No job is 'recession' proof. However, a person CAN be.
Someone may say...'technology isn't recession proof.'
Not true. While gf's father has been laid off, as a top-ranking Director/VP at the IT level, he grabs a new job quickly, and makes enough money that he has stockpiled funds to hold him over. He would be laid off or have a division whacked, and grab a new job making more, simply because "there's fewer jobs at the top."
If anything, GOOD accountants/lawyers/doctors are recession proof. Will they see a decline in income/clients, as GOOD as they might be? Sure. Even if you're making big money, when times fall hard, a good portion of anyone's client base CAN be subject to those people who become penny pinchers and do irrational things. Those who prepare and plan, won't suffer a pull back, though.
Listen to Jim Rohn on this or ready "Four Hour Work Week." Even in 4 hour work week, the author points out how empy it is at the top and how there's little jockeying for positions when compared to middle class and lower class levels.
People who see to find a cushy job get lulled into a false sense of security and don't grow.