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Duaghters to *****s, Sons to tricks


Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Premise (A)
We live on in our children. They are our immortality

Premise (B)
A man’s traditional role as head of the household is one of protector and provider.
As far back as the caveman, he when out, killed the meat, brought it back and physically protected the family.

A man can screw a different woman for each day of the year and could get all 365 of them pregnant.
Barring a disease, he would still be healthy and live a relatively normal life span.

Men think quantity (if you have enough of them some will survive).

Premise (C)
A woman’s traditional role is that of homemaker and caregiver.
As far back as the caveman, she cooked the meat, had babies, took care of the cave and helped to get him ready to go out and do battle.

After each baby born a woman’s body deteriorates. The average woman produces less then five children in her life.

Women think quality. A woman thinks about the ability of her prey (MAN IN HER SITES) to be a good provider. She then thinks about the guy’s intelligence and looks (not so much in that order), because she knows that these traits will help their kids get over in the real world and survive. She also wants to know what type of a father figure he’ll be, how well he gets along with kids and will she have to do all the raising of those kids.

While you may be thinkin’ about the shape of that ass, if she has an upside down ’U’ or a chubby ’Y’ at her crouch, whether her tits are standing at attention or has lost their battle with gravity and if she bites, swallows or not, she’s plotting tough. She’s out here thinking about your wallet, motherhood and how to work the remote control to the digital cable T. V. hook up.

Generally speaking, why is a single mother a single mother in the first place?

Premise (D)
She could be a widow.

Premise (E)
She could have married and gotten a divorce.

Causality: The woman made all those promises when they got married. He cheated, she cheated and/ or there were irreconcilable differences (they just didn’t get along).

Result: However it went, it didn’t go as she thought it would go when she made those promises and she heard his promises.
She made a poor decision. She choose poorly. The woman is bitter.

Premise (F)
She could have gotten pregnant and not married the guy.

Causality: He didn’t want to, she didn’t want to or they both may not have wanted to.

Result: Most likely she will feel that she made a mistake by having sex with him in the first place.
She made a poor decision. She choose poorly. The woman is bitter.

Her decision to have sex with the guy before marriage could have been for love, lust or she wanted to get him to marry her and she sought to blind him with the sex in the hopes that he may not want to consider any of her flaws. The last reason is the most logical one.

The guy is now gone. What is the effect?

The woman now has to fill both the roles.
A man’s traditional role as head of the household is one of protector and provider.
A woman’s traditional role is that of homemaker and caregiver.

This is difficult for any one person to bare. She will then make a more logical decision in the picking of a mate to take on the part of the traditional male role. What does she have to offer a man to get him to take on that role? She can’t give him money that she needs to take care of her and her kids. All she has to offer is the P*ssy. And she better see that it’s packaged as well as she can. She will think with her head and not her heart or yield to lust. But since she made a mistake once, she will seek to hold on to some kind of independence (a job) if the Sh*t don’t work out.

So what does she now teach her daughter who sees her as a strong woman and the de facto head of the house hold because dad is gone?

Premise (G)
Momma never highlights her particular faults. She will say that she choose wrong and/ or men are unreliable. Female solidarity. Us gals got to stick together against these men out here.

Do what momma does not what momma did, that’s what. Don’t think with your heart. Don’t have sex just for fun (why would a guy marry you if he can get the P*ssy anyway?). Think with your head when you give up the P*ssy. Momma is now teaching daughter to be a *****. She’s telling her to trade the P*ssy for security ergo money. Marry a guy with some money and a job. She also tells her to get a job in case it don’t work out (if you make money, you have a tendency to determine how that money is spent. This undermines the traditional role of the male).

So what does she now teach her son who sees her as a strong woman and the de facto head of the house hold because dad is gone. Remember female solidarity? Us gals got to stick together against these men out here. She sells her son out.

Premise (H)
Momma never highlights her particular faults. She will blame things on dad. Since dad isn’t there to defend himself, it’s easy.

