DYD Mastery Series


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Evil-Rom
You're a virgin aren't you.
What the hell makes you think that? Because I don't like David Deangelo? Look at his DVD series and tell me the types of guys who love his shiit. Look at the guys in the audience. Seem like pimps and players to you?

Search my name and read my posts and if you think I'm a virgin.

Only a guy who hasn't got much game would ponder spending hundreds on that crap. MASF, SoSuave, and actual real-life work is all you need.



Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Well, I understand the opinions you guys have, but based on the DYD advanced series and interview series I went from not even being able to even look a girl in the eyes (and being a complete wussy bag and not getting laid for a few years) to for the most part dating the girls who I like to date (7's-8's with an occasional 9, laid back, sassy, having professional goals and accomplishments, and a few other things) and getting laid now and again and it's made me an extremely happy person as a result.

I'm not a walking banner ad here but the simple truth is that I was one of those lonely desperate guys you're talking about and
DYD + My motivation fixed the problem.

If you want real success you need more than confidence, you need experience and knowledge on how to get the kind of girls YOU WANT. And you get get it a NUMBER of ways, I just chose this path.

Although in the end I wish I'd found this site first. It's free =p

The interview series is money though.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score

Hasn't anyone actually gotten the Mastery Series or at least watched it?

Delta Male

Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
I have a lot of friends who have bought the Mastery series and lots of other DYD products. And they love them!!! BUT -- they are still not getting laid!

They love them because the stuff in the series SOUNDS like it could work -- but they never find out if it ACTUALLY does, because they don't go out and approach women enough. That's the failing of an e-book or DVD or sosuave.com or any form of seduction INFORMATION...if you don't put it into practice, it does you no good. Which is the benefit of live in-field workshops -- the instructors make you put it into practice in exactly the right way in hundreds of sets.

Also, I think DYD puts way too much emphasis on ****y/funny. Guys love ****y/funny because it makes girls *look* like they're attracted to them. Like, they get all giggly and flirty. BUT, what those guys don't realize, is that this is only SURFACE ATTRACTION, not real attraction. Once you stop talking to the girl, if you don't have value to her, she will forget her feelings of surface attraction and flake on you. ****y/funny is cool when used in moderation and in the right way, but you also have to learn how to convey value through bodylanguage, vibe, voice, social proof, style, dress, storytelling ability, qualifying ability, etc. This is very important concept which Woodhaven taught me. If you're curious to learn exactly why ****y/funny is not real attraction, PM me.

And plus, why would you ever spend money to learn from somebody who can't get women himself? I am sure David DeAngelo is not a total chump, but from all reports, he gets laid less than I do. Seduction instruction is great, and good instruction can take years of your learning curve in your journey towards becoming a DJ. But, if you're going to pay for instruction, make sure its from someone who's a REAL pick-up artist and isn't just talking out of his @ss.



Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by Delta Male
But, if you're going to pay for instruction, make sure its from someone who's a REAL pick-up artist and isn't just talking out of his @ss.
It's like they say... those that can, DO.

Those that can't... pretend that they can, then sell f*cking "seminars" and "techniques" and "Mastery Series" to gullible, unsuspecting, desperate dudes.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
When David D first came out with his e-book, I thought that maybe, just maybe, he was really out there to help guys get their 5hit together. I bought the ebook and I thought it was a bit overpriced for what it was.

Ever since the Advanced Series, and now this fvcking mastery series (or whatever it is) along with the seminars, this guy's only out there to make money.

My guess is he's repackaging the information over and over again, putting in some filler, and selling it for outrageous prices.

Fvck, I could do that. Take the DJ bible, change the wording around, put in a story of Hansel and Gretel, the lyrics to "3 Dressed up as a 9", the ingredients in birth control pills, and CHING CHING! I have a new product to sell!


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
I got and used the Mastery Series... by far it's his best program done to date. It's definately worth it. It's long (20 hours), but filled with good material. It took my game to the next level.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Argh, matey! A pirate by I!!


Yeah... all of the Mastery Material is available for download on eDonkey and eMule. Just connect to razorback2 to get the most results. :-D

:trouble: Seriously, I see nothing wrong with obtaining this information via the pirate express. :-D It should be free... like software.

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.



Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
It is amazing of the 15000 members here, only one actually admitted to having bought the material. There's obviously thousands of people who have and DD's website is ranked 15000 on the net so its quite popular. I think there are some useful nuggets that some can take away from these series. Does that make them worth $500? Maybe to some.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Wait, this has 30-day trial deal? LOL, why not just order it, copy the CDs and return it the next week like I did with the Advanced series 3 years ago?

Don John NJ

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
Ever onward said:
I've BEEN around these forums for over a year. While there is some great advice here, too much of what is posted is from people who don't know what they are talking about.

