Drinking while with a non-drinker


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Frick...I just want a cool chick to spend the weekends with here....I'm thinking I should cancel Friday... Will probably only just amp her interest level up...thoughts...

Dude....sorry I'm too lazy to go to image shack right now...


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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zinc4 said:
Frick...I just want a cool chick to spend the weekends with here....I'm thinking I should cancel Friday... Will probably only just amp her interest level up...thoughts...

Dude....sorry I'm too lazy to go to image shack right now...


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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It's funny how early talk of marriage by females always seems to make things awkward.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Lately man I feel like women here are using me for sex...not vuce versa...I had a plate invite me to a sex party the other night where I would be ****ed by five of her friends one by one while she watched...I was drunk when she sent the message and with a random girl at a bar so missed the opportunity... Still on the table for any weekend though...

I get lots of chicks here they just all label me as player material only...so that's why I've been beta ing it up with this chick...and now I'm getting marriage talk...wtf..a nice happy medium would be nice...


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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zinc4 said:
Lately man I feel like women here are using me for sex...not vuce versa...I had a plate invite me to a sex party the other night where I would be ****ed by five of her friends one by one while she watched...I was drunk when she sent the message and with a random girl at a bar so missed the opportunity... Still on the table for any weekend though...

I get lots of chicks here they just all label me as player material only...so that's why I've been beta ing it up with this chick...and now I'm getting marriage talk...wtf..a nice happy medium would be nice...
Wow. Is this plate good looking? Her friends? Would never think Taiwanese girls would be so slutty like that.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Dude...most of the ones who like white guys here are very slutty....not all of course....but I kino the hell out of them immediately... So I think it immediately makes them view me only for sex but whatever I've gotten good at getting fast easy sex here....I think its backfiring in the relationship department though...I have about 10 girls at least in the past 2 months say they have never progressed so quickly to sex with someone and that I must do it all the time...its just like 123 for me if a chick shows the least bit of receptivity to touching...basically I give them an excuse to be a slut by immediately and aggressively acting like one myself... Which ironically as always comes back to bite me shortly later with them..
As far as my plate's looks...she's a 6 but her friends are 7 s with an 8 sprinkled in...still 5 girls and only me is indeed tempting...but atbthe same time kind of pointless ultimately...

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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zinc4 said:
And said, "I will tell my mom about us when you are ready for our relationship."

So i said are u asking me if I'm ready for a relationship with you... She said...yes...

Not in the mood for games...I said yes....
But you're not ready to be in a relationship with her. Soooo... when she said "I will tell my mom about us when you are ready for our relationship," why didn't you just say, "cool beans, no need to rush it, we should get to know each other more anyway" and leave it at that?

Like, you haven't even known her that long (nor her you), so that would have been a perfectly acceptable - and SANE - answer that a normal chick would have understood. Just because she threw that comment out there doesn't mean you had to turn it into a convo about being in a relationship at that moment in time if you weren't really ready for it. Plus, her telling her parents about you in a way that indicates, to them, that she's on a path towards marriage with you?? WAAAY too soon, man...


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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I dunno man...it was like the heat of the moment type deal...


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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I recently had a chick try to pin me down into a relationship on the fourth date. (And I don't sleep with my dates, although I had kino'd her a good bit.) How long would you say is reasonable before the girl tries to limit your options?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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People have wildly different views on alcohol. Most accept it and many like it, but there are some who dislike it and find it very unattractive. Since you said she "doesn't drink", i'm going to assume you mean she doesnt in general rather than her just not choosing to drink this day because of whatever reason.

Sounds like you enjoy partying. Not judging, same here. I couldn't be with a girl who doesn't party and/or has a negative attitude about alcohol. Call me irresponsible but i like getting drunk and I do it roughly once a week. An important part of seeing a girl is being able to kick back and relax with her. Getting drunk with a girl is (or should be) really fun. If she wasn't open to that, i wouldn't be with her for an extended period of time. But..... I mean if you're just trying to get laid here, then that's different.

