You sexually objectified her, before getting to know her and she wasn't a complete slut.
This is precisely what happened^^^
Advice from the old lady:
Gentlemen, women KNOW that men want sex. We got the memo. If you are showing interest in a chick she already knows you are interested in her sexually. Have enough class not to mention it please.
Part of qualifying a man is observing whether he's interested in us besides just sex or whether he's just a horn dog. This type of exchange is the single fastest way to creep a woman out & run her off. It does not exude a DJ vibe at all. It's tacky.
You remain at this point (prior to meeting) complete strangers. Remember that. Also note that the world is more physically dangerous for females. When you as a man make comments like risk coming across as not only creepy & tacky but potentially physically threatening.
Unless a woman is a complete w h o r e she is not going to send nudes, take kindly to d!ck pics or put up with being sexually objectified before she has met you. It's best advised to avoid it.
Some men succeed with this type of banter...but they are the exception. And even they succeed only after establishing enough value & comfort to be considered "safe" by the woman in question. If you personally don't know how to establish value & comfort then don't sexually escalate in communication prior to'll blow your opportunity to meet at all, as happened here.