Don't want to waste your time, so I'll be quick...

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Aug 22, 2006
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Scared? I'm not scared. There's just no use approaching in school. It's no longer a matter of approach anxiety, but the fact that approaching at school is just a b*tch. No girls in my classes I'd like to approach, and approaching at lunch is simply a bother, most tables are full anyway. And what the f*ck am I going to talk to a group of girls at lunch that I don't know about anyway? Don't answer that, because there isn't anything to talk about. You know I'm tired of talking about what girls want, f*ck that how's it going sh*t, I don't care how it's going. I want to talk about track, wrestling, music, sh*t I'm into. If I don't see anything I want to talk to the girls about, they're just not worth approaching. I got better things to do than trying to break my back finding girls to approach.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
you're never going to stop making excuses... all of us have problems like that, it's just we find ways around them instead of crying like little b1tches. you might as well just give up now.
Yeah, well when the excuses are true, it doesn't matter.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
Scared? I'm not scared. There's just no use approaching in school. It's no longer a matter of approach anxiety, but the fact that approaching at school is just a b*tch. No girls in my classes I'd like to approach, and approaching at lunch is simply a bother, most tables are full anyway. And what the f*ck am I going to talk to a group of girls at lunch that I don't know about anyway? Don't answer that, because there isn't anything to talk about. You know I'm tired of talking about what girls want, f*ck that how's it going sh*t, I don't care how it's going. I want to talk about track, wrestling, music, sh*t I'm into. If I don't see anything I want to talk to the girls about, they're just not worth approaching. I got better things to do than trying to break my back finding girls to approach.
Spark notes version: I'm too afraid to talk to anyone i don't know, and i would rather whack off than face my fears.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Rock_Solid said:
Spark notes version: I'm too afraid to talk to anyone i don't know, and i would rather whack off than face my fears.
Yeah, sure whatever man. I'm tired of searching for women to approach, there's an either an oppurtunity to approach or not. If her tables full it's full, what am I going to do f*cking kick somebody out of there chair? Wow, you are stupid if you think that. So stop calling the truth excuses. Besides, I don't want to approach girls in groups. Not having to approach girls just makes there one less thing to worry about. I got track, jazz band, friends, I'm too busy for a women anyway. If women have to be so difficult to any guy who approaches them, I say f*ck it, your loss. There's no point in approaching groups of girls I don't even find attractive, do I want their numbers? No, do I want to do them no? Do I want to do any of the girls in their group? I'm just approaching them so I can write a damn field report. I'm done breaking my back looking for women to approach at lunch, when I could be doing something better. If I see a single oppurtunity, sure I'll take that, but I'm not doing this group sh*t, I don't want your friends. But f*ck that, I got better things to do than waste my life looking for girls to approach. If I see a girl I want to approach, okay, but I'm tired of "p*ssy hunting" girls I don't even like. Makes no difference to me wether or not I stay a virgin throughout High School because getting laid really doesn't mean that much to me.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
If getting laid "doesn't mean that much" to you, then why are you here?

Also, you SHOULD approach a group of girls even if your not attracted to them, hell it's probably better then. You get over your approach anxiety and you get some much needed practice.

But wait, you said you don't like approaching groups of girls. Ok then, approach lone girls, you can find them all over the place. For example, you always talk about approaching girls at lunch, so why not talk to a girl on the lunch line. You always complain about not having things to talk about, so talk about how overpriced the lunches are (at least in my school they are). There are HUNDREDS of opportunities throughout the day to even just chat with a HB.

Listen, I'm trying to help you for some reason, even though there isn't any way to help you. You have to change because you know what, college is going to be the same thing and your just going to have the same excuses. Then what, your not going to want to approach in the workplace and you won't want to go to bars/clubs because you have better things to do. Next thing you know your Luke Skywalker, the 31 year old virgin.

Take control of your damn life, stop making stupid excuses. I'm done with this thread, if you don't take ANY of the advice that i or anyone else has tried to tell you, then your just wasting our time.

Next time i see a thread created by you, I EXPECT to see a FR of you at least talking to a girl.

Oh and don't bother responding to this, because I'm not opening up this thread again.

