Easy does it - Part 1


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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This is the first part of a series im creating entitled "Easy does it", it is designed to take people, as moaf put it, from non-don to don juan, as slowly and as easily as possible. It is designed to build the foundation to grow from, it will give you enough success to motivate you to continue by yourself. The reason i am splitting it into parts is because if there is not enough interest in the post then i dont particularly see a reason to continue writing, all though enough babbling, lets get started.


The reason i am taking it slow is because a problem new people often face is being rushed into things, they go out trying kino and convo techniques when they still havent got basic mindset stuff down, this will take them from step 1.

As promised... Easy does it

In this first part we will be concentrating purely on a few things you can start doing to make yourself feel better as soon as possible. The things i am going to start listing you may not get straight away, that all right just make sure your trying. Your goal is to make a habit of these things, dont settle for second best, follow the rules strictly.

1. Sleeping pattern

The first step is to change your sleeping patterns, i would like you to start going to sleep 10 minutes earlier and waking up 10 minutes earlier for as long as it takes to be going to bed at around 9-10, it was cool to stay up late in primary school, not any more guys. Make exceptions for partys(etc.) of course. Personally i go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 6:45 im soon going to change it to 9 and wake up at 6:30.

2. Some exercise

Lets get some fresh air into your lungs, or join a sport, do whatever it takes to get you out and exercising. Personally, i go to the gym 3 times a week, soccer twice a week and boxing twice a week. That is enough exercise for me, but exercise is good, gets you in shape, and gets you feeling better about life in general. Like your sleeping patterns, you sohuld take this nice and slow or you will give up, easy does it. For example you can start by jogging one a week in the morning, then once you have that you could go twice a week, one you have that you can start playing soccer or another sport you enjoy on weekends and you get the idea.

3. Eat healthy

Always try and eat healthy, dont eat what all your friends are eating. Dont buy your lunch at school, pack your lunch in the mornings, after all you do have plenty of time for that now. Take it slow remember, start replacing that soft drink with water first, once you have that you can start packing your lunchs for school and leaving the money at home, once you have that you can start learning how to cook healthy meals, etc. Easy does it.

4. Workout

Start going to the gym and working out, check out the H&F forum for info on that or go to http://www.bodybuilding.com.

Thats enough for now, if there is enough interest i will keep writing, once you guys have turned these things in to habits post here and mention it, then I will start writing part 2.


Don Juan
May 15, 2003
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I think this will help A LOT

It should get rid of all the n00bs writing stupid questions.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
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Go Go Team!! I think this is a very good idea.. keep up with the good work.. now to my reply

1. Sleeping pattern

The first step is to change your sleeping patterns, i would like you to start going to sleep 10 minutes earlier and waking up 10 minutes earlier for as long as it takes to be going to bed at around 9-10, it was cool to stay up late in primary school, not any more guys. Make exceptions for partys(etc.) of course. Personally i go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 6:45 im soon going to change it to 9 and wake up at 6:30.
I already have this as a habit.. I go to sleep at 21:30-22:00 and wake up at 6:00-6:15.. But I have to disagree with you on something.. Sleeping more than 8 hours a day and less than 7 has been proven to raise the chance of heart/brain damage (heart attack. or how was it called? ARGH).. Althought I don't say to sleep only 7-8 hours a day.. I think sleeping more than 9 hours is just a waste of time..

2. Some exercise

Lets get some fresh air into your lungs, or join a sport, do whatever it takes to get you out and exercising. Personally, i go to the gym 3 times a week, soccer twice a week and boxing twice a week. That is enough exercise for me, but exercise is good, gets you in shape, and gets you feeling better about life in general. Like your sleeping patterns, you sohuld take this nice and slow or you will give up, easy does it. For example you can start by jogging one a week in the morning, then once you have that you could go twice a week, one you have that you can start playing soccer or another sport you enjoy on weekends and you get the idea.
I go jogging at the morning.. and also work out at home.. so I think I can easily say that I have this habit also ;)

3. Eat healthy

Always try and eat healthy, dont eat what all your friends are eating. Dont buy your lunch at school, pack your lunch in the mornings, after all you do have plenty of time for that now. Take it slow remember, start replacing that soft drink with water first, once you have that you can start packing your lunchs for school and leaving the money at home, once you have that you can start learning how to cook healthy meals, etc. Easy does it.
Well.. here I have a problem.. just can fvcking learn to eat enough.. I already eat healthy.. I lowered sweats a lot.. I stopped drinking soft drinks.. I drink a lot of milk in the morning.. But I just eat 3 times a day.. and I eat like a pig.. and during school it's even worse.. I don't eat at school.. and thus miss lunch.. I should work on that! Count me in!

4. Workout

Start going to the gym and working out, check out the H&F forum for info on that or go to http://www.bodybuilding.com.
Already working at home.. Will join the gym soon.. but it's too hot, and I'll sweat like a pig on the beach..

So that's it from me for now!


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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Looks like it will be a great series and will help out a lot of people. I'm just curious how exactly are soft drinks bad for you. I know there rather unhealthy but how does it affect your body?


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
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Lowell, MA
I don't think its a matter of that soft drinks are really bad for you I think its the point that water is so much better for you and you should be drinking alot of water.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
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dElAvA is absolutely right!

I drank a lot of coke.. and I needed 1 and even more hours to fall asleep.. My dentist told me that my enamel is damaged (a little) by soft drinks.. and I'll stop here.. I think you got the message!