This place is great on PHILOPHSOPHY but I see very little in the form of technique.

Why is it so unbelievable that maybe someone has discovered a better way? Hell if I knew a better way, I'd try to make money off it too.

I completely agree 100%. I have been browsing this forum for a while and I would have to say 90% of the people who post on here are keyboard jockeys who really do not have any experience.

There are so many people hating on Mystery, Style, DYD, etc etc... Well I can say I have been field testing some of Mystery and Style's techniques and they have proven themselves legit.

I have not read any DYD, but I have done a lot of research on it, and the majority of people who have read the ebook gave it very good reviews. How many people who knock it actually have put effort into reading it and field tested the techniques?

Of course ****y & funny is not absoulute but it should be a tool in your toolbox. It can work in a situation that calls for it. Actually now that I think about it almost all the girls that ever came on to me were when I was being ****y & funny and did not even realize it at the time.

In my opinion I would not mind spending $40 on an ebook by a guru whose techiniques have been field tested countless times with success, then sift through all the ignorant unintelligible bull**** that floods these boards.

Dont get me wrong. This is a great site with great info but it is not the be all, end all when it comes to the topic of seduction.

If someone has found a good way to approach seduction and have put work into the product they deserve to get paid for it.

Thats just my 2 cents.


Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Ever onward said:

Hasn't anyone actually gotten the Mastery Series or at least watched it?

I got that program. I also attended the program, which was filmed a few years ago here in LA. Great stuff. A lot of good inner stuff, and getting your life together. The first day was all about getting your life on track and finding a clear path. A lot of good business advice that can be used in any part of your life.

By the time I went through that program, I already was having descent success, and had most of my issues handled. The program opened my eyes to new possibilities. It has to do with a lot more than just women. It is more of a self-help, improvement course, with a lot of great guests to better help you tie it with success with women.

Some of the guests are: Rick H., Mystery, Swinggcat, David X., Hypnotica (Eric).

It was a 4 day program and the guests were very good. I guess having purchased this program automatically puts me in the "Can't get laid" category, based on the bashing I read above. :rolleyes:

Guys, if you can't afford it, then don't buy it. If you want to buy it, and can afford it, get it, as it will save you tons of time and allow you to learn a lot of things not found here for free. I can't tell you how many times I open a thread, and read the first couple of posts, and click it off. The quality of these forums has sure decreased. As stated above, a lot more people have these products than care to admit. The fact that you even care who approves of you paying for stuff, and just go iin the direction the wind blows to decide what steps to take in your life, is reason to get on the life improvement journey. Good luck on your search.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
GoL, I was wondering who the bald short guy with the two hot *****es on his lap was in the front row of the video, thank you for answering that! ;)

What is the point of insulting and bashing these programs? If you watch them and disagree with a theory or concept, you can criticize that and actually have an argument against it. To simply say, "Self help and motivational seminars and ebooks are all garbage" shows that you haven't taken the time or thought to actually critically demonstrate your reasons for thinking that. Your opinion means nothing without evidence supporting it.

Mystery, DDs or Ross Jeffries material is all different and offers perspectives and techniques and inner-game concepts that might actually greatly increase your confidence and communication abilities. These programs can help you on many levels of your life and game and have consolidated a lot of information into one place. The DJ Bible is a great starting place and I started with it when I first came here. There are tips and ideas and also interviews that are found in some of these videos that some people might benefit from by seeing and hearing the people rather than just reading about it.

Learn as much as you can and go out into the field and apply what you learn! Find out what works for YOU.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2007
Reaction score
In general, I think products in the seduction and dating industry are overpriced. partly because there is no regulatory body mandating what you're supposed to get out of a given product -- it's very subjective.

Having said that, and as a guy who has put many, many hours into a free website with a lot of information that other guys charge for, it's encouraging to see that some guys would go for a $40 price point, for instance, for a quality, field-tested product.

It's encouraging because I know I won't be able to justify writing "for free" forever, as much as I love it and as anti-commercialism as I am. Guys seem to get genuine value from my site, from the feedback I've gotten so far. Although I'm far from happy with it myself.

Enough rambling....no need to spend lots of money, and like many things (therapy comes to mind) SPENDING MONEY does not GUARANTEE you a good result.....

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Charm said:
GoL, I was wondering who the bald short guy with the two hot *****es on his lap was in the front row of the video, thank you for answering that! ;)
Exactly! :yes:

That was me. Got those hot babes all thanks to Pook. Now that I attended DYD Mastery, I have grown 4 inches, and grown a full head of hair, in just under 3 years.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Ever onward said:
Has anyone here got it? Or checked it out or heard anything about it? It sounds killer but damn it is pricey!

I think i've got it...

I have a huge seduction library, i have a lot of David DeAngelo, i'll check. PM me for a full list of everything i have.