Momma teaches son to be the kind of man that she herself would have wanted.
But in doing so, she does not mention any instances in which she was wrong and should have gotten her ass kicked. Son does not have a strong male influence in the home to teach him male dominance. He sees only the dominance of his mother. A female. Momma has son usually till he’s 18. Which means that he is usually with her through his years of puberty. That’s a lot of his impressionable years available to her brainwashing efforts. How many mothers tell their sons where to even put the D*ck or for that matter about sex at all?

So son has lived most of his life with a dominate female telling him what to do and he’s confused about sex. He is now resigned to having a dominant woman as his wife. He don’t know no better. He feels an obligation to work and bring home the money, but yields to her desires in the spending of that money. He may have a D*ck, but he has no balls. If he does things to her liking, he may be BLESSED with some of the P*ssy. People do only as much as they think that they have to do in order to get what they want. Getting the P*ssy whenever he wants is a man’s “right”. Now it becomes a “maybe if and only if”. He’s now a trick.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
you know you put alot of thought into your post , but you are aware that not all single mothers raise their kids like this , aren't you?

there are alot of things that i may have made poor choices about, however why would i want my children to suffer with my mistakes ?

there is no need to bad mouth my child's father, ever.
it would only hurt my child.
it would kill part of their soul if i were to do that.
however, i know what you are saying because my mother did this to us when we were small.

i have 2 sons and 2 daughters. right now they are all a little too young for alot of the things you mentioned, however i feel like they should be raised to be able to take care of them selves when they are older. ( examples: they should all know how to cook dinner and do laundry and they should all know how to change a tire and the oil in their cars.) i want them to be able to not have to depend on anyone out of nesseciaty.

however, when it comes to love, unless who they choose is just a raging pyschopath, they should follow their hearts.
sure they should use their heads too, but its a little harsh to say all mothers are not saying follow your heart.

whatever education or career they choose, whoever they have kids with or marry, none of that is my choice. i dont even get to choose what religion they will want.

as a mother, i feel its my job to love them and take care of them and teach them what i can and then let them go when they grow up.

a mother is not someone to lean on, its someone who makes leaning impossible.


Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
“you know you put alot of thought into your post , but you are aware that not all single mothers raise their kids like this , aren't you?”

Some don’t do anything at all.

”there are alot of things that i may have made poor choices about, however why would i want my children to suffer with my mistakes ?”

”i have 2 sons and 2 daughters”

Are all of your four children by the same guy or do they have different fathers? Ain’t no point in lying to me. I’m not your judge. I need to know where you’re coming from.

“however, when it comes to love, unless who they choose is just a raging pyschopath, they should follow their hearts.”

If you are a single mother with four kids, then you have made a lot of poor choices. Why should your daughters listen to you and become just like you?I’d be willing to bet that you choose for love too, didn’t you?

“as a mother, i feel its my job to love them and take care of them and teach them what i can and then let them go when they grow up.”

As a mother it’s your job to find a good man and lead by example. You are now telling your daughters that they don’t need a man. You are telling your sons that women do not need you. Men need to be needed. We guys need to be depended on to rise to and do our job. If I had a gal that was making a lot like Oprah(for instance), I’d live with a remote in my hands and sit on an E-Z boy all day long. Why should I do shyt?

“a mother is not someone to lean on, its someone who makes leaning impossible.”

So now you want your sons to be mental cripples? What I want a woman to lean on at all. A momma can give me birth, pot train me and leave me the **** alone. I want daddy after that. If daddy ain’t there, help me find a good father figure.

“however i feel like they should be raised to be able to take care of them selves when they are older. ( examples: they should all know how to cook dinner and do laundry and they should all know how to change a tire and the oil in their cars.) i want them to be able to not have to depend on anyone out of nesseciaty.”

You are so far off on this point. Read real slow while I cut you up.

