Dropping out of highschool

Mar 18, 2006
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DogFashionDisco said:
Ok, let me go over this again with some specifics.

I DO NOT want a career. Meaning I DO NOT want to go to an employer and give him my resume for a position. Meaning I want to be my own boss. It's more possible than you think.

When I said I wanted to spend my time learning about economics and marketing and ****, I mean I want to learn it for my own benefit; to understand how business works. Not to help me become an economist or something.

And yes, I do have a plan. I'm getting into the internet marketing area (affiliate marketing, etc.), and I'm coming up with some great ideas (and yes, I'm doing my research about whats already out there and how a successful internet marketeer succeeds), and I have little doubt that I'll be able to get some significant income from it (plus getting a day or night job and doing some random money earning work is gonna help too. Once I have enough money, I'll invest it, then when I have enough I'll become an entrepreneuer). I know that I'm making this sound easy when it is obviously not, but I would be working hard at it should I drop out.

Plus, I'm fed up with the highschool social life. It seriously is all about friday night football and the prom (sparky0000), which is totally gay. I'd rather spend this time learning and working, and then have my fun when it's actually legal to buy alcohol.

I haven't made my decision yet, and have to do a few things before I could even drop out. But I would be getting my GED, and would consider going to college, if I did.

But thank you for the responses. :yes:
You have all your life to work - go to school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you will never have this school experience again!!!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
DogFashionDisco said:
Ok, let me go over this again with some specifics.

I DO NOT want a career. Meaning I DO NOT want to go to an employer and give him my resume for a position. Meaning I want to be my own boss. It's more possible than you think.

When I said I wanted to spend my time learning about economics and marketing and ****, I mean I want to learn it for my own benefit; to understand how business works. Not to help me become an economist or something.

And yes, I do have a plan. I'm getting into the internet marketing area (affiliate marketing, etc.), and I'm coming up with some great ideas (and yes, I'm doing my research about whats already out there and how a successful internet marketeer succeeds), and I have little doubt that I'll be able to get some significant income from it (plus getting a day or night job and doing some random money earning work is gonna help too. Once I have enough money, I'll invest it, then when I have enough I'll become an entrepreneuer). I know that I'm making this sound easy when it is obviously not, but I would be working hard at it should I drop out.

Plus, I'm fed up with the highschool social life. It seriously is all about friday night football and the prom (sparky0000), which is totally gay. I'd rather spend this time learning and working, and then have my fun when it's actually legal to buy alcohol.

I haven't made my decision yet, and have to do a few things before I could even drop out. But I would be getting my GED, and would consider going to college, if I did.

But thank you for the responses. :yes:
I hear you on that. I feel like that, but my parents would be dissapointed if I quit school. They have worked too hard for me and I respect that. I'm not about to just drop out of school. I hate the whole resuming, working for another person, getting paid for your time. I hate it all, but what do you know I'm applying for a summer job. I tried to keep it local, but now I'm even going to major companies. You better believe I'll always be doing the independent thing, whether it's on the side, or, hopefully, enough for me to live on. What I'm trying to say is, finish school. This is the one chance you (we) have. You can always work on your independent **** in addition to going to school.

I definitely feel you on the whole situation though. Kids talk about the stupidest ****. Even in high school they still wanna start rumors and talk ****. Whenever serious **** comes up, they dont wanna have any part in it. I'm trapped between two worlds. I wanna progress and mature fast, but I realize this is the only time in my life I'll be in this situation. When else will I have a chance to be young and in school, acting like I dont give a ****? It doesn't help that my grades are slipping and I'm lazy, even with the **** I wanna get done.