Drunk girl who once ljbf'ed me


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
...Tried to kiss me tonight.

She was drunk out of her mind, lying on the ground at an outdoor party with a girl friend of hers.

We're good friends but she ljbf'ed me about a year ago. I never tried anything since then. But tonight when she saw me she suddenly started being overtly affectionate, kept on touching me an even tried to kiss me. And she kept calling me "my love". But I was kind of embarassed as she was extremely drunk + her girl friend was lying right next to her + another prospect of mine was waiting for me a few meters away. So basically I didn't take advantage of it and left. I probably would've regretted it if I did something and so would she.

Yet I feel like I passed on my one and only chance with her. What would you have done? In your experience, do those occasions occur again after a first time? Is there any way to induce such an episode without the alcool? Would it be mean of me to take advantage of her in such a situation?

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
The real question you should be asking yourself and us is:

Why do I (you) still care about getting laid by this girl?

She LJBF'd a year ago. Didn't you spin plates during this time? Didn't you get laid during this time? Didn't you hook up with other chicks at this time? What about that prospect who was right there? Don't you care about hooking up with her?

Don't be fooled, she was just drunk. She probably still thinks of you as a cuddly nice friend who won't take advantage of her and will treat her like a princess. That ship has sailed. Plus, it's just ONE girl...out of what a thousand that you must've at least seen during this time.

Making a thread about your old one-itis still shows that you're not over her. Go out there and spin plates. That's the only way to cure and salvage this situation you're in.



Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
She was DRUNK...thread over.

Even if you were an ******* and wanted to take advantage of her while she was drunk , do you think her friend would let your do it?? I think not


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
I used to hang around girls for friendship, then as I thought deeper they serve very little purpose. It's much better having them as activity friends, there is nothing wrong with that but socializing with males is much better.