Thai Foon

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
Yeah, sure whatever man. I'm tired of searching for women to approach, there's an either an oppurtunity to approach or not. If her tables full it's full, what am I going to do f*cking kick somebody out of there chair? Wow, you are stupid if you think that. So stop calling the truth excuses. Besides, I don't want to approach girls in groups. Not having to approach girls just makes there one less thing to worry about. I got track, jazz band, friends, I'm too busy for a women anyway. If women have to be so difficult to any guy who approaches them, I say f*ck it, your loss. There's no point in approaching groups of girls I don't even find attractive, do I want their numbers? No, do I want to do them no? Do I want to do any of the girls in their group? I'm just approaching them so I can write a damn field report. I'm done breaking my back looking for women to approach at lunch, when I could be doing something better. If I see a single oppurtunity, sure I'll take that, but I'm not doing this group sh*t, I don't want your friends. But f*ck that, I got better things to do than waste my life looking for girls to approach. If I see a girl I want to approach, okay, but I'm tired of "p*ssy hunting" girls I don't even like. Makes no difference to me wether or not I stay a virgin throughout High School because getting laid really doesn't mean that much to me.
get off this site


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
So what's the reason now?

You are afraid of what people think? You think that people think you are a loser? Well, people will always think you are a loser if you do nothing. People get pissed off at you because they see you do nothing.

If you improve that will slowly go away. A loser stays a loser if he does nothing.

You say well, you don't want to approach a girl you don't like. Well, sometimes in life you have to do things you don't like to do. Take for example school. Do you like preparing for tests? No. Most people don't. However it is the results that matter. You feel bad doing the hard part but feel good in the end. It is like that with girls.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Lowell, MA
i am loud and if u think you are embaressing yourself by yelling at the top of your lungs at a friend or a female friend something like HI or I LOVE YOU then ur not some peopel with think ur a retard but dude the person who is getting the attenton will fuking love gotta let urself loose and not care what people think.when u think so deaply into **** ur gona **** up


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
you don't have friends. like you said in your post about you being miserable, all you do on the weekends outside of your activities is stay home. don't lie to us. you don't have anything even resembling a social life. and you know very well that jazz band and track aren't filling that huge hole in your life. stop denying it. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU POSTING IF ITS JUST TO TELL US YOU HAVE NO OPPORTUNITY TO APPROACH.
I don't have friends? Sorry you are wrong there buddy.

no you won't. how can you be so picky? get it in your fvckin head. you're a nerd. a loser. a scrub. you don't have any friends to hang out with outside of school (and the ones in school probably ignore you).
Haha, you are so f*cking stupid. You don't know sh*t about me, stop thinking you do. First off, I'm not a loser, second off, my friends don't ignore me, as your friends probably do to you. Anyway, I'm done with this sh*t, 4 pages is enough, and really I don't even care any more.

Thai Foon

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
I don't have friends? Sorry you are wrong there buddy.

Haha, you are so f*cking stupid. You don't know sh*t about me, stop thinking you do. First off, I'm not a loser, second off, my friends don't ignore me, as your friends probably do to you. Anyway, I'm done with this sh*t, 4 pages is enough, and really I don't even care any more.
Viper please stop lying

some of your posts:

"Well alright, even though I have several hobbies, I've pretty much always been a loser. Basically what I mean by loser, is not that I don't have any hobbies or anything, but it's that I don't have any friends. "

"The reason I don't have any friends, is that I'm just afraid of going up to people, and starting conversation with them. My biggest fear, is that they're just not going to like me, which is also the reason that I'm afraid to approach woman. "

"Well, in school I pretty much have no friends, and I want to change that, but I'm not sure how."

What an AMAZING social life you must lead!!

Sorry we will leave you alone now Mr Popular


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
LOL I love how you nitpick at my post and only reply to the parts that you have a response to. The other parts that offer common sense solutions for your ridiculous excuses you simply cut out. You're hilarious.

I just looked at one of your recent posts from earlier this year.

"Well alright, even though I have several hobbies, I've pretty much always been a loser. Basically what I mean by loser, is not that I don't have any hobbies or anything, but it's that I don't have any friends."

good job dumbfvck.

Lol. Listen "MrConfidence". You can't say we don't know anything about you after you've made dozens of threads telling everyone about you and your pathetic life. We all know about you. You've told us about yourself so many times. How you don't have friends, how you don't have the balls even to talk to a girl, how you sound like a faggot. All from your own mouth. You can't hide your nerdiness from us.
for example:

I quite clearly remember you made a thread titled "How to stop being such a loser."

yeah, they don't ignore you because you don't have any. stop lying to yourself.

you've probably gotten more help than ANY OTHER SINGLE MEMBER ON THIS BOARD. yet you haven't even changed one bit. And you still have the nerve to diss other members. You will be a loser until time ends, and nothing anybody says will ever save you.

everyone in this site started off being nice to you, me included. we all wanted to help you. now we all hate you, mock you, and laugh at you. i can't even imagine the hell that you're experiencing in real life, and the sad thing is you completely deserve it.

Believe what you want man, despite what you think, I do have friends, and I'm not a loser. You think I don't have friends? So what? That doesn't change the fact that you're wrong. I admit I don't have "many" friends, but alas, I DO infact have friends. Plus you still can't say you know me, because there are a lot of things I don't tell you guys.

