Dump and Breakup (SOLUTIONS)


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
:down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:

Dude, why do you cut & paste posts written by others and take credit for them in other forums? Not cool.....

I've seen this exact post on another board....not originated by you may I add.

I believe this one was Jariel's.



Give credit where credit is do and stop pretending you're some freaking genious...loser.:down: There have been many other times I have seen one of your posts which you claim to have written which actually originated from someone who actually knew what the fvck they were talking about.

Road Demon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
NYC Metro Area
Follow the original post From Donpepot. excellent stuff.

The proper source from thekhris post:

As a good researcher, we must give credit where credit is do. Part of this thread come from:


by Homer McDonald. THIS GUY IS GOOD.

The 100 pages is worth every penny of 79.95. 10x over.

Rather than waste your time thinking where you went wrong with your relationship for hours and hours, read this. It not worth the suffering for your oneitis. It will save your sanity. Stop you divorce will explain why you need to follow a plan. Of course there are no guarantees, if you want to win her back, but the above post by donpepot and stop your divorce will give you a much, much improved chance IMHO. It's all about psychology.

I believe this little e-book will improve you in so many areas in your life in terms of interpersonal relationships.

I would be curious if Rollo Tomassi has come across this before?



New Member
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
I have a question guys. I'm trying my best to get over my ex, we were together for 3 1/2 years and had a great relationship (well up until the very end) now I'm not saying that I plan on trying to get back together with her in the future but who knows, hopefuly I will have moved on by then. Shes the one who broke up w/ me and acts like she wants nothing to do with me now and I think she's got a new guy or at least someone shes just hooking up with.

Now what I'm wondering is does this stuff still work even when they have a new guy? Like by me ignoring her and moving on will she be thinking about me and missing me even if she has a new bf or whatever. I'm not talking to her at all, I know that she's been going out partying a lot and pretty sure shes seeing someone, but I try not to think about that sh*t too much. I'm really hurting right now but I'm just trying to do whats best for me and move on, plus I started working out a lot so pretty soon I'm gonna be all ripped :cool:

But anyway before I start getting too off-topic... basically I'm just asking do they usually come running back after being in a good LTR like we had and realizing what she lost or when they get someone to "replace" you do they just forget all about you and move on.