EC+Smile+Hi, in detail!

Toronto's Finest

Don Juan
Aug 15, 2003
Reaction score
Alright guys, before I begin, some brief background about me:
I'm pretty alright looking, i dress well, have a good job and am in a good program in a good school. Once I break the ice with women i'm quite smooth/charming, and confident. I'm not that afraid of rejection and i've been known to grind multiple HB8+'s at clubs within the space of just an hour...even sandwiching myself between girls :D My EC (eye contact) is also pretty good and confident, i can give girls a look that can make them get pretty excited/interested. Closing and getting rejected for #'s is no problem either. However, smiling for me to perfect strangers after giving EC is awkward (though i have a good smile i'm told).

Okay, now let's get started...

I have been starting the DJ Boot Camp, and I noticed a problem I don't think has been adequately addressed in this forum before ( i know because I tried doing a search). In week 1, it says I should say 50 Hi's to random people/girls. I tried that, but half the time the girls down here don't give EC long enough to say Hi. Here's are 2 scenarios i'm going to attempt tomorrow, please if any of you have done the BootCamp, let me know which scenario I should focus on (i'll be trying these out while walking in the corridors at school, there are many HB9's at my school):

1) After establishing EC, I smile and say Hi.
[This one's tough for me, DJ'ing would be a synch for me if I could only get this damn smile/hi out of the way!!]

2) I see a HB walking towards me, walking in the opposite direction, in the hallway, I smile at her like I know her..thus getting her attention...then say Hi! (with a smile)

3) I say "Hi" to every HB that walks by, no matter how weird it seems, and whether or not I get eye contact, just to build callouses to saying "Hi". This would be very awkward but the purpose of this is just to practice saying Hi out of the blue.
[I'm seriously thinking of doing this in another campus just to build callouses, not sure about how it'll help my DJ'ing though]

P.S. I need help with the smiling, sometimes on certain days my smile just seems forced or my face looks like it's frowning. Part of the reason is because my EC style is to give the "bedroom eyes" which gets me a lot of positive vibes, but they don't smile at me cuz my face still looks like it's mean mugging :confused:

Also, when should I smile, once I get EC or can i get away with just smiling in her direction until she notices me, then say hi, etc.? A full breakdown of smiling techniques, and the type of smile to do, basically any tips on this regard is appreciated! I know i'm not the only one suffering from this!!

One more thing, is it good to just say "Hi" whether they notice you or not, or do i have to get their attention before hand to get what i need out of Week 1's exercises?? It would be a lot easier for me to just say Hi whether they notice it or not but then I don't know if I should go through that awkwardness if it won't give me the same benefits as doing the whole EC+smile+hi technique.

Alright, i'm done pouring out all my questions/comments, hopefully it'll help all those in a similar situation :)

Thanks a lot guys, I really look up to your advice (the EC techniques and some of Mr. Fingers/photo1/Pook's advice has changed my life already), you are gods!!!!!!!

Toronto's Finest

Don Juan
Aug 15, 2003
Reaction score
Oh yeah, can't forget Master of the Universe (putting out your bootcamp like that was not only a selfless and positive contribution, it's also good karma ;) ), and Walden/zack, the bootcamp threads were inspirational, that's why i've started it with a passion!!


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I never went through the bootcamp but the way I handle it is by smiling only after intial eye contact about a split second after. Usually it catches the ladies by surprise and the response is usually warm and inviting. The bootcamp might say 50 but it's not about the numbers really. As long as you continually do it and push yourself to get it right. Focus on scenario 1. It's the one that will happen the most. Remember not to falter during the eye contact. Submission will get you nowhere! I work at a hospital and I try it out on all the old/older women there. *side note* Do not DJ smile at a patient. Especially is she's old and is going to flash you. Ffaaaack, it's not pretty. Also smile warmly and with confident charm. Sometimes that's enough to get the ladies to start a converasation with you. Good luck with boot camp, I'm out!

Toronto's Finest

Don Juan
Aug 15, 2003
Reaction score
Aisle55> thanks for the advice man! I'll definitely try out your suggestion today before trying any other techniques :)

Everyone> One question, I noticed that the HB8+'s usually don't give any eye contact (guys in my city are damnnnn aggressive, plenty of guys with game here so girl's are cold because they're used to getting approached) when they're walking by, how do you start a conversation or get their attention? I've seriously considered the saying "Hi" whether they notice me or not just to knock them off their balance and get them to look see who is talking to them :D, is this wise? What's the best suggestion for this guys?? I'm really picky as far as looks are concerned and for some weird reason these HB's walking in the corridors who I don't know and who seldom glance up to acknowledge my existence are the ones I seem to be interested in!! :eek: If I can get the approach fixed I'm home free, i've got most of the other basics covered...any useful advice on this is going to change my life, I just know it!! :)


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
Poland, Warsaw
Have you ever been a shop and wanted to ask a shop assistant about something? He's doing his own stuff, walking some direction and doesn't notice you. You go up to him and begin talking to him regardles of if he's looking at you or not.

When it comes to approaching - it's excatly the same. I do believe that the ones that don't give me ec are the ones who got their lifes going on. I think that the most valuable girls are in this group, so don't hesitate!