Easter FR


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
Very quick, somewhat boring FR.

Went too a BBQ round a friends house and started drinking at like 3pm, so when we all rolled into town at 8pm, i'd already sank like 10 bottles of beer so was pretty loose!

Opened a girl on her phone with my usual 'tinder' opener. Worked last week, but went down bad with her lol. She kind of snapped 'no' and turned her back to me. Tried to carry on plowing but she just looked at me like I was odd for trying to talk too a stranger lol. Ejected.

Opened a 2 set at the bar. Think I opened with a comment about her clothes (my other kind of 'default' opener). Again, sometimes it works, but again, this girl just seemed to hate me lol. Tried to get a convo going, but it was the usual. One word answers, looking away, not contributing at all, and within a minute or 2 she kind of grabbed her friends arm and they moved away. Next!

I saw the girl from a previous Lay report again. (The hottest girl i've ever banged. Teenager. Half my age lol) Didn't have the balls to open her. She was being chatted up by some handsome dude, and she was on a table of hot girls. I pussied out. Should have at least opened her friends, but I let teh prior 2 rejections affect me too much.

I walk into a new bar and make eye contact with a girl I used to go to school with. I'm like 'You!! I know you!!'' and she kind of 'lit up' and I could feel the different between this set and the others instantly. The difference was that she was physically attracted to me. I could tell. I think it's a pre-requisite. We start chatting and I pull her towards me by her hips during conversation and then push her away whilst looking away. Doing it all kind of 'absentminded'. She's enjoying it and she's putting her face super close to mine. Clearly wants me to kiss her. I had no 'escalation anxiety' at all here, although I held back from kissing her just to build the suspense. But then she dropped the bombshell that she had to go as she had work super early (she's a radiologist or something).

I say ''Cool. I'll come with you. We can have some soup back at yours'' (first stupid line that came to my head. I lke asying stuff like that!). She cracked up laughing and was like ''Soup?!!!!'' And I used that' high point' to amp up the kino and kind of brushed her neck and then pushed her against the wall and kissed her for a few seconds. Then I just lead her out of the bar and we got a cab.

Was fun in bed, although I wasn't helped at all by having sunk maybe 12 pints of lager and a good few shots by that point. Difficult to get properly hard. Had this problem in Budapest, too. I know most guys get this after drinking, but it's annoying. I even tried some viagra stuff once and it kind of worked, but there still seemed to be a 'cut off point' where like, more than a certain amount of beers means no matter what you take, you won't be 100% hard!

Still, managed to bang her and also made her completely SOAK her sheets which was fun! She kind of kicked me out late and she was changing her sheets whilst she was saying goodbye, lol. They were drenched. Doesn't usually happen. Don't know why it did this time.