

Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Well... im back to drinkin!!! every day nearly, didn't get back till 5 am this morning, im 25 and have a son with my main ex. So i really should have a grip on life by now.
I spilt wiv my ex about 4 weeks ago, she was prettiest lass ive been with and lovely figure and good crack, but in the end i was lying there and thinkin i just dont feel any chemistry so i ended it. She said it was becasue she wasnt excitin enough for my drama/soap life.
Anyway im writing this because im finding that im going out all the time! going clubbin 2 times a week and drinking in the pub the others, i usually do well with money but am finding myself more and more in debt because of the drink. I am hungover again today and know a couple of my mates are out, in our group of friends we really only socialise when wer'e out, which is all the time as our mate has flat above local pub. Im finding every day after the drink that im txtn every lass in my phone!! am going out ang getting 3 numbers a night! and thats not like me! usually im so picky! and never give out my number.. went on date the other day and when i seen her i was like "jeus- she is not my type at all" so wat did i do.. get drunk.
Feel quite down at moment and feel like getting back with one of my ex's as i feel lonely, but i realise its only because im lonely. My mam and sis say i go through the same pattern every time, go out with girl, when she falls for me i finish them and then hit the drink untill about a month in i get all normal and stop drinkin and enjoy being single... then i go out and meet someone i really like, end up going out with them and then finish them couple of months later becasue am not ready for commitment or whatever.

Sorry for babbling on and this may not even qualify for a post here, but just dunno wat the hell is the matter with me. I know im a good lookin lad.. get called pretty all the tine, but still feel bit down.. and insecure...


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

You are going on a one way road to becoming an alcoholic... stop yourself while you still can. There are other ways to get confidence, but what you are doing, is "escaping from reality" and "living a lie" .. Living in a dream world, and yes, you want to STAY in your dream world, because everything goes your way, right? So what do you do, you drink more and more, and soon it will lead to drugs to make u feel even better, and then.... yes, u guessed it, you f*ck your body up so much that you'll probably end up dead on the side of some road somewhere with a needle stuck in your arm.

Is that how you want your life to end? ......................... I didn’t think so.

You can go up to chicks, get their numbers, get them into bed, etc withOUT having to be drunk.... and the key here is PRACTICE! The more you "mack" and "approach" and "hit on chicks", the better u will become at it, SOBER!

Dont tale the easy way out, because the easy way out will lead to you suffering a whole lot more in the future. And if you think your debt is big now, wait till u start stealing your ex's tv sets etc so that you can afford to buy another shot of heroin!

Stop while you still can, memphis12.



Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
been through drugs stage mate, everythin but heroin! and this week i found my self back on E's... so the come downs make me more depressed! and im never overdrawn!!! but am now! alot! just need to sort myself out i guess! hate the facte that my other ex is blankin all my txts out .. because she thinks i just use her for sex.. but have realised that i do actually care for her.. or am i just lonely.. fuk knows


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

Dude.... I think you need to maybe spend a little more time with your ex, tell her that you wanna see her for coffee or something, and DONT HAVE SEX, show her that you don’t only want sex from her, show her that you wanna actually spend time with HER, and not just in bed. And after seeing her more and spending more time with her, if you still don’t think that she is the one, then so be it, move on, and look for a different woman to be "the one". If she IS the one, then good, work things out with her, and get back together.

But seriously, drinking and taking drugs in NOT going to help you in the long run, you are just going to end up hurting yourself more. Like you even said yourself, you take the "e", u feel on top of the world for a few hours, and then what? You feel even MORE **** afterwards.

And if you don’t think you can sort yourself out by yourself, then I would suggest seeing a psychologist of some sort that will be there for you and help you get through this crisis that you are currently going through.

But what I would suggest you do, is spend some more time with your ex, and see where things lead.

Otherwise, you can go out, party, have your fun etc, but do all you want to do, but do it SOBER. The more u do it SOBER the better u will become at doing it, SOBER!



Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
my ex wont answer my calls or txts for last two weeks, slept wiv her and she asked me back and i said no.. then i regreted it, changed my mind and then she started blanking me out. so al have to forget that idea lol. but u are rite about everythin else mate.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

So that’s it? You gonna give up on her because she is ignoring you? man! don’t. If she really means THAT much to you, if you really want to try and see if you can work things out with her, then go to her work, or even her house and try and sort things out with her. speak to one of her friends maybe and try organise a way to get to her with them?

Something I would do, is I would think of something "special" to her, and use that to hit her "soft spot", show her that you are being genuine.

You have nothing to lose here, the damage is already done, but you sure as hell can try and fix things. If you go through the trouble, then your ex isn’t stupid, she will SEE that you really DO care, otherwise why would you be going through so much trouble?

But anyways, I wish you luck with whatever you do man.... lets hope you just do it SOBER!;)



Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
awwh man that is just the booze talkin!!