Dropping the Girl Off..


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
I got a question for you guys, when you take a girl home from hanging out (not a date) or just taking her home because its 2 AM and she has to be home haha Anyways, before she closes the door, she says "call me".

Does it mean she's interested? Or just being nice?


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Unless she was standing there naked when she said it, there is no way to tell you what that meant unless you give us the back story.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
theunflushables said:
Unless she was standing there naked when she said it, there is no way to tell you what that meant unless you give us the back story.
Here's the story...

I get a call earlier yesterday to see if I wanted to go to a concert with her. I took care of all my school work and didn't have plans at night so I was down. I got the ticket cuz someone bailed but either way, it was time for me to just show what kind of guy I am since she's kicked it with me once or twice in parties.

Anyways, its crowded in the concert and she wants to move closer to the stage... So I grab her hand and pretend to be on the phone with a friend who is at the front. I go through a couple rows of people but then there is absolutely NO SPACE, it got too tight and all that cuz there's just too many people! Plan failed but at least I led the way and tried. And I think she was down with that. We bumped and made contact throughout the whole night cuz the music was bumpin. I got IOI's and she was laughing at things I was doing and saying afterwards.

I didn't make moves because I wanted her and her friend to get comfortable with me because I got the call to go to the concert out of nowhere and it would be pervert-ish if I hit on em the first night they kick it with me. And there are a lot of people around so I couldn't really isolate.

Note: A dude came up to her in the concert and asked if he could buy her a drink, and she declined. I didn't think much of it.

Took her and her friend home and she made that comment.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
Why would she be out with you until 2am if she wasn't at least curious? Call her next week.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Rhoto said:
Why would she be out with you until 2am if she wasn't at least curious? Call her next week.
We came from a concert and got in n out.. She INHALED everything haha. She beat me at eating all the food.. She's a HB9 and I'm really diggin how she's comfortable with eating like a human being. After all that, the drive was a little while so thats why we were out so late.
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
I agree with some parts of what oldschooler said but the main thing I don't agree on is, "she's lowering your value by expecting you to call her."

That's not necessarily true.

Especially since she said, "call me". It wasn't like she expected you were going to call her no matter what. I do agree on the reply of "keep dreamng" or something similar though.

It's still a bit early to tell if she's just being nice or if she's interested. If you're interested in her you're gonna have to escalate obviously. Do what you do and have fun.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
I know I'm a great guy, I'm a little shy.. But this should all change as I get more confident with my body and mind, as well as learning from my failures.

I am new at all this but I understand the concepts. I'm not "aggressive" and I still need to calibrate when I should make the moves.. No ones ever really taught me or shown me the way to get laid!

I can get girls attracted to me, my problem is because I am unsure and indecisive on how to keep them attracted and to seduce them.. That is where I need some guidance...