Master Don Juan
I tried something new last week....Indoor Wall Climbing.....being at home on Scaffolding and Outdoors Rock Scrambling I wasn't particularly apprehensive when a Lady I had been dating suggested this as a new interest, her daughter in Britain had spoken of her experiences in this hobby,and Mother wanted to be as good as daughter....All very interesting I had no problems and neither would most of you,but,but, would be alpineer found it wasn't quite her cup of tea,initially she was terrified and at one point froze on the wall,however with a little bit of pursuasion and encouragement,by the end of the session she was getting to the top of the Wall and feeling very proud of herself we went home,and I must say it felt as good as a really strenuous work out but the interesting spin off was that this ladies perceptions of me were just sopo elevated,in short my currency had appreciated,something she forcefully demonstrated that evening...So in Short why this elevation in my perceived value? That she was able to boast equality with her daughter?or was there something happening at a subliminal level,as she shared the conquest of a basic fear with someone she is fond of...Anyway if you have any similar thoughts I would be interested to hear.In the mean time I can thoroughly recommend Wall climbing as an alternative or adjunct to your Gym workouts...