Thanks for the compliment, decisive! fukkkkin eat man =]
Finally, lifeforce. okay, i waited to post my personal opinion and will say it now. then i have to cut fast to know yours. i agree it's pretty evenly, really cool that it looks like that only with 6exercises. i think chest and back has the most mass....maybe shoulders. i'm really proud that my shoulders are too big for many shirts now, haha i love big shoulders =] i think the quads have gotten the most mass in the last surprise. but the downside is only one jeans fits me now, my two others are like a second skin, the ladies can have a very good look at my azz and thighs....but a little bit loose feels more comfortable

but have no money for new jeans, whatever at least i have ONE haha. forearms lack a bit i think......but im already doing wrist curls. arms are medium but i gained good on them. calves are really lacking i should train them on the day where i dont do squats. but i have no gym and i think it is to dangerous to stand on a weight plate ´without a rack.
cutting started today
weight in the morning without everything:175,2lbs
waist:36,0" or 91,5cm.......
i woke up often in the night because i forgot taking my ZMA and was so excited about cutting, LOL! every time i woke up, i had a dream about cutting. one time i was with my family in vacation because they wanted to travel to a country far away and only there i could get the best fatburner. so i travelled with them. but i had to climb a huge mountain to get to the store that sells them. one girl did go with me, she was good looking only some fat on her azz, lol!i tried to hit it when we did a break than i awoke
an other dream i was on a parking lot. it was a illegal market. i purchased the brand new ultimate fatburner. it had the best of every world: best fat burning effect, the energy like on speed, and hallucinogen effects with flashy colours. only downside was that it was a capsule that you had to painfully INJECT. so, only for hardcore athletes lol.
is this normal?
ECA stack works pretty good, no bad side effects. i took only one pill. did some slow cardio, my heart did beat very fast, so i continued walking than again slow jogging.