I'd say it's best not to get sloppy drunk (obviously). I find that your game is killed for the most part when really drunk, expect you always feel like James Bond smooth. Drink lightish beer (not like 8% dark craft brew lmao) and just sip on it. Catch a buzz to have some fun

Just my advice. You're a man, ultimately just do what you like.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Ok I talked to my wife, who as you know is from Taiwan originally, and she thought the girl was acting very strangely. She thought any girl above the age of 30 who is wanting to so quickly get into a relationship? Has some issues. Even taking into account her Asian upbringing where honor and appearances are important.

I think a little differently. IMO, since she lives with her mom past the age of 30, she is probably under her mothers thumb and while I do think it is strange that she cannot make decisions on her own, I can see how her mom could control her. Plus she probably wants to get married since her clock is ticking. She is just probably a very meek, inexperienced girl. She is cute though. (I saw a pic zinc sent me)


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Whatever, I probably need a gf to keep in check and limit the partying. If she wants a relationship guess I can at least try...will skate around the whole marriage stuff....just hope I don't feel trapped soon after like I normally do.

I agree gravity... it's always nice to be able to drink with your girl...but there's a flip side to that as well...girls who like partying exhibit much more slutty behavior. But yeah..they do tend to be more fun to hang out with.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Well, she came to visit me last night with a huge surprise NB birthday cake....and a very sexy mini skirt...

Bang her a few times though oddly enough had trouble getting it up at first..

She's coming back in an hour or so and we are going to an all you can eat hot pot place here that also features allbthe beer you can drink.

Looks like a found a good one.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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I told her don't be offended by my drinking earlier at an awesome all you can eat and drink beer hot pot place today and later tonight she asked me what if I said I was offended you could choose me or drink...I said I don't think I'll stop because I just like having fun my own way then she started asking if I could stop seeing other girls....I said yes...probably won't hold up on it though...got plates messaging me left and right.

But this one did buy me a big birthday cake...so she's got potential.... I like girls who buy me things. Maybe my future gf...who knows....in her mind we already are.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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isn't it funny how a girl can bring up relationship talk so early on and we just logically think about it...analyze the pros and cons in a rational manner

but when a guy brings up a relationship talk very early on, the girls completely do a 180, pull away, and get overly emotional about it...

sometimes i wish i was gay :crackup: :crackup:


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Well we have both pretty much agreed to be exclusive....she said she's serious and wants me to either choose to only be with her or be single because she kept seeing and hearing other girls messages pop up on my phone...I told her ok lets try it and we had really good sex twice in two hours time after that...

But......i could sense she was hugely turned off by my table manners today at a restaurant we went for after sex lunch. I had these funky long ass Japanese noodles that for the life of me I couldn't eat without being messy...was like spaghetti noodles on steroids. She tried to offer to put the noodles in the bowl for me since I was using chopsticks but I declined then she became very quiet and wasnt as something acting as we finished up and I walked her to the train...she let go of my hand early as we were walking...that might sound like nothing but I do believe her il was affected somewhat by my sloppy eating.... But anyways we already agreed to go the beach to spend the night there next weekend.

Also, she has verbally stated that she thinks I have a slight drinking problem but wants me to feel comfortable drinking around her and even told me you should get a beer today while we were eating lunch.....so I dunno....but she seemed really happy earlier when I agreed to be exclusive...either way, I would never change my drinking for a woman...only for myself...

On a separate note a random girl I banged who I met at the beach last Sunday just messaged me wanting to know if she could come over....difficult to resist.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Update...this girl has been my gf for the last two months now and I'm beginning to feel a bit bored or suffocated. She says she loves me more than anything and wants to eventually get married yet I can't stop checking out other women and secretly wanting to bang other chicks.

I feel like this girl deserves someone more dedicated than me. I tried telling her this thus weekend and she ran outside my place crying and told me I don't understand how much she loves me. I then felt guilty and back tracked and said I wanted to be with her. We stay together every weekend.

But at this point, I think I'd just like to be single again but feel guilty as heck for hurting her....any advice????


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
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Eye of the storm
zinc4 said:
for the last two months now

wants to eventually get married
Bit too quick for my liking .. I'd let this one go.
You are not hurting her. Be honest with yourself and do what you want to do.
She is strangling and suppressing your energy.