has to be way 2 get around this ****.. I am trying 2 find out how though :S. Something she can say 2 her dad 2give me a chance you know.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Yes you can still go to jail for that(sexing) in australia! Stay away from her before her parents go to the cops.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Guys i dont want yous 2 help with legal issues I cant get in **** from the cops. For this. I just need help.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Yes you need mental help. Find someone your own age you creep.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Can't you figure this out? Her parents are RACIST. Greeks and Turks aren't always the best of friends. Don't go against the grain- she is NOT EVEN your girlfriend. Go find another one, please.....


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Talk alot about this forum and how you conspire with other guys online on how to deal with women. Then tell the dad that you used some of the techniques to score his daughter, and if he needs any advice he could register also, with the screen name Irritated Juan, and learn how to get some game going on the side without his wife finding out. That should just about do it. :D

Sorry, couldn't help it.

smooth guy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
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Dilberto said:
Can't you figure this out? Her parents are RACIST. Greeks and Turks aren't always the best of friends. Don't go against the grain- she is NOT EVEN your girlfriend. Go find another one, please.....
It's got nothing to do with race, it's got to do with their history. I suggest you do some research.

Legendboy I don't even blame them. I'd never accept a Turk in my family in the future, being that im also Greek. And since their daughter is 15 years old it doesn't help. Just stay away, it's never gonna work.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
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race isnt a problem.. arent turks and greeks both WHITE?
anyways find a girl your age


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Age aint a problem where I am from.. It isn't even a big difference . She mature beyond her years..

Why wouldn't you accept turk.. Why don't ya judge him on merit rather than him being turk.. Greeks bloodlines are all messed up by the ottomans most greeks got turk in em.

I don't get why there is so much hate from her parents 2 me..

What can i do.. surely there is a way . i love this girl

smooth guy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
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LegendBoy said:
Age aint a problem where I am from.. It isn't even a big difference . She mature beyond her years..
It's not a problem from where YOU are from. It IS a problem in other neighborhoods and you have her Dad's word for that, since he DID state that she's too young. Thus it might not be a problem for you but it IS for them, and rightfully so. 15 years old is too young for a 19 year old. Heck me and my buddies make fun of 18 year olds that are in the army that date 14 and 15 year olds, since we consider them pvssies. That might ain't be the case from where you're coming from, but it goes to show the age difference is a major problem here, and ESPECIALLY when you are a Turk and she is a Greek.

LegendBoy said:
Why wouldn't you accept turk.. Why don't ya judge him on merit rather than him being turk.. Greeks bloodlines are all messed up by the ottomans most greeks got turk in em.l
It's got nothing to do whether you're a decent guy or not. It's got to do with their pride and self respect. What do you think their relatives would say, or how would they take it, if they found out that some day their daughter married a Turk? I'm telling ya it's gonna be a hell of a wedding. I'm assuming their parents are afraid of such a commitment.

There is no way you're gonna need a miracle here. Their parents just see a 19 year old Turk trying to commit to their 15 year old daughter. Find another girl. Trust me they're all the same :D


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Smooth guy her dad isn't nearly as bad as her mum. Her mum hates muslims. Her dad is more on the talking side of things with her. Ok what if I wanted to marry this girl, do I still not have a right to go after her if we both love each other? Under a year shes legal if i fvck her can they say anything? These are just some thoughts.. I don't understand the hatred if me and her can love each other.. Eventually her parents should accept right?
I guess I will have to continue seeing her secretely because I love her.

Pride and self respect are just big words thrown around by people who are conditioned to hate turks. Whats so self respecting about hating a person who did nothing too you? Put it this way I doubt I am the first and I doubt I am the last to put myself in such a situation with a greek girl and me the turk guy. I bet ya in the past it has worked out.. I just want to find the way to make it work again in my case.

I understand your point is that they are scared because they are uneducated and judgemental. They are scared and think there daughter will get tricked or what ever. I am gonna do what ever it takes. Shes worth it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
You are only 19 and thinking about marying a 15 years old girl? You are just going to add to the divorce statistics.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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Her parents are right to not want a 15 year old girl to be dating a 19 year old boy. I said boy, not man. You must have some real problems to even be interested in a girl that young. Don't give me stupid crap about she's more mature than her years. That is crap and you know it. It's like saying, "Hey, some of those 10 year olds have the bodies of 12 year olds." Her parents are also correct to not want their daughter to be with a Muslim. Muslim culture,where women are slaves and children are chattle, is not compatable with western culture.

When you are seeing a girl, you get the whole package. Family included. If you can't deal with the family, or they can't deal with you, them DUMP her and find someone who is more suited to you. "But I really LOVE her!" That is just AFC crap. Save that for another web site.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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I said I could marry her.. I mean right now I know I can't but in time you never know. So far I would still consider it.

Guys you's do not understand it is common around where I am from for that age difference and plus she is 16 before I am 20.

You guys think extremists is Islam. Lets not even get into religion talk. Its not AFC crap I had my fair share of girls lately and i love her. I just need ways to make inroads.
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