A woman don’t need any money. You didn’t know that did you. If you have a man, you don’t need a dime. All you need is enough money to do what he tells you to do and perhaps some gas and cigarette money. That’s it. Certainly not no two or three hundred in your purse. For what? You are getting away from the traditional roles. The guy controls all the finances. The gal does the home. People only do so much as they have to do and no more. If you do his job of changing a tire, why should he? If he was on his job in the first place, you would have had some good tires already on the car. If he had to stop making money on his job to come rescue you on the highway, he’ll put some good tires on that car. Your momma didn’t teach you shyt, did she? It’s not your job to worry about the rent being paid or if there’s food in the icebox or if the phone might get cut off. That’s his job. All those brain cells you burn up thinking about that takes away from your ability to think how you can better your relationship (have his clothes ready for him so he can go out and do battle on his war against poverty, getting his food ready, the kids out the way so he can rest and what perfume that you’re going to have on when you two snuggle up in the bed that night). That’s your job. If he can’t handle his job, then you get a divorce and go find somebody else. Choose better next time. You don’t bityh in the guys ear. If it ain’t worth getting a divorce over then you shut the **** up.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I 100% Agree wit you Brother_Rapp. Men and women are trying to operate as independent units, rather than the team we're meant to be.

I got a female I was dating awhile, she turned out the same way. Daddy left the fam, her twin brothers are messed up with no guidance, and 20, all they do is booze and hop from apartment to apartment b/c they can't hold a job or a couch. This girl has contemplated stripping, and could do it quite well, and has no guidance to steer her straight before turning into a full blown hoe.

People think the damage is TV, jobs, the economy, the government, society, education, yada yada yada, but is society or government or the economy, but people???

NO! These things have been as constant as time, yet you'll note that many people of great acclaim rose from at least a good fatherly leadership, and a woman who supported him. Just because the parties that invented these schemes want all this feminism running rampant, doesn't make it right for you or for 99% of society. If Oprah wants to be a rich single lesbian, by all means go at it. Or the same with Rosie. No guy would feel like a guy in that role. Just as no woman would feel like a woman taking care of a man and the kids who sit at home.


And if you talk to many girls the word "career" comes up. Career? A career is more important than say, giving life? Having love? Being supportive to someone you care for? Says who? Says people who can't have a true, pure relationship.

A Career ain't something you ARE, it's something you DO to make dough. To break bread. Women will never be equal in this fashion because we don't think like women and see careers as women. It's like parading around with your panties decrying equal rights. Have fun, but we go out to make money anyway we have to. I've never known a girl to take any lowly job to just make ends meet. When a girl is broke, she'll seek her fam, or men she knows, or suck it up, because a job to her is about pride, not about the survival. Not until she hits full hoe-bottom, and begs for the money. Even a stripper in her mind is better than McDonalds.



Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
I figured that I wasn't alone in my thinking. Male chauvenism has been propacated by gals as something that's politically incorrect. I say f*ck 'em. Those feminist get togethers are like A.A. clubs. Them gals have had a f*ck up relationship and they want to say that they are okay, it's the guy's fault. They support each others efforts to become independant of men. Hell, ..look how long them batteries last in their vibrators now. Their brains are screwed up and they want you to either kiss their ass or they seek another gal.

"Only a woman can understand another woman."

Only thing that one woman can do for another is to show her how to change a tampoon and to suck a dyck. She needs a man for the rest.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Brother_Rapp, congratulations!

You are now officially The Dumbest F*cking Retard Alive.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
^^Arent mods supposed to keep the peace and not run around insulting people?

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by Julian
^^Arent mods supposed to keep the peace and not run around insulting people?
I was just stating a fact.

Lord help you all if I said what I really felt.


Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Giovanni Casanova

Thank you for your comment on my intelligence. You are certainly intitled to your opinion. Is there a particular reason as to why you feel that way?

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by Brother_Rapp
Giovanni Casanova

Thank you for your comment on my intelligence. You are certainly intitled to your opinion. Is there a particular reason as to why you feel that way?
A million reasons, and they are all right here on this thread.


Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
A million is a large number. Would you care to revise your claim. And while I'm at it, if nobody is putting a gun to your head then you really don't have to read it do you? If you feel that I offended your lady, it wasn't personal. She threw her opinions out here and I took them apart. Calling people names is not a viable substitution for logic.I'm not going to reduce this to a thing of "who can call the other the worst name".

