Dumped my GF 3 hours ago


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
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Sorry to offend you Millerman by causing you to infer that your own personal worth was somehow intricately related to the personal qualities of someone you choose to spend time with.

Yes, you are in the right forum. The one where dissident viewpoints are accepted as a healthy part of any discourse. I know someone who has just completed his 50th year of marriage. His wife was attractive when young, but he had the occasional mistress in that time. And she held a grudge about it, and still does.

They argue sometimes. He is sometimes a hothead. I doubt whether either of them ever enjoyed "complete emotional and mental satisfaction" but they did raise 3 children and stay together 50 years.

The point of the story? Your approach seems to me to resemble a different permutation of the "soulmate theory". If you could only just find the perfect partner, bliss. Complete emotional and mental satisfaction. Like the "Rolling Stones" said, Just can't get no satisfaction.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
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Ive waken up a few times and just decided to dump a girl because I wasnt feeling it anymore.. one day you just wake up and realise this isnt the one. once you come to that realization you can either break it off and move on, or stay in something your hearts not in. Alot of people settle, how many people tell you they love someone, but arent in love with them.

You realised she wasnt the right person for you. you did the right thing for both of you.

I am starting to think no woman will ever be right for me, but I am not going to settle for something less.


New Member
Sep 15, 2006
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Metro Detroit
Demodulate said:
Ive waken up a few times and just decided to dump a girl because I wasnt feeling it anymore.. one day you just wake up and realise this isnt the one. once you come to that realization you can either break it off and move on, or stay in something your hearts not in. Alot of people settle, how many people tell you they love someone, but arent in love with them.

You realised she wasnt the right person for you. you did the right thing for both of you.

I am starting to think no woman will ever be right for me, but I am not going to settle for something less.
So true So true.
If your heart is not in it you are wasting both of your time. I am so picky about who I date I am the subject of nearly every joke on guys nite however I will not settle for less than what I want. Whats the point settling for less keep looking and congrats on your new role in life