Viper please stop lying

some of your posts:

"Well alright, even though I have several hobbies, I've pretty much always been a loser. Basically what I mean by loser, is not that I don't have any hobbies or anything, but it's that I don't have any friends. "

"The reason I don't have any friends, is that I'm just afraid of going up to people, and starting conversation with them. My biggest fear, is that they're just not going to like me, which is also the reason that I'm afraid to approach woman. "

"Well, in school I pretty much have no friends, and I want to change that, but I'm not sure how."

What an AMAZING social life you must lead!!
I admit I don't have a social life, but do have friends, very few, yes, but I do have friends.

And yeah, in real life, I pretty much don't care. You see, I don't let online things affect the real world.

Ah well, this is my last post in this thread, I've got other things to do, and this is simply a waste of my time.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Do you know why people are rude?

You bring it upon yourself. Were people rude to you in the begginning? They weren't they treated you like a normal person. Notice a pattern?

People will be less rude to you if you try. If I could i'd pay you five bucks, just to try. I am tired of seeing people rude to you. But, in the end it's your fault. The only way for the rudeness to go away is to change. You bring it upon yourself. I'd rather not be mean to you if you think I am. I am sure people don't like it but people are just tired of giving you advice over and over and over again.

Wonder why people, aren't rude to other people then they are to you? Other people have succeed and tried. They improve.

When you start improving, things will probably change. Until then you will be the same loser, that you choose to be.

If you want people to respect you on this board, earn respect by doing something. I promise I will give you the proper respect you deserve, if you earn it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
I agree with crossboss, people always seem to attack you but I can see how it always happens, the same pattern, MrConfidence I think its all in how youre seeing every sitution, you see them as challenges, theyre not, just have fun with it for now, you dont have to be perfect yet, get something to start with then improve it make friends with the hottest girls, get confortable around girls in genral then fix up your game, it doesnt have to be perfect, be easy on yourself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
GaryUranga said:
I agree with crossboss, people always seem to attack you but I can see how it always happens, the same pattern, MrConfidence I think its all in how youre seeing every sitution, you see them as challenges, theyre not, just have fun with it for now, you dont have to be perfect yet, get something to start with then improve it make friends with the hottest girls, get confortable around girls in genral then fix up your game, it doesnt have to be perfect, be easy on yourself.
That's right. We don't expect you to be perfect, we don't even expect you to be average at this point in time. All we want to see is some improvement.

What's is better? Being a 1/10 or a 3/10?


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Retard or troll, Mr Butters has proven time and time again that any help offered is futile. Lets stop doing the same thing and expecting different results.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
I might be wrong, but I think Mr.Confidence is a troll. If you´re not a troll I´m sorry for calling you one. Here is something you should think about:

In order to become important you have to make other people feel important. Never be the one that asks for favors. Instead be the one that does favors and be nice to people. Talk to everyone you see and always call them by their name and be friendly and smile (this is very important :) ). I believe what you could do better is to stop critizising people and NEVER argue with anyone even if you know you are right. This makes people feel comfortable around you and it also makes THEM feel important when you always wait till it´s your turn to talk. People love to talk about themselves, so the best way to make new friends is let them talk about themselves. Always find out what they are interested in and ask them questions about it.

Good luck my man. If you are not a troll I´m sure you can change. :rock:

- ChrizZ

Thai Foon

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
I might be wrong, but I think Mr.Confidence is a troll. If you´re not a troll I´m sorry for calling you one. Here is something you should think about:

In order to become important you have to make other people feel important. Never be the one that asks for favors. Instead be the one that does favors and be nice to people. Talk to everyone you see and always call them by their name and be friendly and smile (this is very important :) ). I believe what you could do better is to stop critizising people and NEVER argue with anyone even if you know you are right. This makes people feel comfortable around you and it also makes THEM feel important when you always wait till it´s your turn to talk. People love to talk about themselves, so the best way to make new friends is let them talk about themselves. Always find out what they are interested in and ask them questions about it.

Good luck my man. If you are not a troll I´m sure you can change. :rock:

- ChrizZ
hes not a troll, just a never changing AFC who never changes and makes excuses for it


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Thai Foon said:
hes not a troll, just a never changing AFC who never changes and makes excuses for it
Lied about that being my last post. Yes Thai Foon is for the most part right. Excuses aside, there's this girl from track, who use to do band that I'm going to approach tomorrow which may change the whole AFC thing. It shouldn't be hard at all I go up to her say "Hey, I recognize you from track, what event do you do?" and go from there. I also saw this hot Asian girl who looked to be around my age at the grocery store, but I didn't say anything to her.
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