If all you have to defend your lady's position is name calling, then you can have it.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by Brother_Rapp
A million is a large number. Would you care to revise your claim. And while I'm at it, if nobody is putting a gun to your head then you really don't have to read it do you? If you feel that I offended your lady, it wasn't personal. She threw her opinions out here and I took them apart. Calling people names is not a viable substitution for logic.I'm not going to reduce this to a thing of "who can call the other the worst name".

If all you have to defend your lady's position is name calling, then you can have it.
You're right, a million might not be enough.

It takes a big man with a lot of guts to go on a (more or less) all men's discussion forum "Boyz are awesome and girlz drool!" like some bad Little Rascals episode. Oh, wait. No it doesn't.

Your ideas that women are good for no other purpose than to serve at the beck and call of men are idiotic, to say the least. Such positions cannot be assailed with logic because such positions are so far removed from any realm where logic may exist.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
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A few notes on Brother_Rapp's post ....

A few notes on your post ....

As a mother it’s your job to find a good man and lead by example.
As a mother, it's my job to MOTHER. And yes, to lead by example ... see below..."

You are now telling your daughters that they don’t need a man. You are telling your sons that women do not need you.
No, I'm telling my daughters not to settle for a man just to have one. I'm telling my sons and my daughters that it is better to do without at times, than to accept something less than the best for myself and for them.

Men need to be needed.
Humans - men and woment - need to be needed.

We guys need to be depended on to rise to and do our job.
Humans - men and women - need to be depended upon to fulfill our obligations.

If I had a gal that was making a lot like Oprah (for instance), I’d live with a remote in my hands and sit on an E-Z boy all day long. Why should I do ****?
I think I dated you. Explains why I'm single right now.

A woman don’t need any money. You didn’t know that, did you?
No I didn't know that. Maybe you'll win the Nobel Prize for a new theory of economics. I don't think there's a single respected economic (macro or micro) theory out there that comports with this statement.

If you have a man, you don’t need a dime. All you need is enough money to do what he tells you to do..."
I think I might have been engaged to you. Explains why I'm single right now.

....and perhaps some gas and cigarette money. That’s it. Certainly not no two or three hundred in your purse. For what?
Yeah, and where do I go when he starts beating the sh*t out of me or beating our children? Although you only promised to "cut me up," and gloated about "do(ing) me in", it usually starts with a slap here and there. At a minimum, I need enough money to escape with my children before you figure out where I keep the knives (it will take you a while to find them, as clearly, you never enter the kitchen).

You are getting away from the traditional roles. The guy controls all the finances. The gal does the home.
You've made no case whatsoever that the "traditional roles" are, by definition, appropriate.

People only do so much as they have to do and no more. If you do his job of changing a tire, why should he? If he was on his job in the first place, you would have had some good tires already on the car. If he had to stop making money on his job to come rescue you on the highway, he’ll put some good tires on that car.
What a sad world view. Truly sad. I believe - and teach my children - to go beyond what they "have" to do. That what we "have" to do is like survival - it's the basement. To really live - to thrive - we do more.

Your momma didn’t teach you ****, did she?
Nope. Unfortunately for me, she was one of those "traditional" wives. She tried, but her worldview was trapped inside the house's walls. She spent all her brain cells worrying about having a hot meal on the table when he walked in the door, and his clothes ironed in the morning. She didn't have time to teach me much. I've forgiven her though. She tried really hard.

Is that YOU BOB???? I'm pretty sure we were married once. Explains why I'm single now.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Penkitten it was wonderful to read your post.

Daily, I work with children who have been abused and/or neglected, I also work with their parents or caregivers. They have no concern for their children, they offer them no love, no guidance, no encouragement. The only thing they do offer is a poor example of adulthood and parenting.

It is so refreshing to read your text, to see a Mom teaching independence, accountablilty and responsiblity. It is, at times, a thankless job, but you will reap rewards when you see them use these wonderful teachings later in life.

