FRIV and to a lesser degree ETHNO, resort to a method I see used all the time by AFCs who like to rationalize their ego-investments in their own pre-whipping away; binary arguements. These are black or white, on or off positions that tend to be based on popularized preconceptions that are a way of self-confirming their ego-investments.
yea..I was watching one day..where Phil was ripping into an abusive husband...(maybe phil should have gave him a medel of honor for making his wife live in fear) then the next guess what a women who doesnt help with the kids..and he tore her apart.(but if it was one of you sure you would of saw phil praising her) maybe he doenst live the same dj, im better then everyone else mature man forum princible as you guys...but stop skewing whats really on.
So your argument here is basically, you're either a caveman/abuser as a DJ or you're a swell guy, in touch with his feminine side adherent of Dr. Phil?
What do you suppose is more common in the U.S. physical abuse or emotional abuse in marriage or domestic living situations? Which of these do you suppose is most often reported? Of both sexes which do you think is the least likely to report physical or emotional abuse? Of the cases of domestic abuse that are made known in popular media, what percentage do you suppose are the male victim is reported on? Of the reported fatalities in spousal abuse cases, how many of them are women? How many of them are men?
You don't stop to consider these statistics or even make a cursory Google search to find out, because you've been conditioned (quite effectively I might add) from childhood to consider anything masculine as negative and anything feminine as positive. And charlatans like Dr. Phil only perpetuate these myths. So ingrained is this dynamic that you, and many others of both sexes, that any fact that is counter to this personal investment automatically draws a binary response. It's far easier to fall in step with a feminized pop-culture response to what you think 'ought' to be true than actually do some critical thinking and investigate truthes for yourself. That takes work.
Does spousal abuse occur? Absolutely it does, we could hardly be aware of anything else, yet for every time this is reported we cast the male in the melodramatic role of evil villain, unable to control his actions. He's carted off to jail and Oprah does an hour long in depth feature on "her story." Even when
Clara Harris runs over her ex husband multiple times with her murdered husband's 16 y.o. daughter in the car watching her kill her father it's HER story we read about, it's her story we empathize with. Her sentence? 20 years in prison, for a murder caught on video.
Men are disposable in this society, it's women we read about in the papers. Men are convenient statistics, but it's women we mourn for and sympathize with. And it's the pathetic sympering dough-boys like Dr. Phil that shamelessly feed from their own corpses of positive masculinity. It's time to open your fukken eyes little boys.