Dressing well really does work


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2002
Reaction score
I've been on this board for a year, and although it has been said many times over, nothing works like expereince. Dressing well really does improve your game.

When I first came to this board, about a year ago, my burn rate was pretty high, maybe one real date that panned out out of every five women I was interested in and approached (and one out of five of those did I get the second date). I am about above average in looks, and so I have always had to rely on my rapport to suceeed, and even when I was an AFC I did okay, meaning barely adequate. However, I never took too much great care in my appearance; I was clean, but I didn't stand out. In my 20's I could get away with this, but I began to notice diminishing returns as I got older (I'm 32).

One day I thought, "what if everyday I looked as though I was going out on a date". I decided to try an expereiment, even though I knew it would be awkward. I went out and bought some nice clothes. I am not rich, but I managed to pick out some good things for a reasonable amount of money, not overlooking what can be had at some of the nicer thrift stores. I decided that every pay day I would reward myself and pick out a few things here and there, buy brand new boxers to replace the tighty whities, and really work to change my look. Now I am known as someone who dresses well all of the time.

It has been a few months, and I am floored at the difference. For one, at work, more customers ask if I am the manager, and I get a real kick of of telling them that I am not. I get a completely different reaction from my superiors when I am dealing with them. At least three of my co-workers have "noticed" me, which has presented a whole new set of "problems"

Once more, I have gone from having to approach women and get their attention to having them initiate conversation about 50% of the time I notice them. This kind of thing seems to build on itself, because even though I am asking for less numbers, I am on more dates. I socialize in a pretty tight knit community, and so word seems to have gotten around, as now my girl-friends are starting to slyly inquire about my interest in women that are mutual aquaintences (social proof). All of this, of course, has improved my self confidence, and that has added an additional dimension; I don't feel like I have to close on every woman I talk to, and I am perfectly happy with just bantering with most of them and getting the occasional number when I know it's a sure bet.

All of this sounds really hokey, doesn't it? I never would have believed it had I not tried it myself. We do live in a world where we are judged on looks. If you are the best DJ in the world, and you are not looking the best that YOU can, then you are not as likly to meet the person that you will "click". with.

"In the land of the blind, a one eyed man is king"


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2000
Reaction score
i agree with u 100%. i noticed it myself on wed. i went shopping at local department stores dressed pretty nicely. any questions that i had about product locations, etc, i asked any female attendant i could find. and they all went out of their way for me. did more than they had to and with big smiles. it got to the point where i started looking around to see if something was wrong. lol. and remember, if u want to be taken seriously, u need to dress and act seriously! nice post.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA USA
I also agree. This can also work really well in college/school too. In my school, most of the guys wear pretty much the same thing, t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. When it is near the end of the semester, this is pretty much the standard outfit. However, yesterday, I was wearing shirt, khakis, and a long woolen pea coat (it's winter over hear) and I was getting girls scanning me up and down. I definitely look more mature and more composed than the other guys. Great for the confidence.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2002
Reaction score
Dressing well has made at least as great a difference as learning some of the other concepts here.

My GF got me to dress better and get a better haircut. The results have been very good in terms of the amount of eye contact I get. I disappear into the crowd when I just wear jeans!

Last night I noticed alot of girls even those with guys started talking to me. In fact, a couple of girls approached me and my friend and one offered to buy us a drink. The one that offered to get the drink was dating a guy in the band that was playing! Which was strange to say the least, but I wasn't going to close them anyways. (They were both older though, but still attractive and I will talk to them again when I go for social proof)

To be honest, some of my new clothes are the type that I normally thought were a bit too flashy (or gay as I would have normally called it). But it is worth it for the attention the girls give you.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Yeah it definitely works, especially in a nice bar or club. Chicks will approach me when I'm dressed to the nines. The only problem is that sometimes golddiggers will want to go out with me, they see the nice clothes and think I must have money, but then they're gone as soon as they find out I'm a regular guy who makes average money. So you have to work extra-hard to screen them out.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
I think you have to get *just* the right level though. Dressing too down is obviously a bad idea , unless it suits your style. Overdressing will make you look bad. I think in general, just dress to suit your style and makes you feel comfortable. Obviously if you feel good about yourself, it shows, and gives you false sense of security that it is your clothes, when in fact , it's just you and your level of confidence.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2002
Reaction score
One of the simplest things you can do is to simply stand out in some way, make yourself unique. For going out to Bars/Clubs, especially in college, wear something that is a cut above the rest. If most people are wearing jeans, wear slacks. (Not khakis, there is a difference) If most people are in khakis/polo, wear a buttondown.

This can work in the opposite direction too, if everyone is dressed nicely, wear a pair of nice jeans and a polo, something you are comfortable in. You have to have the confidence to pull this off though, the attitude that you just don't care what people are wearing. Make sure this is in a situation where it is appropriate though, you don't want to do this at a wedding reception or at work