One question, how do you do it??? I have no children, last weekend I had 8 - from 2 - 16 yr old, all boys! The laundry was endless, they were always eating, someone always needed something, I had more leaves on my floor then in my yard, and I loved every minute of it! They were truly wonderful boys, very well mannered and respectful. But to imagine 4 children, daily, meeting all the needs and individual attention they each demand must be exhausting.

I admire you and offer to you encouragment to keep doing all you are doing for your little ones. I really appreciate and value hearing a good example of parenting, there seems to be so few.


Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
You're right, a million might not be enough.

Now we’re getting somewhere.

It takes a big man with a lot of guts to go on a (more or less) all men's discussion forum "Boyz are awesome and girlz drool!" like some bad Little Rascals episode. Oh, wait. No it doesn't.

What does that have to do with anything? If 1 + 1 = 2, it doesn’t take a big or small man to say it. And if you believe in something, you shouldn’t be afraid to speak out on it. This is the good ol’ U.S. of A. isn’t it? We believe in the rights of all our citizens to voice their opinions. We also believe that an individual should not be persecuted for his beliefs.

“Your ideas that women are good for no other purpose than to serve at the beck and call of men are idiotic, to say the least.”

Women, not men, have babies. Women, not men, are natural caregivers. I didn’t make up the rules. Biology did that.

At the dawn of the human race, it was men, not women that went out and brought home the dead dinosaur. It was men, not women, who went off and did battle. That was not my decision. It was a decision made by the human race based on biology.
Your use of the terminology of “beck and call” is off. I believe that a woman should be supportive of her guy in all the decisions that he makes or not be with that guy. If your gal is home and you come in from a hard days work, would you like for her to have your food ready for you? Yes or no? If your back was aching and she rubbed it for you to ease your pain, would you love her more or less? Yes or no? If she showed consideration for what you had gone through to take care of the bills and to make your family safe, would you love her more then if she didn’t? Yes or no? What I just described is the traditional male role and it’s filled with a lot of stress. There’s a reason why men generally die before women. Are you going to tell me that a woman shouldn’t want to relieve that stress in her guy in any way that she can? You don’t think that she has an obligation to do so. Gal better be ready and willing to fyck the shyt out of me and suck my dyck from the moment I get in till the moment I leave.

Generally speaking if a guy can take care of his family (him, her and the kids) without her having to work, he won’t want her to work. He’ll want her to stay at home and take care of the kids. Do you believe this or not? Do you accept this premise? If you do, then what’s the problem?

Generally speaking if a man can take care of the family without her having to work, she will gladly stay at home, honoring his decision, and take care of the kids. Do you accept this premise? If you do, then what’s the problem?

She would be doing what she wants and is naturally inclined to do. This was all settled before you and I were born. It’s not my fault. It’s not your fault. It’s the way it was, is, and forever will be. I suggest that you get with the program.

“Such positions cannot be assailed with logic because such positions are so far removed from any realm where logic may exist.”

I believe that I have logically proven my position. My position is no removed from the realm of reality. It’s been buried by unhappy BYTCHS who choose unwisely for a mate and man to be the father of their children.

Bring me your form of logic. Let the board decide. One last point, if they should disagree with you don’t call them names.

You’re a moderator. State your case and set up a poll. Your side and my side. That’s fair, isn’t it?

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by Brother_Rapp
You’re a moderator. State your case and set up a poll. Your side and my side. That’s fair, isn’t it?
Your trolling and stupidity gets no more attention from me.


Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Giovanni Casanova

More name calling and assessments of my intelligence? That’s okay “YOUNG G”. It’s enough for me to have presented it and you read it. What you do about your relationship is between you and your lady.


“As a mother, it's my job to MOTHER. And yes, to lead by example ... see below..."

So you recognized that the caregiver is your job? That’s good.

“No, I'm telling my daughters not to settle for a man just to have one. I'm telling my sons and my daughters that it is better to do without at times, than to accept something less than the best for myself and for them.”

You want your daughters to have the best. Does that mean that you want them to get a husband that can or cannot support her? Yes or no? Marring for money and security is being a what? Whyre??? Nowhere in there did you say for love. So what are you telling them that they should be? Not WHYRES are you? Not YOU??

