Maximus Rex
Today marks the 211st anniversary of one of the illest events in American history. The infamous duel between
Aaron Burr, the third, Vice-President of the United States, under Thomas Jefferson and
Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury under George Washington.
The two had been political rivals for 15 years, this rivalry eventually led to a bitter and deep seeded loathing between Hamilton and Burr which often led to the two hating on the next one's political ambitions. Things came to head when at a dinner party Hamilton was talking hella sh*t about Burr, and (like a b*tch,) one of the attendees to the dinner wrote a letter to Hamilton's father-in-law, and that letter ended up being published the the Albany Register.
Though he had an ulterior motive in challenging Hamilton to a duel, (which was to revive his political career,) the fact remains that Hamilton had clowned Burr in public. Burr took umbrage to Hamilton's disparaging remarks and which forced Hamilton to either stand by his words or look like a b*tch. The end result was Hamilton and Burr having it on the Field of Honor right across the Hudson River in Weehawkeen, New Jersey.
Which comes to my point. There used to be a time in not only this country, (but the world as a whole,) when men not only as a matter of pride, but necessity where forced to be men. Men had to carry themselves with honor and they had to show respect to their fellow man and back up your words, if you didn't, you would be regulated to being known as being b*tch made for the rest of your life.
Y'all may think that I;m trollin', but I'm dead ass serious when I say when we (as a society,) need to return to a time when men could handle their differences on a dueling field. If we did this not only would it lead to a nicer and more polite society, the world would be more stable, and instead of running around here being hella sweet and crying about somebody bulling you, men would start to regain the manhood that they have lost over the past 50 years.
Today marks the 211st anniversary of one of the illest events in American history. The infamous duel between
Aaron Burr, the third, Vice-President of the United States, under Thomas Jefferson and
Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury under George Washington.
The two had been political rivals for 15 years, this rivalry eventually led to a bitter and deep seeded loathing between Hamilton and Burr which often led to the two hating on the next one's political ambitions. Things came to head when at a dinner party Hamilton was talking hella sh*t about Burr, and (like a b*tch,) one of the attendees to the dinner wrote a letter to Hamilton's father-in-law, and that letter ended up being published the the Albany Register.
Though he had an ulterior motive in challenging Hamilton to a duel, (which was to revive his political career,) the fact remains that Hamilton had clowned Burr in public. Burr took umbrage to Hamilton's disparaging remarks and which forced Hamilton to either stand by his words or look like a b*tch. The end result was Hamilton and Burr having it on the Field of Honor right across the Hudson River in Weehawkeen, New Jersey.
Which comes to my point. There used to be a time in not only this country, (but the world as a whole,) when men not only as a matter of pride, but necessity where forced to be men. Men had to carry themselves with honor and they had to show respect to their fellow man and back up your words, if you didn't, you would be regulated to being known as being b*tch made for the rest of your life.
Y'all may think that I;m trollin', but I'm dead ass serious when I say when we (as a society,) need to return to a time when men could handle their differences on a dueling field. If we did this not only would it lead to a nicer and more polite society, the world would be more stable, and instead of running around here being hella sweet and crying about somebody bulling you, men would start to regain the manhood that they have lost over the past 50 years.