Earth Hour 2008


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Commando said:
Ahh yea,

Earth hour is the perfect opportunity to call up your honey and make some sandwiches in the dark.

F*ck sandwiches, I can think of plenty of other things to do in the dark more satisfying with a HB. :up:

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Symbolism over Substance.

It's time that we develop hybrid electric cars that are viable and affordable, and build Nuclear Plants to create the electricity to run them.

I'm all for saving the Earth, but I think Global Warming is much more hype then substance.

The Polar caps on Mars are melting, and satellites orbiting 22,000 miles above the Earth in the Clarke belt are showing correlating temperature increases.

The Sun doesn't burn at one constant temperature, and thus we have warming and cooling and have for Millions of years and will for Millions more.

Also, we have plenty of oil here domestically. It's time that we drop the "NIMBY" attitude, and to start tapping our domestic resources and tell the extortionists in the Middle East where they can go.

If they don't like it, we can help them on their way getting there.

Between electric cars, hybrids, and domestic drilling and building nuclear plants, we can become 100% energy independent.

I don't want to turn this into a political thread, but it's insane to leave the Billions of barrels of untapped resources we have here because of a minority of environmental fanatics, and to not build nuclear plants to create electricity.

Despite Chernobyl, Nuclear energy is safe. The Russians cut corners and Nuke plants are no longer built in that manner. They are safe and provide affordable electricity. Much of France has gone Nuclear and much of Europe is following their lead.

Meanwhile, the price of using foreign oil is going to kill our economy.

Look at ANWR - it's not the "Pristine" place that we keep hearing about, as the oil is literally seeping up thru the ground there, and the people there fully support it.

See the pic below to see how "Pristine" ANWR is:

Oil seeps to the surface of the tundra, evidence of what lies beneath. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates there could be between 3 billion and 12 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil.

The oil is literally seeping up thru the ground as evidenced by the posted pic.
The MSM won't show you these pics. Why, I don't know. Maybe they have an agenda, maybe they are lazy, maybe they just copy and paste press releases nowadays instead of actually investigating and reporting.

Now, ANWR alone won't make us energy independent, but tapping those reserves, as well as other domestic exploration along with building nuclear plants to provide energy for hybrids is the logical way to go.

Or we can stay dependent on foreign oil, watch our economy tank as the prices continue to go up, cave in to the minority of environmental extremists who don't want us to do anything domestically and chase pie in the sky, non-viable technologies that aren't practical.

That would be insanity.

Domestic drilling, plus Nuclear power to power hybrids is the way to go.

We can also explore Hydrogen power as well.

Or we can turn off the lights for an hour in a futile "feel good" exercise that "raises awareness" but does absolutely nothing.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
fvcking environmentalists

they piss me off

where the fvck are they going to be when theres no water left(we're in a drought and some of those fvckers are opposed to some environment destruction to get more water), or no oil

it would be in my best interests too if the US taps its oil wells better, cheaper oil because of your sh1te dollar

in australia we have lots of coal and lots of uranium, but we refuse to have nuclear power plants, i dont know why not.

and hydrogen power is still in its early stages of scientific research, it would be awesome for sure. H20, only bi-product. eventually. just be patient. science will pull through


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Necessity is the mother of all inventions.. While there's cheap oil left, in the middle east or else where, we aren't going to see too much progress on the alternative stuff. If we ran out of oil tomorrow, first the world would collapse, but within 10 years our energy problems would be pretty much solved.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Why sell oil for a low price when you can sell it for a high price?

Why use domestic, renewable energy when you are already making a killing from oil?

The dark side of capitalism rears its head most obviously in energy matters.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Luveno said:
Why sell oil for a low price when you can sell it for a high price?

Why use domestic, renewable energy when you are already making a killing from oil?

The dark side of capitalism rears its head most obviously in energy matters.
It will be Capitalism that comes up with solutions to the energy problems, not a bunch of people engaging in "feel good, symbolism over substance" act of turning out lights for an hour.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Turns out we're sitting on 200 Million barrels of oil right here in the USA:

Between domestic exploration, hybrids, and nuclear energy, we can be completely independent of foreign oil.

Drill domestically for oil, including ANWR, build Nuke plants to supply electricity, and then start mass production of hybrids.

The only thing stopping us is the "NIMBY" types and wacko-environmentalists.

Turning off lights won't do squat. It's time we take action and become energy independent.

We have the resources. It's time we use them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
In The South
I am an active WWF World Wildlife Fund member it's a respectful organization on environment and animal conservation been active now going on 5 years.

I kept my gazebo light off actually all night last night even though I have one of the energy savor light bulbs.

If Ugly Face was lurking around out there last night I wouldn't have known it it's so dark when the lights off...Ugly Face is my buddy... she's an oppossium I have been watching and feeding for about a year now... she even knows my voice...How do I know this? Because the other night what I thought was a stray cat running down the sidewalk that leads to the gazebo I realized it was Ugly Face and when I hollered out to her she stopped and looked back toward me and started walking back to me..

I once had a pet alligator years ago when it was legal... booger bout bit my fingers off when it was young..I also had a pet squirrel still would shoot the son of a bit*ch who shot my squirrel... not really but you know what I mean I'd put a hurtin' on the sucker..

I am a big animal lover been in my blood since I was a youngin'..
