seagull said:
We have the worst women in the world and a system that contributes to them being the way they are. Not to mention the left wing pro-feminist, anti-male media. I know that most people on this forum are American and make posts about American women, but Aussie women are far worse. They display all the negative traits that US posters describe, in addition to being less feminine and more crude than American women. I stopped dating Aussie women a long time ago and only date foreign women who live here. Definitely a change for the better.
I agree about the leftie press here , BUT this legislation was drafted by Federal Govt lawyers. WE have a mindless, incompetent, do nothing that matters, Leftist Govt who , in their self righteous arrogance have appointed themselves as social reformers.
To those of you in the USA, expect an avalanche of this kind of socialist crap in Obama's second term.
Canada may introduce it first.
Most Aussie women are very similar to Nth American woman in their attitudes. I agree with the OP about their crudeness and lack of sophistication and they are LAZY to boot . Socially and emotionally primitive may also be a fitting description.