So you are telling your sons that they should seek the best mother possible for his children? And you expect this future mother of your grandchildren to do her best with those children and work an 8 hour job? So you want your sons to get a good education so that the mother of your grandchildren can stay at home and take care of those kids? I see that we agree.

“I think I dated you. Explains why I'm single right now.”

You’re single because you want to be single. Nobody wants to be alone. If you are single it’s because you haven’t found the right guy for you. If you have been opening your legs to somebody and cast them off or they dump you, then you have been making poor choices. Your attitude suggests that you’re a bitter person and that you have had some rough moments with men. That’s not my fault. That’s your fault. You have demonstrated a need for independence. Have your failed attempts at successfully finding a guy to your ultimate liking pushed you in a direction of doing for yourself? Is that what you now see as your only option?

“Yeah, and where do I go when he starts beating the sh*t out of me or beating our children? Although you only promised to "cut me up," and gloated about "do(ing) me in", it usually starts with a slap here and there. At a minimum, I need enough money to escape with my children before you figure out where I keep the knives (it will take you a while to find them, as clearly, you never enter the kitchen). “

I can only surmise that you have lived through this. You’re really screwed up aren’t you. I’m going to do you a favor and let you know that I know you. MOST OF YOUR PROBLEMS ULTIMATELY CAME DOWN TO NOT ENOUGH MONEY. Do I know you or not?

“You've made no case whatsoever that the "traditional roles" are, by definition, appropriate.”

Sure I have. They way the economy is today more and more married women are entering the work force. Is it mentally good for the family? No. It tells the guy that the sweat of his brawl is not good enough. It undermines his position as head of the household. Why do these women do it? “IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID.” Ever hear that phrase before? Bush 41 heard it. In order to have a well adjusted home couples have to forgo a number of things till they can afford it. If the guy ain’t making a hell of a lot of money, then kids have to be put off till. The wife can get out there and take a job for a while. You get that house. You get that new car. You find a way to make it on his salary alone and then she starts having those babies and staying at home and taking care of the house. How often do two people get married and have a plan like that? There are way too many young kids getting married and the gal is pregnant. Right off the bat the economics of their relationship causes frustrations between the two and they’re at each other’s throats. How many marriages due to a pregnancy last till death do they part? I would say far less then do. The gal is bytching in his ear to do better and mad at herself for screwing the guy in the first place. You know that you have seen this. Fess up.


“Daily, I work with children who have been abused and/or neglected, I also work with their parents or caregivers. They have no concern for their children, they offer them no love, no guidance, no encouragement. The only thing they do offer is a poor example of adulthood and parenting.”

You’re getting paid to do it. You get to clock out and leave all that behind. Do you have children of your own?

“One question, how do you do it??? I have no children, last weekend I had 8 - from 2 - 16 yr old, all boys! The laundry was endless, they were always eating, someone always needed something, I had more leaves on my floor then in my yard, and I loved every minute of it! They were truly wonderful boys, very well mannered and respectful. But to imagine 4 children, daily, meeting all the needs and individual attention they each demand must be exhausting.”

Do you really think that she does all that and holds down a 9 to 5 ?


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2003
Reaction score
Children from fatherless homes are:

4.6 times more likely to commit suicide,

6.6 times to become teenaged mothers (if they are girls, of course),
24.3 times more likely to run away,
15.3 times more likely to have behavioral disorders,
6.3 times more likely to be in a state-operated institutions,
10.8 times more likely to commit rape,
6.6 times more likely to drop out of school,
15.3 times more likely to end up in prison while a teenager.
(The calculation of the relative risks shown in the preceding list is based on 27% of children being in the care of single mothers.)

and — compared to children who are in the care of two biological, married parents — children who are in the care of single mothers are:

33 times more likely to be seriously abused (so that they will require medical attention), and
73 times more likely to be killed.


If you have a kid, for goodness sakes, stay married!! Or else you seriously f*ck your child up.