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
I have a feeling this could turn into something good, just stick with it and don't give up on it. It'll help out all kinds of people.

Some good basic info for the first part, it'll be giving everyone a lot more energy and confidence without even worrying about women!


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
soft drinks arent bad for you, its just that water is so much better?


plz stop posting stuff you have no knowledge of, it casues others to receive false info

soft drinks are really bad for you becasue of the carbination, also caffeine

go to www.teenbodybuilding.com

i went from 160 (all throughout highschool) and now that i read a lot of the articles/info there, i am 205lbs (gained 20lbs of mostly muscle this summer)

my strength has gone through the roof and my eneregy/endurance has also greatly improved

the thing is you have to eat like an animal, i eat 6-8 meals a day, and keep them all healthy (i make shakes when im not that hungry)

also i workout 3-4 times a week with weights

pm me if you have any questions or anything, but trust me go to that site and check it out


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Thanks for the replies guys. Part 2 will be done in a couple of days.

On the healthy eating discussion, i would like you all to realise that there is more benefits to eathing healthy then meets the eye, not only do you get more in shape but you actually feel better about life.

All the things in part 1 are designed to get you feeling better about life, physical improvements are just a little extra insentiv for you to keep on with it.

Little things can go a long way.
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Very interesting, and somewhat coherent with what I started this week coincidentally! I'm waking up early, and going to the gym still and what not. I strecth a lot, and do mainly sit-ups, push-ups, and curls--I do lightweight curls, I can't lift anything heavy for a while, since my doctor thinks I might have crushed some discs in my lower back. It hurts here and there, but I do hundreds of reps with the curls, and I also take about 20 vitamins, for energy and sh*t.

I'm also trying to get serious about my academics, since I want to go to college. Chemistry is starting to become a hard b*tch, but I'm not going to be passive or shy and not ask for help, I'm gonna be assertive.

I think that with enough work and experience with ladies or whatever, I could become a big DJ in my school. I already have the mentality that I can and somehow have a feeling I will become a big DJ soon, it's just my skills that I need to develop little by little over time, and courage I have a sh*t load of courage but not enough to make truly special things happen.

Nice post!


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Originally posted by stickboy
Bring on Part 2 before School starts for a lot of us :)
Nearly finished buddy


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Easy does it - part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the EDI series, So now you have good sleeping habits, your eating healthy and you are getting some exercise. If not then go back to part 1. in this part you will be developing some more simple habits to get you feeling better about your life, once again your aim is to turn these things into habits.

1. School work

Its time that you develop good study habits, i shouldnt have to tell you the importance of it. Try and do your homework the minute you come home from school, this is a fairly hard habit to develop but it is worth it. Start by doing 30 mins of homework every 3 days and slowly turn that into 30 minutes a day (or more, if needed).

2. Extra work

It's a good idea to start making yourself more intelligent, i bet there are tonnes of things out there that you want to know more about, well now is the time to start learning about them. Start by reading new stuff 30 minutes a week, your goal should be to learning extra stuff 30 minutes every day.

3. Hygeine

This is all about keeping yourself presentable, make habits of washing your hands, having showers, plucking unwanted hair, getting your hair cut, keeping nice clothes, etc. Just keep yourself presentable as often as possible.

4. Online journal

A good habit to get into is to start your own online journal, it is a really good way to battle laziness and help improve on areas you may have not noticed until looking back on it. To start one up, then simply use the link in my signature to get to the crazykid forums and then read the instructions on my "Online journals" board and your free to start one up.

NOTICE: Keep it to yourself

I have brought this up in many of my posts. Once you have made all the things in the first 2 parts habits, you will start feeling better and showing improvements, soon you will start having success stories. Dont feel you have to tell everyone about your success. Keep it to yourself and you will start feeling more confident, it will also create mystery.

Okay, get to work guys.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Good post Sammo. Most people forget about school and just concentrate on girls...Well guys, you can't get girls if you are a third year Senior. Get out there and pass those classes...Oh shit, I'm late!!


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Good.. gooooood!

1. School work

Its time that you develop good study habits, i shouldnt have to tell you the importance of it. Try and do your homework the minute you come home from school, this is a fairly hard habit to develop but it is worth it. Start by doing 30 mins of homework every 3 days and slowly turn that into 30 minutes a day (or more, if needed).
School hasn't started yet here.. so this will wait a little...

2. Extra work

It's a good idea to start making yourself more intelligent, i bet there are tonnes of things out there that you want to know more about, well now is the time to start learning about them. Start by reading new stuff 30 minutes a week, your goal should be to learning extra stuff 30 minutes every day.
Check! I already read self-help books.. and some some books about programming.. Learning regular expressions at the moment ;)

3. Hygeine

This is all about keeping yourself presentable, make habits of washing your hands, having showers, plucking unwanted hair, getting your hair cut, keeping nice clothes, etc. Just keep yourself presentable as often as possible.
Ok.. Here is my plan on making that a habit: Everyday I go jogging.. so right after that I will take long baths (shower, clip nails, shave, etc.. etc..).. coming soon..

4. Online journal

A good habit to get into is to start your own online journal, it is a really good way to battle laziness and help improve on areas you may have not noticed until looking back on it. To start one up, then simply use the link in my signature to get to the crazykid forums and then read the instructions on my "Online journals" board and your free to start one up.

I'm looking forward for more parts! ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for the replies guys, any more thoughts, i dont want to do this series for only a couple of people, alot of work is going into this.